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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Today's Quote: Don't worry if you're a kleptomaniac,... You can always take something for it,...
  2. *swings in* Did I miss anything terribly important??
  3. sure,.. why not. I suppose having the skills to program a computer to render on a 3d printer is just another form of sculpting. Also this assumes that you have access to the 3d printer to render it into an actual mini. Though, I suppose there could be a level of cheating involved here, with programs like make-human and whatever. If you were to use one, then you wouldn't be sculpting your own fig, but rather, adding bits onto a bit of work that someone else has done. That'd be a bit like attaching a home made weapon to a space marine and then calling it your own work. That would be cheating. However,.. if you can do the work yourself, from scratch,.. then I don't see why not. But to be fair, I'll post this up for the others to read and comment on, and let the majority vote rule.
  4. 5pm here,.. if it's 8pm eastern ---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ---------- Anyways,.. off to bed. G'night. I'll try to get on for longer tomorrow.
  5. on my way to bed here in a sec,.. got that pesky work thing again in the morning. ---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ---------- you? ---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ---------- oh,.. and Saturday works for me
  6. oh,... and those casting die bricks,.. can run into several hundred dollars or more. It won't be feasible to get a cast made, unless you plan to make many models with it and then sell them for the return. Otherwise, it'd be cheaper to just pay a sculpter a small bit of money to design you a one-off piece.
  7. Always happy to offer useful advice. The eyes are one thing that beginners always have constant complaints about. So I just figured that breaking it down into a few simple steps would help make it not be such a "chore".
  8. I don't know that I would call it art,.. but thank you!!! If you wanna see real art, check out mako's little blog thing on here. Now there's a man with talent. My stuff looks better in real life. Somehow, when I take a picture, it seems to add a degree of "ugly factor" to them. (must have gotten my camera from the dmv *grin*) I really need to get a better picture setup,.. and maybe take a class on it. Omenbringer has given me a ga-jillion tips on it, and I have gotten better. But alas,.. it still seems to elude me somehow.
  9. I would say, lets start at the beginning,.. 1) Clean lines. By this, I mean, to make sure that your colors live only where they are supposed to on the model. This is an important skill, and you seem to have a good grasp of it so far. For me, nothing kills a model faster then seeing the flesh color from the arm bleeding over onto the models tunic, or the silver from a helmet also painted too far down onto the strands of the hair. 2) Try painting flat first. By this, I mean straight, flat, raw colors,.. straight from the pot. This is going to give you more of a "cartoonish" look to your work. But that's ok. This is just a starting point. Once you have mastered this (in conjunction with clean lines), then you can move to the next steps of mixing custom colors and/or shading and highlighting. But for now, lets just stick to basics,.. 3) Black lining. By this I mean to paint or "draw" a thin black line wherever 2 colors would otherwise meet. If the blue sleeve would touch the silver gauntlet,.. put a small black line there to separate the colors from each other. If the green pants would touch the brown boots,.. put a black line there as well. This is going to add to your "cartoonish" look. And you may eventually want to remove it from your paint style. But for beginners, it's a good way to "train your eye" as to where the separation points between colors should be. 4) Don't forget the eyes!!. This one gets overlooked a lot too,.. but, in my opinion, it helps to bring a sense of completeness to the models. Steps are as follows,.. -1)Flesh color the whole face. -2)Put white in the general eye area. (doesn't have to be perfect at this point, just in the overall area) -3) Place a small black dot in the white of each side of the face. (placement is important so they aren't googly-eyed or what have you. Colors can be done, but at this scale black works just as good) -4) Go back to you flesh color, and make a small rainbow like arc over each eye section, centering the arc on the black dot. And then the same thing underneath each eye. Basically, you're using the flesh paint to "trim the eye into existence". Or to put it another way,.. Don't try to "paint the eye into the flesh" Instead,.. "paint the flesh ~around~ the eye" This process will save you much headaches down the line, and keep you from wanting to pull your hair out. ---------------- Once you are comfortable with the results you get from these first steps, then we can move you on to more "gritty/realistic" type paint jobs. There are, of course, other techniques to learn (many of which have been suggested). But I feel that this is a good place to start, and should get you the basic fundamentals anyways. Just my two cents,.. since I'm not exactly a Rembrandt either *grin*
  10. sadly,.. I can't play a gremlin,... it's racisim against the green-skins I tell you!!!
  11. there's room for compromise,.. make a pizza-omelette,...
  12. yeah,.. my tummy's on empty too,.. guess it's time to go out start foraging for food,.. or at least ordering a pizza,..,
  13. if you're tired, get some sleep man,.. all this can wait.
  14. trying to work out this character sheet. I think I've got a hold on the basics, but there's a few typos that have me a bit confused on what exactly I'm doing here. Mostly, just waiting for ed,... ---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ---------- speak of the devil,... and look!! there he is!!!
  15. yay!!! there's finally something resembling people in here!!! *and the peasents rejoice!!*
  16. last of the box set. now,.. just gotta order some coryphee.
  17. anyways,.. it's that time again kids. g'night all,.. catch you guys again tomorrowish,...
  18. jungles and civil wars, and rebels,.. and people getting their hand's cut off for bothering to vote,... just not a place that really appeals to me.
  19. not me,.. down time is awesome,.. plus, I'd have the money to travel and see things. Hell,.. I could spend months just traveling Europe,.. not to mention Japan and Australia, maybe even Russia. Though, personally, with the possible exception of the pyramids in Egypt,.. there's pretty much nothing in the whole of Africa that interests me. ---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ---------- and then there's this,.. painting whenever the mood strikes. Sounds like a good time to me,...
  20. it's what you'd expect. I'm happier then my last job. But then,.. winning the lotto and not having to work at all would be awesome
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