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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. testors enamel,... don't,.. do,.. it,...
  2. I never could get those smooth color transitions. Mine always end up with a "step" between one layer of color and another, no matter how thin I try to make the paint. Some day I'm gonna be able to sit down with one of you guys and watch you as you do it. I've had several people try to explain it to me over the internet, but reading about it and watching it in progress are two different things.
  3. I can see the $12.00 maybe. But at my quality, the $50-65 is going to be a bit much. Plus, the higher the price point, the fewer the clients.
  4. Yeah,.. I really gotta get invested in a decent photo setup,.. with a real camera. My phone does alright, but still, it's not the same.
  5. And he's got mini-OCD and ADD,... (not to mention his god-like powers of creation *grin*)
  6. In this case,.. it's a simple grass flock to match the rest of his army. ---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ---------- See,.. that's one of my personal pet peeves too. I like straight lines and crisp edges more then the shading/highlighting. It bothers the crap out of me to have my tunic color bleeding over onto my flesh,.. or my pants color bleeding over onto the belt or shirt. Sometimes, I think people tend to "overshade/highlight",.. to the point where it just doesn't look natural. Cloth, for example, shouldn't have as hard of a "highlight-edge" as say,.. a piece of metal. The transition should be less noticeable and "softer". Just my 2 cents,..
  7. True. I tend to average about 4 hours per model. So, yeah, that'd be about 1.50 an hour. It is for a friend though. So then the question becomes what's the going rate for something like this?
  8. Guess I'm gonna have to add your name to my list of painting heros and gods,... *grin*
  9. Thanks. I can do some work for you if you like. Although, I live in CA, so I'm not sure how the shipping would work.
  10. Here's a commission piece I'm working on. I've still got to clean up the edges of the base and flock it. What do you think? Worth the $7.00 I'm charging for the work?
  11. Brings a whole new meaning to "speed" painting,.. *grin*
  12. How to be a hoe,.. in 6 easy lessons oh,.. sorry,.. wrong school *grin*
  13. Proper Backhanding Techniques: A Guide To Proper (Mis)Treatment of Underlings ---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 PM ---------- Classic Blunders of Evil Empires. (this course covers many basic mistakes when dealing with "heroes",.. like the classic blunder of leaving them caged, unattented, or with one completely inept guard)
  14. Maniacal Laughter 101 Setting Traps For Heros: A How-To Guide Eploiting Your Friends For Fun and Profit
  15. and if someone misses their deadline, then the next person can just take over from there.
  16. How about an on-going story? All participants involved. One person starts, (up to 1500 words) but leaves the end open. The next person on the list then has 2-3 weeks to write the "next chapter" of the story, any way they want. Then the next person,.. then the next,.. etc. See what we come up with in a joint venture,...
  17. open package remove model trim model prime model paint model clearcoat model take photo post photo check Mako's paint log realize my painting sucks compared to his get depressed go to bed get up the next morning and do it all over again lather,... rinse,.. repeat,..
  18. an unofficial fig painting competition/race? just between us mini-junkies?
  19. Gencon sounds like fun. It'd be cool to meet some of y'all
  20. I may give it a shot,.. and perhaps try to keep it running. you know, use my two things from the list in this set, and then when the next writing assignment comes out, have to try to incorporate the next 2 items into the following set of choices. But that may get a bit complex,...
  21. But then,.. that raises the next obvious question,.. the 1500 word limit. Would that limit then have to divided between the options? say,.. 500 words each (the original starting point plus two choice options). Or does each section need to be 1500 words? And if a picture is worth 1000 words,.. would I win if I just post 3 different pictures? (one in each choice section? *grin*
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