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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. not sure how i'd pull off a choose your own adventure on a forum though,.. since there's no page to turn to. *ponders*,.. though,.. if I built each choice as a seperate thread,....
  2. How about a choose your own adventure?
  3. ok,.. so what's the final day then,.. for this round anyways?

  4. so are the listed items the one we have to pick from? or were those just for an example? and whats the cut off date at this point?

  5. Mind you,.. it took about a year after I posted the comment for you to get here *grin* But down at the bottom it says I have 238 visits,.. probably mostly accidental clicks I should think.

  6. hrmm,. to write,.. or not to write,.. that is the question. Just not sure if I have the time to fit it in. Plus, my writing/storytelling obviously needs some work. My spelling is fine, but I tend to have bad grammer and do wierd things like end sentences with prepositions and such. I guess I could, if you guys don't mind child-like writing that falls just short of actually being written in crayon,.. *grin*
  7. And so it begins!!! The theme,..(for those that may have missed it),.. is "flying monsters". So pick up your clay and shaping tools, and get started!!! You have until June 30th. So take your time, and try to present your best work. Good luck to you all!!! And thanks again for participating!!!
  8. bah,..a little warm oatmeal,.. you'll never notice the difference,...
  9. necrophilia,.. Malifauxian for speed dating??
  10. Delicious and nutritious,.. tastes just like chicken!!! ---------- Post added at 04:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ---------- wait,.. you mean this isn't pork?? *finishes licking juice off of fingertips*
  11. dead meat,.. and good beer,.. both best cold.
  12. besides,.. it gives me a chance to try my hand at more sculpting. lord knows I need the practice.
  13. unless you have a gun,.. then it's robbery *grin*
  14. but still,.. I'm sure they have better things to do then listen to me whine. Besides,.. let me see if I can work out a "fix" for this one first. if not,.. then maybe I'll give them a shout.
  15. true,.. but nathan and the guys are always busy. and I guess that I just don't feel right asking for free stuff.
  16. the other one looks great. but it's almost like the mold slid a bit when breaking loose,.. and two halves are just about 1/32" off from each other. not horribly bad, but enough to notice.
  17. got a collette crew at home. working on the mannequins,.. but one has a nasty mold line in it. not sure how I'm gonna go about trying to fix it. file and some green stuff to be sure. but i'm not sure that it's gonna be enough.
  18. RV's mostly,.. never made much sense to me to go camping, yet stay indoors by the microwave. Hell, you could've just stayed home for that,..
  19. Chocobo>> you gonna come sculpt with us?? ---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ---------- psst,.. she's not actually blind,.. she just likes it kinky,... (oh wait,.. was that out loud,.. my bad *grin*)
  20. no,.. that would require tights and a cape,.. and that's not an image anyone needs to see. (it may cause melting eyeballs and plauge-ridden nightmares. I'm a service advisor at camping world. Not exactly the height of glory,...
  21. agreed,.. the knees are still a hair low, and the crotch is still a bit,.. impressive. But it's coming along great,.. as always. better then I can do anyways.
  22. Thanks!!! I just always think that a bit of fluff helps to give a little "depth" to the character.
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