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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. 1. Silurid ("Leap for the win!") 2. Illuminated ("Supertank made of drugs! And it's got a gun too!") 3. Teddy ("Beatstick with a Swiss Army Knife at the end!") 4. Primordial Magic ("I bypass all the Interact rules and go straight to the VP!") 5. Doppelganger ("I bypass all the Interact rules and go straight to the VP!")
  2. 1. Pigapult ("Threat range of yes.") 2. Sammi LaCroix ("Mighty nice Upgrades that Master has. Don't mind if I do.") 3. Old Major ("Listen up, young'uns! My Corn Husks means that you put them Showgirls to shame!") 4. McTavish ("I'll eat that thing without looking, and then shoot a thing. And then throw Mud to clear up your Conditions.") 5. Merris LaCroix ("No area attacks for us, thanks!")
  3. I am tempted to include Crooligans (Tara, Leveticus, Hamelin) or The Drowned (Tara, Leveticus, Jack Daw) just to be clever, but I won't, because much love to the Viktorias, Misakis, and Von Schills out there who are Outcasts but somehow still don't hire any Resser models. 1. Ashes and Dust ("My objective-grabber eats all of yours, and is immune to things like burying, conditions, Charges, and being killed.") 2. Hodgepodge ("You mess with my Master, you become my Soulstone.") 3. Killjoy ("DROP BEAR!") 4. Johan ("Come for the condition removal, stay for the BIG FREAKIN' HAMMER.") 5. Taelor ("Your Summoning Crew doesn't feel so OP now, does it?")
  4. Lucas McCabe's card: And you might say "That only applies to attaching an Upgrade. It doesn't give you general license to do anything always ever." But I can ignore that kind of restriction now!
  5. Lady Justice using a Red Joker and then riposte is a classy move! And she did it twice! Looks like a fun match. Thanks for the batrep. love the headlines.
  6. Seems like maybe the best thing you could do with Fight Night is take a really fast objective-runner as your Wrestler, take a model with Ill Omens (So, Trixiebelle or Doppelganger), and have your wrestler run away from the fight ASAP. Then just gather your AP objective-running with a really fast model that no one can target with attack actions. Naturally, you'd need to bet zero. And have no dignity or sense of awesomeness.
  7. Is that noted in the rules somewhere? I remember that was the case in v1.5, but is it still true?
  8. Brdparker, I don't think there's a complication for a stacking condition having different durations. It works just like you say, yeah. The problem is that Slow Water Eternal Voice, Swagger, and some others don't specify the duration. I'm pretty sure that's a slight oversight -- the rulebook kind of implies that you get it from Defensive Stance and it lasts until start of next activation, but the way it's written, it's not quite solid, could be another unspecified duration instead.
  9. The main debate I have in my mind is: Is Mah Tucket a Gremlin Lady J, or a Gremlin Misaki? Either way, she looks like a really exciting and effective character.
  10. Yeah, I think that needs to be specified somewhere. It's really unclear in the rules when how long Defensive lasts when it isn't from the Defensive Stance action. (The Wastrel's Swagger ability also doesn't specify.)
  11. Yes, it's totally possible. You can often manage to keep going if you angle your Charge just right, but it takes planning, and it's totally possible to get stuck. Yeah! That seems like a great combination, but I'd be a little sad to lose out on the Penelope mobility.
  12. Thank you! I hope it's useful. Maybe I'm misreading or looking at a different version of the card than you. I see the keyword "GREMLIN" writ large, in the line right under Peon. What version of the card are you looking at? Sounds like a great list! With the Taxidermist there to make more Stuffed Piglets, I'd probably drop down to 3 Stuffed piglets and get Corn Husks back myself, because that Upgrade is so useful for VP, but YMMV!
  13. I haven't even played a wargame other than Malifaux. Unless you count Battletech in high school with little cardboard dudes. And I don't feel any particular desire to start playing a wargame other than Malifaux. Mostly, I play RPGs, LARP and tabletop.
  14. The main problem with Unix is that it's surprisingly difficult to install a DVD player. The main problem with Ulix is that he needs to bunch up, so area attacks can kill all his pigs (which have crappy defenses) and then he's stranded.
  15. I got my Barbaros by winning a Lilith box in a tournament, keeping Barbaros and the additional tots, and giving the rest of the box to a friend.
  16. Wow, Shadows of Brimstone looks interesting! An Old West horror game where the gunslingers uncover an ancient and seemingly abandoned city. Sounds familiar somehow!
  17. Yeah, I think playing this out is the way to go. (Funny story. I bought a Warpig and somehow it didn't include the head, or I lost it. So I baked some FEMO and made my own head for it. Now I think I'm going to want to bake two more heads and make it my Sow model until the real one comes out.)
  18. Black Blood Pustule is just nuts. It's such a good ability and makes the Black Blood Shaman worth it on its own.
  19. Right, yes, correct. Thanks. Fixed that. It is good to have the Sow closer than 11" so you can angle your Charge for the next Charge, but 11" is the max, not 6".
  20. Yep, The Sow's a really good model! And works well with Shot In The Rear! I don't think anyone here except Justin (if he's watching) gets to decide if it's too good and needs nerfing. I can say that I've used it in play and it's one of Ulix's best actions, but that I don't use it every time and it doesn't work every time. In Theoryfaux, it's broken because it's infinite charges. In practice, it's strong! But I don't know if that means it needs a new stat card, or if it just means that you need to prepare for it if you're playing against Ulix.
  21. Isn't that exactly what Alpha does? I guess it's not as free.
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