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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Here's the latest in my 7 dollar commission works. Wasn't much to work with on this model so the paint is pretty basic. The color of the images are shifted a bit into the blue-green side of things.
  2. yeah,.. I added more purple to the grey. I'm much happier with it now. Still gotta work out a back design though. Maybe an arcane summoning symbol? or I wonder if I could pull off something that looks like the the mechanical dove and cards coming out of the hat,..
  3. alright,.. here she is with some grey and a light purple wash. Personally, I'm thinking a bit heavier on the purple. And the back of the jacket seems a bit bland. I might have to hand detail in some sort of design or patch for the back. thoughts,..???
  4. Very well done. I'm jealous of your ability, as always.
  5. speaking of poses, I've gotta get started on my next sculpt.
  6. alright,.. grey it is!!! (Unless it starts coming out wrong, then it may change.)
  7. You really shouldn't eat the paint. I know it's non-toxic,.. but keep that up for too long,.. and you might end up having three headed children at some point,..
  8. I was thinking something along those lines too,.. but a deep blue as opposed to purple on the jacket. ---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ---------- Though edonil suggested a grey,.. and that could work.
  9. That's a thought. no browns,.. no yellows or oranges,.. and the red is for the hatband and rear bow. blue though,.. something in a deeper shade of blue may work. But I really like the grey thought too,.. hrmmm,...
  10. white would be too stark a contrast i think. and black all around would be boring and expected. so i either gotta break them up (ie; white gloves and black jacket,.. or choose something else altogether.
  11. I had thought about grey too,.. but then, just on the jacket and hat, or on the gloves too.
  12. Gimme a sec and I'll see if I can get a pic up,... ---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ---------- ok,.. updated my showgirls thread. The pics are there,..
  13. New update,.. I'm pretty happy with where I'm at with the base and lamp post, and even her body up to this point. I've just gotta choose the colors for the gloves, jacket, and hat at this point. I'm thinking white gloves and black jacket,.. and black hat with red band. But is that too cliche'? I'm open to suggestions,..
  14. Anyways,.. onto happier subjects. My armatures finally came in,.. so that's a bonus. And my Colette is coming along pretty well. I just gotta figure out the glove, hat, and jacket colors,..
  15. Well,.. I'm getting up there in the years, and as such, I suppose these sorts of events are to be expected. I'm trying not to focus on it though, and take it all in stride as one of lifes inevitabilities,...
  16. That,.. and mom's health is deteriorating,.. so that's got me a bit down too.
  17. Yeah,.. but this has been coming for a while I suppose. Thanks for being my support group though guys,.. *grin*
  18. no,.. I heard back, but only to tell me that they haven't reached a decision. I have another meeting scheduled for the 19th though. Keep your fingers crossed for me,.. maybe I can make enough to pay off the house.
  19. Ah yes,.. you're a day ahead of me. It's still thursday here,..
  20. Having a bit of a crap day. Totally lost my **** at work today. Without going into full detail, I found myself in a position where it was A) walk out, or punch somebody in the face,... long story short, I left,.. so, now I'm unemployed, and the job hunt begins first thing in the morning,.. Sorry to vent on you again ---------- Post added at 06:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 PM ---------- But I digress,... how are you?
  21. ok,.. reloaded the page,.. now it's up there,.. that was wierd,..er,.. wyrd,..
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