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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. ok,.. any thoughts on a oovoo site that doesn't have spyware and viruses attached to it?
  2. 95 was growing up? hell I was already 20 by then,.. ---------- Post added at 06:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:35 PM ---------- Commodore 64 and Atari 1600,.. those were awesome!!!
  3. brb,.. gotta stop to eat, or risk offending wife,..
  4. it is actually. I'm actually old enough to remember programming in DOS, and B+,... geez,.. that shows my age now doesn't it??? *LMAO* My programming skills include, but are not limited to,.. html, dhtml, xhtml, java, apache, B+, C++, SQL, cgi, perl, php,...... and the list goes on,...
  5. tried the oovoo site, but my mcafee says it has viruses. unless I'm not at the right place? ---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ---------- heya monkey!!!
  6. password login bypass,... 1. Boot your PC and enter your password. 2. Press Win-X (by which I mean hold down the Windows key and then tap X). 3. In the pop-up menu that appears, click Command Prompt (Admin). 4. In the command prompt, type control userpasswords2, then press Enter. (If this sounds familiar, it's because the same command works in earlier versions of Windows.) 5. In the User Accounts dialog that appears, uncheck the box marked Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer. 6. Click OK, then confirm the automatic sign-in option by entering your password (twice). 7. Reboot.
  7. I can look into it,.. gimme a sec ---------- Post added at 06:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 PM ---------- what exactly do you want it to do? I did 3 basic things to improve my system behavior,.. 1) got rid of the stupid lock screen and the need to have to input my password every time I start up my system. I don't keep anything sensitive on my computer, but if you do, you may want to skip this step. 2) set the system to boot past the metro screen and straight to my desktop, which is where I do my work anyways. 3) got a start button down in the bottom left corner of the screen. It operates just as you are used to, and is fully customizable. (2 and 3 can be done with the same download) ---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 PM ---------- here's the link to the start menu program,... http://www.iobit.com/iobitstartmenu8.php
  8. yes,.. built in on both counts. Haven't tried anything like Skype or what have you with it yet. So I'm not sure if it all works or not.
  9. runs great. took about 24 straight hours to get it sorted though. between moving all my old files over, downloading all the 30-billion windows updates,... and then configuring windows 8 to behave properly. It's not terribly laptop friendly. I'm sure the metro screen thing is great for touch screen devices, but for a standard screen system it isn't that great. So I had to configure it to boot straight to the desktop instead. And the lack of a start button sucked, so I had to fix that.
  10. Let's see,.. today's quote,... "The scientific theory I like best, is that the rings of Saturn are comprised entirely of lost airline luggage,..." - Author Unknown
  11. Me?? what'd I do? ---------- Post added at 05:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ---------- It's nice to everyone out and about today. It's been uber-dead on the forum as of late. Either that, or I just keep missing everone,.. or,... *sniffs armpits*,.. maybe I offend???
  12. *swings in and quietly takes my usual spot up in the corner*
  13. *swings in through the window,..* Evenin' folks,... ---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ---------- Well,.. it seems the bar is closed at the moment. Guess I'll try back later. *swings off into the night*
  14. *plays Jeopardy theme music to give people that sense of urgency that time is running out* Here we are,.. end of April. That means only 2 more months to go kids,.. 61 days and counting. I hope your projects are coming along, and if not,.. you'd better get started SOON!!!
  15. next on the list,.... And just one more to go and the basic box set is done,...
  16. I agree. And while there's always a place in my heart for Daleks and Cybermen because of the old-school nostalgia of it all,.. out of the new series, I must say that the Weeping Angels were a brilliant stroke of writing and scary as hell as far as the bad guys go. ---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ---------- also agreed. I actually liked Wilfred much more then Donna.
  17. I actually liked Rose. Martha was just ~okay~ for me. Hated Donna. Thought Amy and Rori were brilliant,.. and I'm not sure about Clara yet, still too early to tell.
  18. Dr. Who,.. fantastic show. Ever see the old stuff? Tom Baker years are my favorite. Out of the new stuff, I thought Chris Eccelston's part was far too short. My favorite so far though is David Tennant. Not a huge fan of Matt Smith though. Not sure why, but he just lacks something for me. I am curious however, what exactly they plan to do. The Doctor only has 2 more incarnations left. After that,.. it's game over.
  19. *swings in* Geez,.. it's quiet in here again,..
  20. *sighs* dammit,.. bed time once again. See ya guys next time,.. *swings out past the crowd and off into the night* G'night everyone
  21. might this be a bit more of a pandora thing??
  22. At least make it interesting colors,.. I suggest neon blue walls,.. pepto bismol pink trim,.. and some orange and lavender spots. The neighbors will hate you, but the customers can't miss it *grin* ---------- Post added at 08:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 PM ---------- *looks out the window* I think we're in trouble then. Seems the flying zombie ninja monkeys are starting to saddle the raccidgeons,.. I don't think this is gonna end well,...
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