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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. free models is good. at least,.. if you're a painting junkie like me anyways ---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ---------- (stepping away to eat for a few)
  2. I don't really have any talent either,.. but still I'm trying. Besides, the theme is "flying monsters",.. so it should be easy to come up with something. Monsters can be easy to hide the flaws and inperfections in. Besides,.. you'll never get better of you don't practice.
  3. I'm fairly regular here. not as much as mako and edonil,.. but still, regular enough. You should join the sculpters challenge,.. i think it's gonna be fun.
  4. *waves to Alf* Heya Alf. I don't think we've formally met yet. I'm Webmonkey (aka: Phil),... nice to meet you. ---------- Post added at 07:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ---------- still trying to work out the stat card for my first sculpt. and gotta work out a few paragraphs of fluff too,..
  5. *swings in on my web and takes my usual spot up in the corner* hola amigos,... ---------- Post added at 06:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ---------- we're up to 8 sculpters!!! this is almost an actual competition now!!*L*
  6. Woo-hoo!!! up to 8 people!!! *and the peasents rejoice*
  7. perhaps,... but it may still need a trigger or two,..
  8. yeah, I liked that one too. I really wanted a unique ability for him, and that one just seemed like something that's never been done before.
  9. So I've been working on my fluff and card stats in my head for the summoned critter. (still haven't figured a name yet). But I'm thinking Neverborn as the primary faction. Cost : 9 Wk/Cg : 5/6 Ht : 2 Wp : 6 Ca : 5 (masks) Df : 6 Wd: 9 Long Clawed Fingers (ignores armor) Rg : 2 Cb : 7 (masks) Dg 2/3/5 Characteristics : Nightmare, Woe, Rare 1 Abilities : Terrifying 13, Does Not Die, Reverse Polarity, I Like Candy,... , Of Smoke and Shadows, Rage Against the Machine Reverse Polarity: Being summoned from something resembling a negative universe, this model's fate line runs opposite to our own. As such Red and Black jokers are reversed for this model. (IE: this model epicly wins with a Black Joker flip, and epicly fails with a Red Joker) I Like Candy,.. : This model has an affinity for the the woe model "Candy". If within 6 inches of her, she can transfer all incoming attacks to this model. Of Smoke and Shadows : This model takes half damage from all physical attacks. (rounded down). However,.. it takes an additional half damage from magical spells/attacks. (rounded up) (IE: 4 wounds plus an additional half (2) wound make a total of 6 wounds) Rage Against the Machine: Being a creature of pure magic, this model becomes enraged when engaged with mechanical constructs. All attacks against such targets receive (+ card) Actions : (+1) Instinctual (0) "I Can Fly!" (0) Smell Fear (still working on what triggers and spells would fit best,.. as always, I'm willing to entertain ideas)
  10. Lucius's bottom half looks kinda like old-school star-trek pants and boots to me,.. not sure why though,.. *L* I keep expecting to see Kirk or Bones or Scotty on the top half of the model. I'm sure that'll change as the work progresses though. Nice draping of the fabrics though. And the smoothness of the clay is fantastic. mine always seams to be a bit grittier then that somehow.
  11. do they ship to the US? I know a lot of places will ship to canada but not the US ---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ---------- i like the chest design. although,.. with the rib cage, I'm wonder about construction. Looking at the image, I got several impressions of what it could be,.. beaten iron, shaped brass,.. even wood (lightweight for the flight potential while still being sturdy enough to contain the gizmos) just some food for thought. ---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ---------- anyways,.. off to bed for me again,.. pesky work,.. *mumbles as I toddle off* frica-fraggin-frican,....
  12. worth every penny if I can get them to stay sharp and do what I need of them.
  13. definitely, not GW,.. those are the worst brushes ever. never heard of 'em. but I'll have to check them out. it'd be worth the price if they hold up as well as you say. I just get mine from the local art store,.. but they leave a lot to be desired. ---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ---------- hrmm,.. checking out the site,.. i see a 441 half rigger,.. but only a full rigger in the 44
  14. never can find brushes that keep their tip for any real length of time. what brand do you use?
  15. thats the real trick isn't it. a monster has to be suitably scary and dangerous,.. but also have a sufficient level of drawbacks, to make them more "real and lovable",.. so to speak. ---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ---------- you've got to be using a magnifying glass and some superfine .00 brushes for those cranes and such.
  16. I like it. Though all these tid-bits are gonna take time. love the cranes on the robes btw
  17. or a big wind-up key in the back?,.. you know, like the old-school type toys from yester-year,..
  18. I still think the pedulum ticking away between the rib-cage and in the stomach region would be awesome.
  19. no more drawings to help flesh it out? got the base as done as i can get it for the moment. got a bit of the smoke coming up from the floor. gotta bake it soon though so I can file a bit of the detail lines. Then, it's onto the upper body, where I'm gonna have to spend far more time.
  20. stop eating the clay,.. it causes blindness. Oh wait,.. blindness is caused by,.. well,.. nevermind,..
  21. sounds cool. I'm interested to see how it comes out.
  22. Please stop,... we can't handle the pun-ishment,... *grin*
  23. Welcome footman! You're welcome to join us if you like. Just read the whole thread for theme and time details. And add your name to the list.
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