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About Maljra

  • Birthday 02/19/1991

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  1. I have looked through a couple of pages worth of posts but I was unable to find an answer to this question: Once aLeviticus manifests the new stat card does not say anything about not drawing a control hand at the start of the turn. Am I correct in saying that once he manifests I regain the ability to draw a control hand at the start of the turn?
  2. Im pretty sure you can target them you just wouldn't get any extra Waifs out of it.
  3. Personally I think Perdita is your best bet. She has an easy play style plus a rather powerful crew just out of the box. 90% of people I have met hate playing against Hamlin cause he can take the fun out of playing the game really easily (the other 10% play Hamlin). Zorida is a lot of fun but can be tricky to learn, and Kiri is also hard to learn and you kinda need all the models with the spirit trait to make her work well. But that is my 2 cents. I hope that helps.
  4. With Zorida you can bewitch him and prevent him from cheating or if you take aZorida you can throw tangled threads and suppressed destiny to burn up his control hand and take away any suits on flipped cards
  5. I am guessing exorcist as well, but personally I would have loved it if they made a lawyer names Miss Trial.
  6. Thanks for read, and both of those are some very welcomed criticisms. I have tweaked the story just a bit to take them into account.
  7. Here is one i just wrote up http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?31886-Collette-vs-Lady-Justice-25ss
  8. The sun was just beginning to crest over the mountain range that encircled the little abandoned village on the outskirts of the city. Collette looked at the little coterie she had in her company. Damn, why did Ramos have to have these meeting so far outside the city. Collette thought to herself as she cradled the little mechanical dove in her arms. Turning it over and cranking the key she allowed it to come to life once more and held it out before the other. “Mistress Collette, Guild officers were just at the theater. They…they ransacked the place looking for a cache of illegal soul stones.” Angelicas frantic voice came through the vox in the dove’s open mouth. “I heard them say something that The Lady is heading your direction. You have to get out of their fast.” The doves mouth shut, leaving the band in science. They began to pass glances at each other and eventually they all looked to Collette for direction. Sensing their desire for leadership Collette hopped up onto a rock and projected her voice as she did nightly on her theater’s stage. “ Well you heard the lady, we got guild running down on us, and to be honest I’m sick of it. We are gonna show them a lesson. You see that forest over there…” Collette pointed across the empty shells that comprised the city’s outskirts. “…Torch it; and if you see Lady J shout I wanna have some words with her.” Without another word the little band set out; Cassandra rushing ahead towards the ruined stone building in the center of the town. The Performer, Jessica, and her dressmaker doll Pixie rushed after Cassandra. That damn girl is still too naïve. When it comes to blows next to Cassandra was the last place to be. Shaking her head she hoofed it to the small stone hill to the left of the ruined building. Upon the top of the hill Collette saw that Angelica was in fact true. Lady Justice could be seen on the other side of the little town in the company of her ever present judge and not one but four of those damn marshals. Collette crouched down and pulled out a second of her mechanical friends; placing one of the precious soul stones at the end of the screw key before placing it back in the bird and cranking it to life. She let it fly over the stone structure and join its partner on the other side. Lady Justice, her judge, and the marshal with them ducked at the incoming wave of mechanical birds. Using the distraction Cassandra broke to the right of building towards a cemetery where the gunsmith Jonas was currently hiding. As she sprinted closer Jonas rose from behind the ledge and started to unleash round after round into the oncoming marshals. Two of the marshals hit the deck and began to return fire but the rounds bounced off the stones causing little effect. A third marshal though snuck through the gate and was taking position to jump the gunsmith when Cassandra raced up the steps gutting the marshal from behind. “Nice of you to show up Lass, now let’s get outta here.” Chuckled the Gunsmith watching the marshal fall. Seeing that she was obviously outclassed Jessica snuck into the building with Pixie on her heels. Taking cover she withdrew her clockwork derringer and checked that it was loaded. Watching the carnage from above Collette became frustrated as both her doves were cut down, the first by the judge and the second by the marshal before they could detonate. Seeing that the battle hit her like a brick Lady justice broke from cover and followed Cassandra across open ground to the cemetery. Seeing that Cassandra may be at a disadvantage She closed her eyes and whispered “abra kadabra” and with a puff of smoke she was standing in the ruins of stone building. As the smoke cleared she could see the Judge Advancing in through the now door less entry way. With a very exenterated bow and a tip of the hat she disappeared in another puff of smoke. Collette looked up with just enough time to see Lady Justices massive sword wet with blood come falling towards her head. With a quick flick of her wrist a little black wand slid into her grasp. She raised the little wand in time to deflect the massive sword. “YOU…” the words seethed out of Lady Justice’s mouth. “Yes me. Now we need to have a few words” Collette squeaked out between giggles as she ducked and jumped out of the way of Lady Justices’ blows. Another flick of the wrist and razor sharp cards appeared from the tip of her wand and flew at the Guild agent. With the same fluid motion she ripped the top hat off her head and let fly yet another dove that flew over lady justices head and into the marshals behind her, exploding with a load BANG! Justice snapped her head towards her men. Seizing the opportunity Jonas raised his paired pistols and unloaded a barrage into the Lady, driving her back against the wall. Collette raised her hand and the gunsmith stopped and began to reload. The bloody and battered Justice leaned