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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. True,.. but still, the ability to pull off those showcase pieces would be very nice.
  2. I'm always trying to improve my painting, and add new techniques to my portfolio. But I seem to have reached a "plateau" in effect. I hope I haven't gotten as good as I'm going to, I'd like to still be able to improve. And lord knows there's room for it. I would like to eventually get to the point of being one of the "painting gods" that I see on this and other forums. But alas,... it seems my fate to be mediocre, at best. You'd think after 10yrs of painting minis, that I'd be better then this. My table-top quality is spot on perhaps,.. but my showcase quality is,.. well,.. non-existant. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself, but it's frustrating me that there's this "wall" that I can't seem to get past.
  3. Haven't tried that, but I'm not sure how you could pull that off in small spaces like the folds in a piece of cloth or what have you. I'm willing to give anything a go though.
  4. I've tried several different processes,.. base coat, shade, highlight,.. or several thin layers, working from the darkest color up to the highlights,.. like I said, no matter what process I try, the end result seems to be the same. I just can't seem to get that smooth color transition. ---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ---------- Note in the above photos,.. it doesn't look "shaded",.. but rather more "dirty",... if that makes sense.
  5. Maybe I should just stick to painting solid colors. All my attempts at shading and highlighting still keep coming out chalky and with "steps" between the colors, no matter how many thin layers I try to use. I still must be missing something in the process, but can't seem to figure out what it is. ---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ---------- Not sure,.. probably toss a red in there, and a purple,.. not sure about the others yet though. But thanks for the kind words.
  6. Next up,.. the other one from the box set. Crappy picture, as always. And I'm not sure about the purple on green look. Might choose a repaint into a different color scheme. Thoughts,..???
  7. racoon pidgeons?? ---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 PM ---------- *webs up the window* That should hold 'em for a moment,...
  8. *swings in while deftly avoiding the gathering crowd of flying zombie ninja monkeys that are beginning to gather outside* Evening gents,... *looks outside* Yeah,.. that's gonna be a problem,...
  9. Interesting concept. It'll be cool to see how it comes out. Thanks for posting up your idea. I'll be watching out for updates.
  10. many a day has been spent pushing two jobs to pay for it. So I pray it isn't wasted time and money. but thanks for the encouragement guys. ---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ---------- anyways,.. enough about me,.. what's up in your guys' neck of the woods? ---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 PM ---------- alright,.. bed time again. G'night gents,..
  11. *nods* and I'm a fairly patient man,.. but after so many years of plugging away at it, my patience is beginning to wear a bit thin,..
  12. but still,.. I can't count my chickens before they've hatched,.. so to speak. Until the check is in my hand, the rest is just speculation,..
  13. It's just discouraging because it's been a long road to get here. I'm 12k and 4+ years into this thing,.. ---------- Post added at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ---------- I have made it as far as having them present it to "focus groups". Which i'm sure they wouldn't waste the money on if they didn't at least have some interest in it,...
  14. yes,.. but they only called to tell me that they haven't made any decision. On the plus side, it's not a "no",... but on the negative side, I'm still "floating in limbo" on this one,..
  15. Another in a long list of crap-tastic days,....
  16. Its starting to come together,... keep at it.
  17. anyways,.. 'tis bed time once again. Keep your fingers crossed for me,.. first, that my patent idea comes through, and second, that maybe I still have a job by the end of tomorrow.
  18. a little over a month now. but the distributor has it all back-ordered. I like to support my local game store, but I may have to just order direct from the hassle-free guys.
  19. oh,.. and the damned armatures still haven't shown up. So I haven't been able to start my next sculpture yet. ---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ---------- Only if I get to light the webs on fire,.....
  20. yeah. I'm quickly reaching the end of my rope with this. But on the plus side, I'm supposed to be hearing back from the patent stuff tomorrow. So,.. we'll have to see how that goes.
  21. that sucks,.. sorry to hear it. I,.. on the other hand,.. am like 30 seconds away from telling my work to go F' itself,...
  22. To be honest, I originally designed it for full size cars, with the intention of selling it to car companies,.. but they won't invest in unproven tech. So i figure, if i can get it made into some toys and sell them, then it proves the tech to viable, and perhaps after that i can get the bigger companies to take a look at it. ---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ---------- But in the meantime,.. it's bedtime for me once again gents. Thanks for letting me vent. g'night guys,.. ---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ---------- *swings off into the night*
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