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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. I'd like to go back to school,.. but alas,.. no time or money.
  2. or how about just one sparkly glove,... Death Marshall Micheal Jackson anyone???
  3. Sadly,.. #2 is probably the most common. It's going well,.. you? And the robots are cool,.. ---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 PM ---------- G'night bow
  4. Today's Urban Dictionary Definitions: 1. Cashtration (n): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time. 2. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole. 3. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
  5. That's about as useful as the other day, when he suggested that I use paint,...*grin* ---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ---------- (hopefully these pics aren't supposed to be telling a serious story,...???)
  6. Caption for 2nd drawing,.. "dude,... quit checking me out,...!!!"
  7. should be easy enough to do. there's plenty of those kind of stories out there.
  8. Thin Guy: Did you hear the joke about the pizza?? Fat Guy: No,.... Thin Guy: Nevermind,.. it was too cheesy,... ---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ---------- I should stop though,.. because the bad joke commentary will just keep coming ---------- Post added at 07:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 PM ---------- Fat Guy: What's with the hat?? Thin Guy: I came as the construction worker,... you wanna be the Indian?
  9. Do you want a whole story? or just some blurbs for the speech icons?
  10. Because I don't allow myself to buy the next thing until I'm done painting the first thing. Keeps the pile small that way.
  11. I still say, that by definition, a nothing beast should be an empty base,...
  12. Welcome to the forums. We're always happy to welcome new people among us. *grin* Though, (given your thread's subject title) I not sure "normal" is an applicable term to most of us here *twitch*,.. I mean, we're nice *twitch* people, but we do have some *twitch* issues on occasion,.. *grin*
  13. Shouldn't the Nothing Beast actually be just an empty/flocked base??
  14. Once again, thanks for following along. Your comments, kind words, and even criticisms have been greatly appreciated. It may be a week or two until I start the next one. So stay tuned, and I'll try not to leave you wanting for too long. *grin*
  15. Kenshin,.. complete,.... Took the advice and did a bit of a wave pattern on the back edge of the sword. I think I'll have to touch it up some still though. Also, tried out a new "photo booth" set-up on these pictures. I think it's helping the photos come out better, by quite a bit. I still need a real camera and to tweak the set-up some (better ambient light diffusion and the like), but still,.. it's a step in the right direction. (comments encouraged about the comparative photo quality please *grin) Finished the 2nd head. It has a bit more wild of a hairstyle then the other one. Ed>> I did the yellow eyes on this one,.. just for you *grin*
  16. vic>> well done *grin* you pulled it off far better then the image I had in my head,... ---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ---------- thanks for taking the suggestion though *grin*
  17. a mash-up,.. Rusty Alyce,.. in wonderland,...
  18. Playing competitively is fine, but its also the mark of a good player to be able to read his opponent and know when to use his uber moves/ uber list,.. or not. Especially against younger or newer players (so you don't turn them off from the game) If the 8yr old you're playing against leaves the table, crying like you just fed his pet rabbit to the neighbors dog,... you're probably being "that guy"
  19. either way,.. bed time for me, kids. See ya guys later,... *swings off into the night*
  20. as long as you're making progress,.. that's all that matters.
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