against the wall for support; Breathing heavy. Her hand twitched towards her pistol but Collette was faster and sent another barrage of cards at her. Justice let out a wail of pain as razor sharp cards pinned her to the stone. Collette walked slowly towards her. “Now, now miss Justice. It would seem that you had come to ruin my show, and I DON’T LIKE THAT!” Collette screamed betraying her true frustration with the whole situation. “You and your oppressive dogs have gotten in OUR way far too many times and I’m sick of it. You better prepare a nice place in hell for that governor general of yours. I hear he is a very, needy man. AND FOR MY FINAL TRICK!” She bellowed holding the hat in front of her and waving her free hand over it “Now you see me….” And like a viper she thrust her and into the hat; snapped it free producing a very ornate revolver “…and now you don’t.” was all she whispered and she placed a round between Lady Justice’s eyes. The body slumped and the cemetery was quite. Turning to Jonas and holding up a blackened stone “and that mister Jonas is how I make these” she said with a smirk as fingers of blue light rushed from the bloody mouth of Lady Justice into the stone bringing it to life. Seeing their leader executed one of the marshals charged Collette but before the Gunsmith could raise his pistols in her defense she turned and threw her hat. The hat sailed in the wind and landed atop the head of the marshal and he disappeared with a flash; the hat fell to the ground where the marshal once stood. Collette briskly walked to her hat and brushed it off. Looking at the forest, “Torch it” she said absentmindedly to her ally. Meanwhile across the battle field the performer looked up and was flabbergasted to find herself outside and a marshal advancing on her. Taking a second to steel her nerve she attempted to draw the man in with her feminine wiles. But instead a bullet erupted from his gun and buried it the head of Pixie who now stood between the two of them. Seeing that her seduction was a wasted effort she responded with her own derringer fire. Seconds of heated gunfire passed. Once the smoke cleared the mannequin lay destroyed in the rubble and the marshal continually coming closer. With the last bullet in her gun and her life on the line she rose up and they both shot one last time. The marshals bullet was a white hot lance as it entered her arm causing her to drop the gun. She just laid there waiting for death to come but after a moment of nothing happening she raised her head to see Collette of all people crouched over the dead marshal. “Nice shot Jessi, right through the heart.” Smirked her mistress. “We….won?” murmured the stunned performer. Reaching up and accepting the outstretched hand of the gunsmith. Using her free hand to block out the harsh sun’s rays that hit her face. “Well of course, did you expect anything less of little old me?” giggled Collette. “But a some cost.” Her voice becoming suddenly sober. That was when she saw it. The limp and and battered body of Cassandra slumped over the gun smith’s shoulder. “OH MY GOD, NO!” She wailed. “Calm down my little dove. Cassandra will be okay, we will make sure of it with the help of this one.” She said reassuringly as she showed the trapped miniature marshal in the depths of her hat. “Jonas if you wouldn’t mind.” She said motioning towards the mannequin. The older man grunted and threw that it over his other shoulder and set off with Collette in tow; Jessica following. “How? How did it happen” “My guess? When I poofed in to take on Lady Justice the judge must have got her. Which could only have happened if she wasn’t one hundred percent” “yeah, she took a swing at lady justice but that grouchy old hag blocked it so she spun and sent a gout of flame at the blind whore-” Grunted the burdened gunsmith. “I take offense at calling her a whore. It makes the real whores look bad.” Interjected Collette. “My apologizes Mistress Collette; as I was saying. She filled the gate way with flames and that guild woman charged through and gave her a good cut to the chest before I could take a shot Justice was already swinging for the death blow; and then there you were.” “Is…Is she dead too?” “Yep finished her off myself” And with that the little motley continued on down the road past the flaming forest with the hanging death marshals tied up around the gates. *** On the outskirts on now flaming village the Judge sat over the body of lady justice. The last remaining marshal approaching. “What are we gonna do sir?” A loud BANG erupted from the pistol of the judge and the death marshal dropped to the ground holding his bleeding leg. “We bring her back, Justice is an ideal that Malifaux need. But it isn’t good to let it get out that Justice is dead now is it? Time to turn back the clock and bring Justice back to Malifaux. You win this time miss DuBois...” Muttered the Judge as he stalked over to the fallen marshal. The Judge bent over the marshal and dragged him up to eye level by the throat. "...and as for you. How in the bloody hell did you let that little whore do that" seethed the Judge pointing at Lady Justice's. "I-I, she was..." the marshal stammered "She just made Hector disappear, she is too strong for u-" the Judge reached out and cut the marshal off with a quick punch to his mouth. "WE are the GUILD, nothing is stronger then US! REMEMBER that." The Judge threw the coward back to the ground. "Let's go." grunted the Judge as he set off towards the nearest safe house carrying Lady Justice's limp body like a fallen rag doll. ---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ---------- Collette -No Master or henchmen in deployment zone -Bodyguard (Collette) -Sabotage (forest) Lady J -Models touching all four corners -Lay to Rest (Collette) -cant remember the last one ---------- Post added at 08:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ---------- Hoped you enjoyed and there wasn't too many typos.
  9. This is true, but the waifs are undead. So I guess it can still sorta work cause Bete will come out when they are sacrificed at the end of the turn. So not as efficient but still an idea.
  10. Another option is to take Bete Nior and just not take her out until you are ready. Cause every turn Levi should die which means just about every turn you can bring her out. So if LCB rushes Levi and kills him poof he now has Bete to deal with who is placed in base with LCB and gets her full activation next if you like.
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