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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Here's a video I did about the Viktorias, by the way: Hope it is helpful or at least interesting!
  2. I had something like that happen in actual play! In a Leveticus vs. McCabe game last year, Leveticus melted McCabe with Unmaking, and out came an Abomination, McCabe's Killjoy, and Dismounted McCabe. Three models out of one shot! Then a nearby Hound killed the Abomination, which left Killjoy to charge one of McCabe's models. It was a tragedy!
  3. Hey folks! Let's remember to keep it civil. Thanks!
  4. I generally take Mark of She'zuul and Tally Sheet on Vik if Blood, not Howling Tattoo on anyone, and all the others on Vik of Ashes. That way, Ashes becomes the buffer/launcher and Blood is the flying superblender of doom.
  5. Thanks! I did start a podcast, but right now there's just one episode and some people are having trouble downloading. I will post more when the next episode runs.
  6. 1. More time to play Malifaux. 2. More time to paint Malifaux models. 3. An infinite number of additional wishes granted because really that's always the best wish.
  7. Most are still valid. A few have changed. The FAQ/Errata for September 1is here: http://images.wyrd-games.net/M2E FAQ And Errata 9-1-15.zip The FAQ gets updated every 2 months. As of September 1, the Upgrades that have changed are: Animal Shape, Binge, Decaying Aura, Diestro, Howling Wolf Tattoo, Jug Rocket, My Threatenin Gun, Nexus of Power, On Wings Of Darkness, Tarot Reading, and Woke Up With A Hand. The models that have been changed are: Barbaros, Blessed of December, Cojo, Francisco Ortega, Fuhatsu, Guild Guard, Malifaux Child, Mr. Tannen, and Samael Hopkins. All of this is in the FAQ document linked, too.
  8. Here's a video I made describing how they work: Hope this is helpful!
  9. Hey! A topic coming up on A Wyrd Place. Mei Feng with Arcane/Shadow Emissary and Conflux of Mei Feng. The Emissary drops a Scrap Marker. Mei Feng then autosucceeds on Railwalker indefinitely unless she Black Jokers. Can she keep doing this for a long time for card stacking? Fish through her deck to spend AP to repeatedly cast until she gets rid of the Black Joker? Keep flipping through her deck for a reshuffle? Stall the game until her opponent calls the TO or just leaves? How does this work in play?
  10. Playing Outcasts means you're always this close to starting Ressers.
  11. Hey! I'm in Oakland too. Endgame is a great location with fantastic terrain. I like playing there and live nearby. I've been to Black Diamond once and really liked it. Will likely go again. GameKastle has a lot of activity and I'm often there. Games of Berkeley also has an event every other Thursday. Good group of people there. I'm there about 50% of the time. Hit me up if you're looking for a game! I'm always lookin' for more people to play with.
  12. Just launched episode one of How They Get You, a podcast where I interview people who beat me at Malifaux and ask them about how they did it! Come check it out! http://howtheygetyou.podbean.com/ Also, Like me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/howtheygetyoupodcast
  13. At Celesticon, I played three games. Only the second had Assasinate in the pool. I played against Ten Thunders Misaki with an old friend. It was a Turf War match. Misaki actually charged Ryle nearby, and spent all his Soulstones to get the Assassinate trigger twice against Ryle. I burned two Soulstones and then two cards to keep Ryle alive, then Leveticus Charged Misaki with a Channel on the Charge. I had good cards in my hand and was able to cheat in the Joker for damage on the last swing, killing her. What's more, I got the trigger and successfully recycled her! Misaki's main defenses were a really high Wp stat, positive twists on Df when she's out of soulstones, and a really high Df stat. And, of course, just killing things. Her main weakness was that she gets rid of her soulstones quickly, leaving herself vulnerable to attacks. The Scheme pool was weird in this one because the only scheme marker scheme was LITS. Schemes were Distract, Cursed Object, Assassinate, Vendetta, and LITS. The game was also notable in that I came close to making a Desolation Engine in play, though I decided to finish out schemes instead. Assassinate: Succeeded! Got full VP for Assassinating Misaki on turn two. Abomination Recycling: Success! Game: Won 9-5! I got 3 for Turf War (the game only went to turn four), 3 for Assassinate, and 3 for Cursed Object. Misaki got 2 for Turf War and 3 for Distract. Lessons Learned: It's really a good idea to take Distract or Cursed Object in Turf War, since enemies will bunch up. If your opponent wants to put effort into killing Ashes & Dust for good, let them if there's no VP riding on it -- but fight back enough to waste their resources while doing it.
  14. Here's a YouTube video where I talk about the Viktorias! Hateful Darkblacks Intro to the Viktorias It's intended for those who aren't familiar with the Viktorias, and gives a quick summary of what to expect when playing them or playing against them for the first time. Thoughts and comments are of course completely welcome!
  15. Erk, it looks like the rollback deleted the voting thread. Restart?
  16. Yeah, I'm hoping to put up more information in the next few weeks on Shifting Loyalties content! You should too!
  17. Oooooooh. Thanks for doing this. Some time soon I may ask you if I can start copying some of that content into the wiki (with a link back to your blog).
  18. Oooooh, can't wait until my copy arrives.
  19. Formerly known as TedPro! Yes, this name is a job based on the translation of Kirai Ankoku. (Oddly, I don't play Kirai. I just liked the translated name.)

  20. From the album: Proxy Models

    Made from a Puppet Wars Executioner, plus Flame Base Accessories face. The headpiece is just Sculpi.
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