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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. *swings in on my web and takes my usual spot up in the corner* ---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ---------- Evenin' gents,..
  2. agreed,.. the jakuna is awesome. the kid does blend in a bit though. perhaps a color change from the green dress? or a slightly lighter shade of green? just some thoughts.
  3. no,.. but I'll look into it. thanks
  4. latest update,.. I think I've got a decent handle on the musculature (still need to work on the right chest and arm),.. but what I've got so far I like. The hand seems a bit oversized to me still, so I need to work that down a bit. And to be honest, I'd rather the hands be open,.. so I need to figure out a way to make the hands without it deforming so much as I try to work it. Perhaps greenstuff instead of fimo? and maybe an armiture of some type underneath? Not sure if I can find a wire thin, yet stiff, enough to do the job. Was getting bad feedback from the light fimo against the white for some reason, so went with a darker background and used the shadows to show the details this time out. As always,... feel free to point and laugh at my ridiculous attempts at sculpting,..
  5. *returns to the scene of the crime,.. er,.. swings in on my web*
  6. Either way,.. time for dinner,... pushes pause on this discussion... to be continued
  7. I disagree. The long and short of the arguement is that my rights should not be impeded because of the flawed actions of others
  8. Not if people are properly trained in the use of firearms. Our military for example, manage to fire in close quarters without killing each other
  9. But then the criminal gets dead,.. causing the crime rate to go down by 1 offender. Why blame the gun? Or even mental illness? Why can't it just be the "guys" fault?
  10. Given my example,... it would actually decrease gun violence.
  11. Then perhaps the solution isn't less guns, but more guns. What if every person were required to carry one? What happens to the crime rate when the bank robber realizes that not only is the clerk behind the counter armed, but so are all the people in line. I bet he thinks twice about it.
  12. But that then poses an interesting debate,.. do we have so many laws because we have so many criminals or do we have so many criminals because we have so many laws? If there weren't so many things to get busted for, would we have so many people be getting busted? You defend the current structure, while ignoring the mass incarceration of the people. And why shouldn't I be allowed to defend myself from someone who's trying to do me harm, with the same level of lethalness with which he attempts to harm me.?
  13. I disagree that guns are the problem. Even if we did take away the guns,.. the criminals will still have them. And the whole point of allowing us to have guns, is so that we can defend ourselves from our government, should it become tyrannical and oppressive to its people. Some would argue that we are close to that already.
  14. He flipped the black joker on purpose. Just to make it seem like he wasn't cheating. He stacks his deck you know,...
  15. Yes,.. you can cheat,... but only a little. But for more advanced sculpters, like mako, I expect more personal effort. But for the newbies, we can stretch the rules a bit. No buying fully formed models though. Let's say,... no more then 20% prefab to qualify
  16. c'mon,.. C'MON!!!! Peer pressure,... be part of the "in" crowd,... you'll be cool if you do,... *L*
  17. C'mon!!! come join the fun,..*grin*
  18. Alright,.. here's some updated pics for my WIP. Got a bit of the smoke lower half done. It's likely to change a bit before it's done, but a lot of that look will show in the paint job. Otherwise, I got the main body armature in place, and more or less posed like I want. So from here,.. it's onto the main body sculpting. Still gotta figure out the stat card and the fluff though,... As always,.. thoughts are welcome,..
  19. true,.. but if they take too long, they'll only have 3 months or whatever is left to finish their sculpts.
  20. Well,.. 8 people for the sculpters challenge. I think we've maxed out,...
  21. *grabs you and drags you,.. kicking and screaming,.. to the sculpters challenge*

  22. I think a little bit of washes might do some wonders for you though. ---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ---------- g'night
  23. looks good. I only paint table top quality too. Though I try to improve everyday. I'd call my stuff,.. "upper end of middle of the road",.. if that makes sense. ---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ---------- now makos stuff,.. that's rediculous. I've really gotta learn how to do some of the shading and layering and blending techniques he's got.
  24. alright,.. back. a little chedder baked chicken and a twice baked potato go a long way *grin*
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