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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. New pics!!! right wing done and attached to the body. just need to do a bit of touch up to the wing itself, and blend it down into the body a bit better. then,.. it's on to the other wing!!!
  2. agreed,.. then the oppsite should also be true. He can "choose" to be affected by it if he desires.
  3. but since he can "choose",.. he could choose at the moment purity is cast upon/against him, to count as a living model, making the spell/ability otherwise useless.
  4. so then,.. writen so that he can benefit from his own (or his crews) abilities,.. but not necessarily the powers/abilities of others,..??
  5. aren't undead,.. by definition,.. non-living???
  6. (posts just to revive thread,.. since the competition begins soon)
  7. C'mon Nathan,... you should join the sculpters challenge with us. I'm sure the unwashed masses would love to see what you come up with *grin*
  8. super glue is of course my first thought, but since that seems to be giving you fits,.. and it's too small to pin. Then my next thought is to roll out a really small ball of green stuff,.. and use it as an adhesive between the two parts.
  9. Nathan!! Haven't seen you in a while. How goes it? Guess I just haven't been checking the right threads,...*L*
  10. Duplicolor spray primer. It's an automotive grade, but it's sandable and lays down really nicely. If you're in the states, you can get it at most auto parts stores.
  11. well,... you have a few options with this. the first of course is to paint it as a 1)flesh face -living or undead,.. your choice 2)metal face shield 3)kabuki type mask (not sure I spelled kabuki right) 4)stone figure (making it look like there was a statue inside the armor when it came to life.) 5) leave the face out and just paint an unearthly glow,.. just a few thoughts I had,...
  12. ok,.. head shaped. Now I have a paperclip attached to the back and roughly shaped how i want the wings to look. Not sure how this is gonna turn out though. i have a couple of other ideas on how to make the wings in case this one fails. Anyways,.. latest pic,..
  13. well,.. it'll be nice to skip the muscle step. basically, all you gotta do with these is "skin" it. sounds like a plan to me.
  14. *swings in* heya guys,.. hey edonil,.. a few days back you posted a site for some armatures, do you remember what that was? I can get armatures, but the site that you pointed out had ones that were "pre-muscled" sort of. I like that idea, it saves a step. Was thinking of investing in some.
  15. I am finding my personal technique to be a bit more "subtractive" then "additive". Most sculpters tend to add just the little bits of clay they need to get what they want. I've been finding it easier to make everything just slightly oversized,.. then file/shape it down to what I want my end result to be. So then, a curiousity question,... What's your guy's style like??
  16. YAY!!!,.. today's baking is done!!!. I've still got a bit of shaping and smoothing to do (especially on the head). But at least you can see the overall look that I'm going for. Will spend tonight trying to get it all shaped the exact way I want it. Not sure about the smoke base either,.. might need to take a 2nd look at that and maybe tweak it just a bit. just to give it a little more character, and something more for the your eyes to rest on when examining it. Then I have to consider the wings. Given the size and weight of each wing in relation to the figure as a whole,.. I'm thinking a "wire frame" is probably going to be called for here. Thoughts,...??
  17. Thanks!!! Its nice to hear*G* you should join us in the competition. You get 6 months,.. so you'll have time to learn a bit if you don't know how.
  18. True,.. and overall, I'm happy with what I have so far. I'm no davinci by any means, but I think I've started in a good place. And I seem to be learning quickly, so that's a plus. Tonight the head,... tomorrow,.. we try to figure out the wings.
  19. Spent the whole day trying to sculpt an open hand. Failed miserably. I just don't think its in the cards for me at my current skill level. Even thought about cheating a bit and stealing the hands from something else. Turns out,.. every model and even my spare bits, are all closed hands. Either fist style or holding an object of some sort. So I guess I don't feel as bad, since the "pros" don't do it really either. Anyways, right arm and hand done. Working on the head now. Will post more pics this evening.
  20. Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I've always been my own worst critic. I see all these little flaws, and think it's terrible,.. but then, I see those same things in my paint jobs too. Anyways, its nice to hear that other like what I'm doing,.. so thanks.*G*
  21. next update. I decided I didn't like the abdominal muscles, so I got rid of them. Going for a bit more of a concave look in the mid-region. I've tweaked the left arm a bit, and shaped it some more. Shaved the hand down a hair too,.. still not happy with it though. Might need to cut it off and start over. I'd prefer an open-hand claw look. But I must admit, I'm having a bit of trouble with the hands. Got the right side chest completed, and the right arm mostly done. May still need some fine tuning. And of course, the right hand needs done,.. but still, there's that open-hand problem again,.. Once I figure that out, then it's onto the head. Which, despite its mostly featureless look, is one of the main things that's going to give this model some "character". For only my 2nd real attempt at sculpting a humanoid figure,.. I'm pretty happy with it. Though I'm sure there's lots to pick on. Anyways,.. here are the current pics. Go ahead,.. laugh,..
  22. damn,.. didn't realize it was so late. well,.. so much for chatting tonight. off to bed,.. *grumbles and swings away*
  23. Everybody got your sculpting ideas yet? I've already started on the first of mine. Though I'm otherwise unsure of my current results. spent the day today fine-tuning the muscles. I think i'm happy with it so far. Not too shabby for only the 2nd attempt ever at doing a full fig.
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