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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. is the game set up to allow such a thing though?
  2. yes,.. just mix whatever's in the blue bottle, with whatever's in the green bottle,.. and (if it doesn't explode in your face) throw at the enemy. Definitive work,.. green swatch plus blue swatch,... picture of tiger *scribbled out*,.. picture of unicorn *scribbled out*,.. picture of dragon *scribbled out*,.. something that looks like a huge exploded mess,... and on to page two,.......
  3. two words,... gremlin,.... alchemist,... I'll let your brain picture that and chew on it for a minute,.. the more you think about it, the funnier it gets,... ---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ---------- yay!!! I have 2 friends now!!!!
  4. I have Saturday's off. So it's all good for me,.. ---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 PM ---------- Me??? Add sanity to the equation??? Boy,.. are you barking up the wrong tree,.. *grin*
  5. well,.. that seemed to work *grin* ---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 PM ---------- cool,.. maybe I can squeeze in on a game here soon,.. if you guys don't mind another voice in the choir that is
  6. had to use webmonkey1,.. webmonkey was already taken,.. *shakes fist in air* traitorous bastards!!!
  7. same as always. Still gotta get that oovoo working though,...
  8. always happy to help!!! *grin* If you need anything else, just ask. I can usually find a way to make it happen.
  9. same as always,.. I get up, go to work, come home, grab something to eat, go to bed,.. get up, go to work,... lather,.. rinse,.. repeat,... ---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ---------- what about you? any superpowers yet?
  10. *swings in* ---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ---------- hrmm,.. quiet in here again,...
  11. doesn't have to be wings,... they could fly by magic, if you can find a way to sculpt that,... or even by mechanical contraption,.. (ie; a gremlin that ride a bicycle with wings,.. flapping of wings powered by furious pedaling,...),.. I don't know,.. be creative!!! And of course you're welcome to join!!!
  12. and getting from car into work without getting drenched by the rain,.. or from one floor to another without an elevator,.. you could go all evil and rob banks and such with it,... and would make running from the cops hysterically funny. *grin* (not that they could keep you in jail even if they did catch you) ---------- Post added at 08:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ---------- alright kids,.. it's bedtime for me once again. have a good evening all. *swings off into the night*
  13. teleportation is probably one of my favorite powers. otherwise, if I get to choose,.. I'd take dark force manipulation. (shadow crafting) I think the ability to create tangible shadows is awesome. And if you can travel that way,.. (step into a shadow in one spot and out of a shadow somewhere else) that's just plain bad-ass,..
  14. if you end up getting X-men like superpowers out of this,.. I want in!!! wall crawling,.. yes,... flying,.. yes,... teleportation,.. hell yes!!!
  15. agreed,.. crystal skull was terrible. The original is still my favorite though.
  16. yes, your name is on the list. you've squandered most of the time presented to you. better get crackin'!!!!
  17. yeah,.. corporate expectations are unrealistic. ---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ---------- 60 more days until the sculpters challenge is over. So far,.. having the only completed entry,.. I'm winning!!! *grin*
  18. hopefully it worked for you. you can set it to bypass the metro screen (but still access it from the start menu pop-up list if you want) and I also recommend turning off the "hot-corners". for me, the best settings in the setup are to check boxes 123 and 5. yeah, sounds like it to me. entry level should be just that,.. no experience necessary ---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ---------- and restart your system to make sure that the metro bypass is working.
  19. go here and download the start menu,... http://www.iobit.com/iobitstartmenu8.php ---------- Post added at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:07 PM ---------- downloaded thief gold,.. it plays flawlessly. love this game ---------- Post added at 07:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 PM ---------- alright ed,.. how do I get this thing working? do I need to look for a specific name, or a phone number?
  20. ok,.. got a download,.. now,.. how to find people,...??
  21. yeah,.. tried that. My mcafee says it has viruses and spyware and crap,..
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