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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. I think future games will go a bit better. This being my first time out with the group, it was a little rocky for me. (not really knowing everyone's personalities and play-styles and all). But I think with a few more sessions we can learn to read each other a bit better, and therefore find our "groove",.. so to speak. Thanks again for letting me in on everything. And it was nice to be able to put faces to the names. Though, I had images of each of you, based on your writing styles here on the forum. Mostly,... I was dead wrong,.. *grin*
  2. now the mystery question,... does the teddy have any usable properties?? And under alchemical analysis,.. do the chains have any inherent properties other then being silver??
  3. Stop me before I get too far. The bad jokes will just keep coming,.. I'm not sure that you guys can handle the pun-ishment,..
  4. We're discussing a pretty heavy subject,.. *grin*
  5. I was thinking the same thing,... "I hope the movie doesn't fall short",.. or some such
  6. been a long day,.. at the in-laws. Now I feel drained,...
  7. *returns to the scene of the crime,.. er,... swings in*
  8. alright,... bed time for me. have a good night.
  9. Debating on working out a whole new character for this next round. Something melee based, as was requested. ---------- Post added at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ---------- (still want a gremlin alchemist though,...)
  10. I like it. It's very well painted, especially if you've only been painting for the last month or so. Your techniques are well into the advanced stage from what I can tell. Better then mine I think,.. and I've been painting for years. Well done!!!
  11. I think the office is in Placerville CA. That's only a hour or so from here. Don't want to drop in unannounced though. Would probably just have the whole group of them not knowing me and staring at me like I was from mars,.. wondering what the hell I was doing there.
  12. He's a nice guy though. You should introduce yourself some day if you happen to see him on. I've had occasion to talk to him once or twice. Not that he'd probably remember me, since I'm sorta low profile, and he's got thousands of names on here to try to keep track of.
  13. Nathan Caroland,.. Wyrd's website guru. He monitors most of the site on any given day, but tends to hang out in the top few threads of the main forum page,.. fielding complaints from all us whiny types about missing figs in a package or whatnot. He's also the one who has the power to block people if they are harassing other forum users or otherwise being a jackass,..
  14. rumor has it that Nathan is afraid of them
  15. maybe we're where wyrd gets the inspiration for some of their sculpts then??
  16. Should be interesting if we are doing this by video chat. I've always wondered what y'all look like.
  17. you set aside time for ed tomorrow? ---------- Post added at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ---------- Started working on my gremlin wizard guy,.. just trying to figure out what colors to do his robe and such. Might end up just doing it blue like the box. But my base instinct is to never paint anything exactly like it looks on the box. hrmm,.. may have to give it some kind of lettering and/or scroll work to help make it unique.
  18. just got off of work,.. and the weekend has just started. So,.. no complaints. You?
  19. I feel the same way about myself. I figure, its a bit like nuclear war,... it's probably best for all concerned if this just doesn't happen.
  20. ArrrgggHHH! My eyes!!!!,... they're melting!!!!!!! j/k *grin*
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