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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Just noticed something awesome Doppelganger can duplicate. Nix's Gorge on Pain. Then, the Doppelganger can copy something new every time a nearby model is Sacrificed! Unfortunately, there's no way to get them onto a crew together, so you can only do this if you're opposing a Hamelin crew.
  2. The saddest part is all those little clockwork spiders in the rehab clinic, years later.
  3. 1. Shang I've mostly used Shang as an activation sink and good luck charm to make Misaki more deadly. His strong melee helps too. 2. Pandora Pandora isn't tough in melee. She's tough ON YOUR MIND. Here's the deal with her: you need to make a Wp->Wp duel to target her, and her Wp is quite good. Every time she wins a Wp duel she gets to push 4", and every time you lose a Wp duel you take 1 Wd damage (more if you're also near Sorrows). She also has a lot of other ways to cause Wp duels, including Incite and Pacify, which pretty much just cause Wp duels, and she can keep doing them until she loses one. This gives her a potential Push of 4" per Crew member in YOUR crew: once she makes contact, she zips around fast. And also, if you're immune to Wp duels? You lose that immunity when close to her. Which means if you try to hurt her, you'll get a headache and she'll keep zipping along. The way to beat this is to attack her in ways that don't target her. The most popular is to make attacks with blasts, and have them hit the Sorrows she keeps trailing nearby. Pulses and auras help too. The Archers have a nice spell for this. 3. Taelor vs. Ototo Taelor's high Wp will help against Pandora. She's also great against armored units, but Pandora doesn't have those so much. She's slow, but a Toraswap will clear that up. Ototo does more damage and has more endurance, which is great for many opponents but won't help much against Pandora, which is a crew full of tricks and confusions more than tough combatants. I'd say go with Taelor.
  4. I am pretty sure this is not true. If this logic were correct, you could use Grow with Blood Counters on any model that is "friendly to itself" -- which includes enemy models.
  5. These days, I never field Jakob without two Beckoners. Consider getting some! That said, sounds like a fun crew!
  6. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Harmless is based on your actions. Getting targeted by someone else doesn't affect it.
  7. "They're Just Rats": This model may not be reduced to less than 1Wd during another friendly model's activation. Friendly Malifaux Rat models cannot be Summoned in response to this model being killed during its own activation. So: - The one rat who dealt to killing blow dies, and no new rat is summoned. - The other rats are alive and at 1 Wd, except those close enough to the one rat that died to get healed up to 2 Wd.
  8. The rules say you should have 2-4 pieces per square foot, but don't specify what size or what kind. That means 18-36 total pieces on the board. I usually put it together, then kind of eyeball it, and if it looks like there's not enough terrain, count. I kinda figure if you have bigger terrain, there should be closer to 18 pieces, and if you have smaller terrain, then there should be closer to 36 pieces.
  9. I'm pretty sure that, in the case of having all 54 cards in hand, you'd say "Wow, I did it!", laugh, and be done with your turn. I guess the really smart thing to do would be to have 49 cards in hand, and a deck consisting of four thirteens and a Red Joker. THAT would be some serious juice.
  10. Yeah, it's deliberately muddied for fantastical effect, for better or worse. I always sort of go by the names: I assume Misaki and Kirai are Japanese, Yan Lo and Mei Feng are Chinese, and so on. And the Ten Thunders Brothers strike me as Chinese, since they use the ten weapons of wxu-sju (which is pretty much the 18 weapons of wu-shu, as someone pointed out to me). I'd suggest you go with Chinese symbolism for Yan Lo.
  11. I believe the second Master in a Brawl is based on hiring rules, which is why Leveticus can hire Ramos, and Kirai and Hamelin can hire The Dreamer. Am I missing something?
  12. Leveticus: Still alive? You're doing it wrong. Som'er: Instant mayhem: Just add more pigs. Ophelia: Your "Wd" stands for "Walloping damage." Zoraida: Stand on a building, cackle maniacally. Collodi: You can, indeed, be "too fast." Hamelin: Rats, rats, rats. Rats. Rats... RATS! Jakob Lynch: Huggy kills stuff; I'm playin' poker. Perdita: Blammo! Right between the eyes, amigos. Viktorias: You need Soulstones, but not synergy. Pandora: Be upsetting. They die. You win. Misaki: Nominate an enemy model. It dies.
