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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. I got a wide range of things I listen to as well,.. from ac/dc to enya,.. and everything in between. Country gives me the heeby-jeebies too,... But I tend to gravitate to alternative stuff. Bush, NIN, and the like,.. and a lot of '80's stuff. depeche mode, cyndi lauper, duran duran,.. the list goes on
  2. I speak english,.. and bad english,... a little russian,.. and a small handfull of mexican words.
  3. country music? ---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ---------- he might be taller,.. i'm only about 6'3"
  4. I guess it'd be interesting to see if everyone else is as big a geek as me. *raises hand* Tall, skinny, nerd type,... right here,...
  5. haven't seen fell on in a while. Abs has been in few different threads, just not here lately. ---------- Post added at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ---------- I would like to (at some point if we can all work it out and afford it) meet up with you guys at Gen-Con or some such thing. I think it'd be interesting to faces to the names.
  6. 'm not complaining though,.. I've made some good friends here (present company included). So if the old guard doesn't come around much,.. so be it.
  7. well,.. most of us live in the gutter full time anyhow,..
  8. well,.. some of the old crew that used to hang out here, weren't always all that social with newcomers. but some of those people don't seem to come on anymore,.. at least not much that I've noticed as of late anyways,..
  9. Have I missed anything interesting the past little while?
  10. yes,.. but I'm a Spanish secret agent,.. oh wait,.. now I have to kill you all,.. I'm doing well,.. yourself?
  11. *swings in on my web and takes my usual spot up in the corner,.. takes the flag pole I carried in with me and sticks it into the floor,...* I claim this land,.. in the name of Spain!!!
  12. Well done. I reall like the wanted poster on the wall. A little detail like that helps make the world he's standing in more believable, and often goes overlooked, even by me. My only critisism (if I may be so bold) is that the brown look on Seamus makes him blend into the wall in the background. It makes it a bit "monotone". I would have prefered more color distinction to make it "pop". But that's just my personal prference.
  13. I'm a fan of loctite gel glue for both plastics and metal.
  14. I spent a long time just trying to get it fixed. I'm sad about losing the detail in the head. But the filing process killed it on the left side of the head, so I went ahead and smoothed out the right side too. But still, like I said in the opening post,.. I'm happy enough with the end result, especially given what I had to start with.
  15. Yeah,.. Mako and a few of the others. BrushMistress for example also has some awesome work. Plus, being smug about your talent can make you seem like an ass. I get lots of compliments too. Guess I'm just my own worst critic.
  16. Me too. I figure, it's better to be humble about it,.. rather then brag about how good I am, and then have someone else show their work and make me look foolish in the process. *grin*
  17. probably a bit of both *grin*
  18. Thanks,.. my sculpting seems to be getting better and worked out pretty good on this one, even if my painting is a little lackluster,.. (compared to some at least) ---------- Post added at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ---------- Thanks, but I still need more practice with my shadows and highlights. It still always feels a bit "blocky" to me. Just haven't been able to figure out the smooth transitions between colors. But this one did turn out a bit better then my usual attempts. I paint very well in solid colors, and am pretty much a pro at blacklining. But the more realisitic color fading technique seems to escape me for some reason or other.
  19. Ok,.. finally opened my Collette box and got started on my showgirls. This particular manniquin had a rather nasty mold-line in it. The left and right half were off by about 1/32", almost as though the mold had slid when they were casting it or taking it apart or something. Anyways, a few hours with a file and a bit of green-stuff,.. and here is the result. I had to sacrifice some of the details in the head to make it happen though. But still, the end result is passable I think,...
  20. The harpy is interesting. I assume the arms transition into the wings?
  21. Alas,.. 10 days into this thing, and the distributor is still out of armatures. So, I'm at a stand-still for a moment. What about the rest of you guys? Any WIP's to show yet?
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