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Posts posted by Bruglyother

  1. This month at Millennium games, we will be holding a tournament.  What kind of tournament you ask?  Well, with all the new players, I am leaving the tournament up to attendance.  If the attendance is moderate, or only includes veteran players, we will run a standard Gaining Grounds tournament.  However, if we have a large turn out including some of our newer players, we will run a Random paired team tournament.  30 Stone Henchmen led crews to be paired off each round.


    How much?  Well, $10 will get you in the door, all of which will go towards prize support.  As usual, I will also raffle off some stuff.  If it is team format, most of the prize support will be raffle based to give newer players a chance at some swag.  But don't fret.  Trophies and Spoons will be available.  :D


    When?  Well, as mentioned, the event will be on Saturday September 27th.  Doors open at 10am, and I plan to have the first round start at 11am.


    And finally, where? 

    Millennium Games and Cyberstorm

    3047 W Henrietta Rd

    Rochester, NY 14623

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  2. Oswego is probably a bit far to trek in for regular play, but easily close enough to make it out for the monthly events in Rochester.  I was digging around to see what sort of gaming groups were in the area at one point to see if there was anywhere I might try to run demos.  I seem to recall that Oswego had some form of group, but I couldn't track down much info on it at the time.  Might be something worth looking in to.  If there is, and they don't play malifaux, I would be happy to come out to help run some demos and hopefully drum up some interest.  And if they already play, even better.

  3. So our local group is finishing up a Territories League, and part of it was a painting competition for those who wished to participate. So, I come to you, oh mighty forum denizens, to help us determine who is worthy of the prizes. Choose your favorite, and please feel free to leave feedback. I am sure the painters would greatly appreciate it.






  4. If you hae a fresh blade on your exacto or other similar knife, you can often cut crefully right at the join between foot and base.  Probably won't have to destroy the base to do this.  Just take it slow and careful as suggested before.

  5. The Game Gamut in Victor, NY will be hosting a random pairing Team Tournament. This will be a fixed faction tournament. Each round, each player will be paired off with another player to form a team. Then, each player will select a 30 Stone crew, using Henchmen as leaders, to use in that round. Pairings will change each round, with later round pairings being determined by standings.

    Each round will have a declared Strategy (using gaining grounds format). At the start of the tournament, each player will be given 8 schemes to use during the day. Each round, they will select 2 schemes to use for themselves, which will not be used again in later rounds. (So choose wisely). Team scores will be determined using Strategy VP combined with both players Scheme VP in order to determine the winners of the game. Individual players will track only their scores (Strategy plus schemes as normal).

    Initiative: All four players will flip for initiative. High player chooses whether or not their team goes first or second. High player on the First team will go first, followed by the high player on the second team. The the low player on the first team goes, followed by the low player on the second team.

    Entry fee will be $10, which will go in to prize support. Top player will receive a prize. All other players will receive raffle tickets based on their standings, and several other prizes will be raffled off. (Number of other prizes will depend upon number of other players.)

    This is a smaller store, so there is only enough room for 16-20 players for this event.

    Where: Game Gamut

    86 W Main St

    Victor, NY 14564

    (585) 398-7145

    When: Sunday, August 17th starting at noon.

    Fee: $10

  6. We are currently having a league set at the 40 stone level. There are two players (myself being one of them) playing crews with strong summoning capabilities. So far, it has not been a serious issue. That being said, anything below 40 tends to get real messy real fast without limits. A few weeks before the league, we played some 35 stone games, and I quickly outnumbered my opponents to the point of dominating the table and VP.

    I agree that a limit of some form should be set below 40 stones. I would go with a soulstone level for the pool. Using box sets or dollar value can skew the balance since some sets don't contain the same stone levels, and dollar value runs into a similar issue.

  7. So, I set myself the goal of finishing painting one faction.  I chose my ressers simply because I wanted to try out Kirai.  I was at 95%.  The only 2 models not finished were waiting on very minor details.  I was starting to consider what my next project faction would be.  Then, one of our local players who is moving decided he had to thin his collection down.  So, he gave away a large portion of his stuff, which of course I grabbed what I could.  Now, my 95% completed ressers are back to 68%.  Back to painting undead things for a while.

  8. That's right folks.  Christmas is back.  And so it is time for another holiday event at Pair A Dice Games LLC.  This event will be a three round themed tournament, full of treats and sugar shock.  This event will also be league friendly for those playing in the current territories league.  So, come on out and have a good time.


    Entry Fee:  $10 and a small contribution to the "presents" box.  (Dollar store items are great for this.)

    Location:  Pair A Dice Games LLC

    274 Goodman St N

    Rochester, New York 14607

    (585) 442-8506

    When: Sunday, July 20th Noon til 6pm.

  9. @Bruglyother oddly enough my fiancee is the opposite; I basically use not shaving as a threat to get things I want!


    That said, I could never do just a mustache. My Dad rocks a Magnum PI and any combo I do with a mustache just makes me picture him...



