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Posts posted by MindOfMykk

  1. Thanks for the tips. My instinct was to stay away from upgrades (subscribing to the KISS principal or Demo games) but throwing one or two per side in can't hurt.

    I think I might try out Sybell with Belles vs. Judge with Death Marshalls. This gives me an interesting looking mix of models, a great story to play out and should be a pretty well balanced game. For more experienced gamers it will give me an opportunity to show how important the scenario system is to Malifaux, which I thing personally is one of the real shinning points of the game.

  2. Hi everyone,

    I am looking at running some demo games at my LGS this weekend and I was just looking for thoughts on what crews people are using to demo Malifaux these days.

    I used to run Rasputina vs. Lady Justice a lot, but with the new rules I find that running henchman vs. henchman is the way to go. The trick is fining enough of a balance that new players can get a feel for the game and have fun with just a few models.

    The other trick is that I want to use the stat cards, so I don't want anything too complicated on there, some people get intimidated by a lot of text. It seems a hard balance to find.

    So what have you had success with so far using the M2E models in a demo game?

    Thanks for any assistance.

  3. Love the look of these models, great idea for the colours (that's right, I'm Canadian) and the skin on the female gunsmith looks phenomenal.

    Have you thought about carrying some of the flame on to the gamin's bases as a light source on the pipes? I think it would look really neat and tie the models up really nicely.

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