  13. Can the Viktorias hire Ramos in a Brawl with Vanessa's Arcanist Sympathizer? (I know that Ramos can hire the Viktorias in a Brawl as an Arcanist Crew; I'm asking if the Viktorias as an Outcast Crew can hire Ramos.) The rules text seems to indicate yes, but Ratty's Crew Creator seems to indicate no. Arcanist Sympathizer says you can hire one non-living Arcanist model, and Ramos is definitely that.
  14. Yep, I'm pretty sure you can. Whether or not it's a good idea is another question, but yes, I think you can wind up with a super-Terrifying gibbering monstrosity of low Wp.
  15. To be clear: Terraclips are totally beautiful. They take a long time to assemble, but when you do, you get terrain that looks super gorgeous and way more immersive than laying down some plastic elevation on an otherwise blank table. That said, I usually just go to my FLGS, where terrain is free and super high quality. (I do have both individual terrain and a lot of Terraclips at home, but I usually go to my FLGS anyway.)
  16. Yeah, I usually sort of ignore it except for models that get some other benefit out of it (like Oiran and Kade).
  17. I did mine with a kind of silver-pale-green that I mixed, then washed with white-gold watered-down paint to give it kind of an inverse-shaded overdeveloped-photo look, then finally added water effect on top so it would look slimy. It turned out well! Pix are here (included in my gingerbread batrep): http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?37903-O-Candy-Town-of-Malifaux
  18. The turn ends only when every model has activated. So, yep, you have to.
  19. Note also that the greying out, like the coloring of a stat if it has a trogger, is a convenience, not a game rule. There are effects that can change it, and sometimes the situation is too complicated to gray it out.
  20. It's much better to do so if it's Gingerbread Terrain.
  21. I was fighting mostly Spirits. Once they get a Blight counter, they pretty much die with the next hit. Pipes and then forcing them to Charge another enemy also helped a lot.
  22. Finished out the game. Hamelin is really fun. I was too incautious and lost my Rat-Catcher, which made the rats die fairly quickly. I moved Hamelin into the middle of a big batch of enemies, where he managed to draw a lot of attention and kill a lot of spirits. Even though it's now a (1) Action instead of a (0), Fate is Meaningless was still worth it at least once. I think I expect right now that on Hamelin's turn, he should always be doing two horrible things. That might be killing two enemies, or taking an objective and debuffing someone to worthless, or any of a variety of other possibilities. But I sort of benchmark him right now as causing two big problems each activation. My opponent was able to kill Hamelin (killing off two The Stolen then swamping Hamelin with Ikiryo, Onryo, and Gaki), but it took a lot of resources and I stopped her from achieving her Strategy in the process. Killing Hamelin felt hard: Every time she thought she was close, he'd do something else to make it harder, and the Stolen are costly to kill, since they cause so many penalties. Was proud of a Turn Six lunge I did: two groups of Rats lit two Dynamites (one moving up, the other using Writhing Mass to catch up and (1) Interact.) Then Nix zipped 8" toward one of the Rats that had used Writhing Mass, which gave him enough move to reach the enemy's Claim Jump marker. The end game was basically a tie. (2VP for A Line in the Sand for me, vs. 2VP for Bodyguard for Kirai. Kirai also qualified for her Resurrectionist Scheme, but she didn't announce it and the scheme says it must be announced.) And I'm so happy with the current rules for Hamelin.
  23. Played finally with the new rules against a strong player with a Kirai Crew. Using a fairly standard Crew myself. We are halfway through the game, which is sitting happily on a card table in my living room waiting to be finjshed Tuesday night. So far it is an exciting, tense game. Hamelin Crew now naturally splits up into two groups: Hamelin, Wretch and Stolen in one group, and Rats, Rat Catcher and Nix in the other. There's some weird aura math here: Nix aura (lose Insignificant in 6") plus Rat Catcher aura (spawn rats in 6") equals Hamelin aura (both). The Rats don't get as many activations now, and the Rat Catcher seems to do more attacking and acting, rather than just moving around to position and doing Slaughter Rats. Herd Rats is fun, but the Rats are way slower and often need to stick close to Nix if you want them to Interact. The Rat Swarm iss still potent but not overwhelming. The Stolen and Wretch now have to keep rushing to keep up with Hamelin, or he needs to slow down to keep them close by. Overall, it feels like Hamelin is still tough, but now he needs to fight to win, rather than just assuming that he can take the match with infinite indestructible rats that can move across the whole board in one activation. So far, I really love it. My opponent seems challenged but not overwhelmed, and the match feels well-balanced and tense. More when I finish the match.
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