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Posts posted by Pierowmaniac

  1. Her skill allows her to summon Ressurectionist Belle Minion model.


    The I read on the Necrotic Machine: "When this model is summoned by The Ones Left Behind action..."


    But Necrotic machine is not a Belle?


    Are they saying that Necrotic can ALSO be summoned like it was a Belle, or am I missing something else?


    Yes you are missing something :)



    Her upgrades let her summon horrors and spirits which her totem is both.


    This ^



    This should make it easier for you, Erik. Molly's summoning cards:




    Which allows this ^


    Note: the upgrades are 'Limited' so you can only use one, so therefore you tend to see people Talking about 'Spirit Molly' or 'Horror Molly'

    Some people have tried to work without the upgrade, but I think most agree the 1 soulstone limited upgrades are generally the engine behind the molly summoning machine :)

  2. I ran 2x Acolytes, Cassandra, Imbued Myrandabus, Mech Rider, Seize the Day, Arcane Reservoir and the Surge Trigger on Prompt, Practiced production, in Reckoning I switched to the Big Rig crew


    No real damage soak, the idea is to keep as much of the opponents crew slow as you can so there's no real counter attack while at the same time you're draining their hand of cards whilst hopefully maintaining yours through Surge/Imbued Energies, the push helps you finesse out of danger and you just sweat scheme markers all over the board


    I was Malal's Guinea pig and can confirm this is indeed filthy!

    Every other attack against me seemed to end with one more slow minion, one less card in my hand, plus Malal getting a card draw!

  3. I bet any money 'spirit games' in Burton on Trent has got some metals left over, but been a while since I was last in. They have got an Alladins cave full of old OOP models from almost any system you can name from the last 30 or so years.


    I aint going to try and link anything from their online store though, as its not a user friendly webpage, but I'd recommend anyone interested in this thread to google search their web page and try and hunt around in their web store.

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  4. Sorry for the slow reply - we meet on a Wednesday night from 7pm.


    When will you be doing the demos at Galactic Models? Derby obviously isn't that far so could come to that.




    Unfortunately Wednesday Evenings is not possible for me as thats one of my late evenings for teaching :(

    Probably best to go for a trip out to Galactic to see Rob


    Out of interest where does your club meet anyway? I could always try and get over during the next half term break.

  5. Plenty of tricks to be had also :)


    Necrotic machine can be summoned 10" away...... and if it just so happens no enemy are nearby then he is killed......but hey what if you had Bette Noire or Killjoy in your crew?


    Again a summon 6" with a 10 :crow  can get you a drowned....who just so happens to have 'Finish the Job'


    Alternatively Punk zombies for 11 :crow are a good summon with 2 or more models in range, especially has Molly can make a model take a (1) action for her own (0) and can also 'Accomplice' :)


    That being said I'm moving more towards toying with her Revelations spell with its inbuilt 'Slow', 'Paralyze' and a trigger on all but one suit.

  6. Personally I really don't see the need for this - has the tournament scene really become this competitive at the top tables?

    The only outcome I can see from this is a drop off from newer players intimidated by penalty rules.


    I'm personally very prone to genuine mistakes and don't play at many or place high at tournaments some of the penalties discussed would pretty much put me on negative ranking points! - Which TBH I wouldn't really be bothered about, but I imagine other people similar to me would be.


    If somebody is becoming 'known' for suspect behaviour then somebody needs to have a polite quite word with that/those individual/s (not easy I know) and if its still not resolved then just let the TO's at tournaments said individual is attending know, so they can keep a closer eye on things.


    Having said that a general guide for TO's discussing gaming infractions and how to deal with those would be a good resource.

    • Like 2
  7. One thing I really don't get the more I think about it.


    Why is Mancha Roja a character that can be used in any game?

    The whole concept is really just a great scenario/story character (like Carver and the other story characters presented in the book) and just doesn't sit well in standard games imho

    TBH I would really prefer any opponents I faced not to use him (though I wouldn't actually say so) and that nots just anything to do with his power level, I would think the same even if he was the 1st edition Malifaux Child of M2E

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