    I don't have that baby face problem, but if I was clean shaven it would be like seeing my father every time I looked in the mirror...........no offense dad, but no thanks.


    And this is why I run either a full beard or a goatee.  Mustache only is my Dad, which I am quite happy NOT looking like.  Gotaee requires too much work.

  10. I love the idea of a Sweeney Todd-inspired master: I figure Neverborn: offers his razors on the cheap but gets to keep all the hair clippings for... reasons.


    Also, I second the Santiago face: that dude is rocking facial hair that makes me want to grow that again for myself!


    @loveless: Speaking as a Canuck in an area where the weather can bite: Shaving is far lower a priority when the day the razor hits the skin is the day one _must_ wear a scarf not to get cold! Plus camping beards prevent mosquito attacks, and they're an automatic +2 to the awesomeness stat.


    Also, just gonna leave this here:




    That would be me.  My wife has forbidden me from shaving for this very reason.

  11. Malifaux Territories League

    July 6th - August 9th



    • The league will cost $15.00 for each participant. This is a one time payment and covers all games played during the 6 week league. 100% of the cost will go to prize support for the league.
    • There will be 3 levels of league participant.  Each player will need to choose their level upon registration.  The organizer reserves the right to designate a minimum level for each player.
      • Standard players will start off with 4 territories.
      • Newbie players will start off with 5 territiroies, and gain a + to all flips to determine deployment order.
      • Hardcore players will start off with only 3 territories, and will have a - to all flips to determine deployment order.
    • Starting locations will be determined by the organizer from the list found later in this packet.
    • During league games, all participants will "wager" one of their controlled locations each game (unless they do not currently own any).
      • Each player will gain the benefits of their “wagered” location during that game.
      • The winner of the game will gain the location "wagered" by his opponent.
      • The loser of the game will lose the location that he "wagered".
      • Salting the Earth Rule: In order to discourage camping or protecting favored locations, games that end in a draw will result in both players losing the benefit of the "wagered" location for the duration of the league. Salted Locations do contribute to the Governor of Malifaux award unless multiple players are tied for most controlled locations. In this circumstance the Governor of Malifaux award will be awarded to the player with the fewest Salted locations. Salted locations may only be "wagered" by a player after all of his other controlled locations have been lost or salted.
      • The Ronin Rule: Players without a location to "wager" (henceforth referred to as Ronin), instead choose one from their opponents list of controlled locations to fight over. In this circumstance, the player that has locations under his control does not "Wager" another location. The winner of this game will either gain or retain control of the selected location. Two Ronin players may not play league games against each other. A player loses the Ronin title once he gains control of at least one Location.
    • Duration of the League: 5 Weeks, starting on July 6th, with the final games occurring on August 9th.
      • Participants are expected to play at least one league game per week.  Missing a week will result in one of your territories being salted, chosen by the organizer.
      • A week is defined as beginning Sunday at Pair A Dice opening and ending Saturday at Millennium Games closing.
      • Game results must be submitted to the organizer by the end of each week.  These results must include territories wagered, and both players’ Victory Point totals.
    • The following rules will be in effect thru out the league.
      • Players must use the same Faction thru out the league.
      • All league games will be Dustup level Encounter Size.
      • Players may change their crews’ composition between games.
      • Once players have determined the locations they will "wager" for the game, both will flip a card from their fate decks. The high card determines the encounter’s location between the two that were "wagered" (try to build the table accordingly), and will determine what special terrain feature will be in effect.
      • Deployment type, Strategy and Scheme Pool are determined as normal.
    • The Rising Power Rule: The player with the largest number of controlled locations receives a + flip during any one initiative flip during the game.
    • The Prey Rule: Any player facing an opponent that has 3 or more controlled locations than they do may either select 1 additional Scheme for their pool, and choose 3 from the pool, or receive 2 SS added to their cache.
      • If the extra scheme is chosen it must be announced as being in the pool.
      • The maximum VPs from accomplishing Strategies and Schemes for the encounter remains 10.  (This just gives you another path to get there.)
      • A player may not exceed his maximum SS Pool by electing to receive the additional 2 SS to his cache from the Prey Rule.

    Locations, Benefits and terrain traits:

    • Hag's Territory – Forbidden Text special terrain. - Once per game at any time during the turn, you may reshuffle your discard pile back into your Fate Deck.
    • Gremlin VillageCarnivorous Plant special terrain. - Once per game, one of your models may use a (0) action to make a Healing Flip.
    • Bayou's EdgeHanging Tree special terrain. - Once per game, you may add a - twist to one of your opponent's actions, or a + twist to one of your own actions (Note, this is actions, not damage flips).
    • Bogs Bog special terrain. - During the Deploy Crews portion of the Encounter Setup, you may place one of your models up to 8" beyond your deployment zone.
    • Downtown Arcanist Lad special terrain. - One of your models costs 1 less Soul Stone to hire.
    • Industrial ZoneJunkyard special terrain. - Once per game, you may add a T to any flip.
    • Slums Graveyard special terrain. - After deployment, you may place one Corpse or Scrap Counter outside of your deployment zone.
    • Quarantine ZoneDeadzone special terrain. - Once per game, you may add a M to any flip.
    • Ruins Ancient Monument special terrain. - Once per game, you may add a C to any flip.
    • Mine Mine special terrain. - Once per game a Master or Henchman model may use an Interact (1) action to gain a Soul Stone.
    • Pioneer/ Ghost TownSaloon special terrain. - Once per game, you may add a R to any flip.
    • Badlands Badlands special terrain. - Once per game you may increase the AP cost of one of your opponents Actions by 1.
    • Mountains Mysterious Effigies special terrain. - Once per game during the Start Draw Phase, you may increase your crews maximum hand size by 1 until the End Closing Phase.

    League Awards:

    • "Governor of Malifaux"(Best Over All):  The player that controls the largest number of Locations upon completion of the league will be the league’s overall winner and receive a prize.
      • In the event multiple players are tied for the number of controlled locations then the player with the lowest number of Salted lands will be the final winner.
      • In the event multiple players are tied for number of controlled locations and unsalted lands, then VP deferential for all league games will be computed and used to determine the final winner.
      •  In the event multiple players are tied for both number of controlled locations and VP differential then a series of "sudden death" games will be utilized to determine the final league winner.
    • "Master Artisan of Malifaux"(Best painted Crew)
      • All players that wish to be considered for this prize must declare a new box set to work from.
      • Each player going for this prize must have a fully painted and based 40 Stone crew by the final game of the league.
      • All models in the painted crew must have been painted no more that 2 weeks prior to league start.
      • All models in the painted crew must have been used at least once during the league.
      • Painted crews will be evaluated by vote.
    • "Wooden Spoon"(The worst placed player): The player with the least amount of locations under their control will receive the "Wooden Spoon" prize.
      • In the event multiple players are tied with the lowest number of controlled locations, then the player with the lowest amount of VP's for all league games will be deemed the final "Wooden Spoon" recipient.
      •  In the event multiple players are tied with both number of controlled locations and lowest league VP total then a series of "sudden death" games will be utilized to determine the final "Wooden Spoon" recipient.


  12. Missed a few.


    Von Schill

    Classic Gunslinger

    Male Gunsmith

    Several of the undead (Such as mindless zombie, grave spirit, etc.)



    But, my beard and I are on board with this plan, and I think we need to take it a step further.  We already have the Miss models.  How about a Facial hair line.  Limited edition models of various characters done with facial hair.  Gender switching allowed and encouraged.  Switch up Collette for the guy from Moulin Rouge.  Many of the Guild members could do with facial hair.  Seb is a working man.  When does he have time to shave?

    • Like 2
  13. One thing to note is to make sure the doors are large enough I would aim for 30mm wide for general use if you can, and it's worth having 2 entrances into a building or it just becomes a death trap.



    But who doesn't love a good death trap?!




    Seriously though, I am a huge supporter of 0 ht terrain.  (Swamps, rivers, bone fields, etc.)  A lot of clubs coming off of other games tend to be short on that sort of terrain.  Small items can be really helpful as well.  (Individual trees, crate piles, wells, etc.)  Other than that, Ratty and his article pretty much covers everything ( and really covered these points as well.  I just like to reinforce them.)

  14. Magnets aren't for everyone.  But I will say storage space is not as limited as you may think.  My toolbox is roughly half again as large as a battlefoam malifaux bag, and it already holds 250ish figures with plenty of room to spare for more.  It also allows for some more creativity in posing and basing as I am no longer constrained by the shapes in the foam.


    If I were still playing larger games like anything by GW, I would be using foam.  But as this is a smaller scale game, I like being able to individualize my models as much as possible.  Magnets in a box are the way for me.

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  15. To give you an idea on capacity,


    I use one of these:




    Currently discontinued, so harder to find, but there are plenty of comparable models out there.  I currently have about 125 models in it with quite a bit of room left over.  I use the top section for large and tall models, and the drawers for normal sized models.  The top section is a bit tight, but part of that is because I also use it to carry an index card box for my cards.

  16. I go the magnet and tool box route.  I had minimal sliding, and I recently reinforced the magnets on those miniatures that did slide, so no more sliding at all.


    I didn't like how foam rubbed my miniatures over time.  But honestly, the big decider was that foam trays limit how much you can do with conversions and basing.  I wanted the freedom to models my miniatures however I wanted.  Now, the only real restriction I have is height, and even that is of minimal concern.  I am up to 9 masters with full crews fully painted, roughly 500 stones worth of models, and I still have room in the case.  I am only just starting to contemplate getting another case, or a larger one.  (My players joke that I should get one large enough to set a demo table on since I am the henchman.)

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