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Posts posted by Bruglyother

  1. A lot depends on how much transporting you plan on doing. Since I don't tend to do long distances (ie. planes), I don't really feel the need for a foam case. So, I magnetize my bases and use a metal toolbox with drawers for my carrying. I'm up to five crews inside, with plenty of room for more. I also have my laminated cards, rules manual, tape measure, bag of "soulstones" and other markers, a dice cube, a deck of strategies and schemes, and two play decks. Whle some of my crews are still small (Perdita and Lilith), I do have almost all of the mercenaries, almost all Arcanist constructs, and the full set of rail crew items, as well as objective markers for dynamite, treasure, and a Wagon. There are three of us locally using the same set up.

  2. January. The beginning of a new year. As such, it is a time for planning for the future. Pair A Dice LLc would like you all to come and help us plan our next year's events. Pair A Dice will hold a Malifaux event on the first Sunday of every month. This will be the day to give your input on what those events should be.

    But, not to be just a boring meeting, it will also be a raffle tournament. Each player will be given a raffle ticket for coming out. We will play a 3 round, gaining grounds Tournament. For each game you win, you will earn an additional ticket. The top player will earn another ticket. The players will choose both a sportsman and a best crew for tickets. And the TO may give out additional tickets throughout the day for fun things. At the end of the day, a selection of prizes will be raffled off.

    Where: Pair A Dice LLC

    274 N. Goodman Street

    Rochester, NY 14607

    (585) 442-8506

    When: January 6th, 12pm start time

    Format: 3 rounds, fixed faction

    45 stone pool, 25 stone rounds

    Victory point accumulation

    Cost: $10

    Please direct all comments and questions to me.

  3. Are you a newer player? Or are you a player who wants to help grow our community? Or are you just looking for a day of fun play without the stress of "winning" every game? Well, this could be the event for you. Pair A Dice LLC will be hosting a 1 day achievement event geared toward learning the game and having fun. We will be borrowing the format from SoCal Malifaux (thank you to them). It will be much like our Summer achievement league except it will all happen in one day.

    Where: Pair A Dice LLC

    274 N. Goodman Street

    Rochester, NY 14607

    (585) 442-8506

    When: December 2nd, 11am registration, 1130 ish start

    Format: Open Faction Escalating Achievement Day

    Cost: $10

    Here's hoping for a fun event.

  4. January. A start to a new year. And with that in mind, it will be the start of a new event cycle at Millennium Games. Millennium will continue to hold events on the third Saturday of each month.

    Since January 19th will be the first event for the year, it has been decided to hold a Lock-In event. The event will start at 6pm with a meeting of Malifaux players to discuss what sort of events they would like to see in the coming year. All input is appreciated and invited. The more our players tell us, the better us Organizers and Henchmen can do in running these events.

    After the meeting, starting around 7pm, we will begin a Raffle tournament. Every player will start off with 1 raffle ticket. Throughout the night, players can play as many games as they like at whatever level they like. Tickets will be awarded all throughout for various things (details below). At the end of the night (around 3 am) a raffle will be held for various prizes. The more people who come out, the more prizes will be available.

    Ticket rewards:

    Each game played will earn 1 ticket per 10 stones of game (Round up).

    Each game you win will earn a ticket.

    If you play a Brawl, it will earn a ticket.

    A ticket will be given to the player with the best tournament points, differential, and Victory point totals for the night. (One ticket each).

    The top two painted crews, chosen by the players, will each earn a ticket.

    The top two sportsmen, chosen by the players, will each earn a ticket.

    The TO, (me) may hand out tickets for other reasons (such as a string of really bad luck, epic moments, and such!)

    Entry fee will be $20, with a portion going towards food. The rest will be for prizes.

    So, the details in list form:

    Where: Millennium Games

    3047 W Henrietta Rd

    Rochester, NY 14623

    (585) 427-2190

    When: January 19th

    6pm Meeting/Registration

    7pm start of play

    Format: Open play raffle tournament

    Please feel free to direct any inquiries my way either through here or through the Western NY Malifaux group.

  5. Lady Justice is a good starting crew. On the whole, she is fairly straight forward, so you can focus more on getting comfortable with the rules than on the small details. The other nice thing about the guild is that pretty much all of the models can work well with all of the masters.

    For a fixed list tournament, and it being your first, Lady J's box set with possibly a totem added in, should work nicely. After that, you can look into what other models you want to add based on what you feel you need to improve. That will often come down to playstyle.

  6. For your first question, I would have to say it often depends on the group and the size of the event. Bigger events tend to be more strict about proxies. If you can find a way to convert the model using mostly Wyrd parts, then you are all set. But if you are using an entirely non-Wyrd model, then there will be cases where it will not be allowed.

    As for the Cult of December, they do have some models considered sub-par. That being said, if you take your time in learning how to use them, and to some degree when to use them, you can be effective. The PullMyFinger Wiki has a really good breakdown of which strategies and schemes Rasputina is good at. There will be times where she can excel, and times where she is not the best choice by far. It will also depend on how much time you can put in to learning your crew mechanics. The more familiar you are, the more you can get out of it.

    I hope some of this helps.

  7. Something a lot of people don't think about with defensive stance:

    While your opponent may still be able to cheat over you, it is more likely that they will need to cheat first, burning a good card. If you get hit by this, you still have more cards. It's a great way to push through an opponent's hand. So it becomes a matter of forcing your opponent to burn through their hand on less important models, allowing you to hold more of your cards for use on your own important models. (I really hope that makes sense.)

  8. You know the sad part? I tried the Milk Jug Lightbox thingie I read about in another thread and I still got crappy results. So today is supposed to be bright and sunny after a weekend of rain, I'll be outside getting natural light pictures taken

    It looks like your milk jug is set up ok. The thing you should try is placing the miniature farther back. I have found I get the best effect with the model behind the beam of light. I also tend to have a second lamp pointing at the front to make sure the front of the model is lit.

    Hope that helps on future endeavors.

  9. There is an older Video Game out there called Terra Arcanum. You can get it at gog.com for not much. It has a steampunk feel to parts of it, and it's a lot of fun.

    There was a webcomic called Freak Angels that had a steampunk feel to it as well. Sadly, it ended a few years back, but you can still find the whole story in their archives.

    There are many movies out there that can evoke the feel of Malifaux in some fashion. I know Ratty has a few favorites that he has posted before. Here are a few I have come across.

    Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame

    Bunraku (Thanks Ratty for this one.)

    The Warrior's Way

    I'm sure I have seen more stuff out there, but I am honestly drawing a blank. Must be getting tired.

  10. So you missed Gencon? Or you missed the story encounters? Or you just want to play one again? Well, come to Millennium games on Saturday December 15th. We will be playing out one of the story encounters from Gencon. (No I am not telling you which one ahead of time.) All rulings in the Encounter packets will be used with the follwing changes.

    Fixed Faction, 30 Soulstone games.

    Time allotted will be 105 minutes per round.

    So, on to the tale of the tape, so to speak:

    Where: Millennium Games and Cyberstorm

    3047 W. Henrietta Rd.

    Rochester, NY 14623

    When: Saturday, December 15th

    Registration at 10 am

    First round at 10:30 am

    How much: $10

    Format: Fixed Faction 30 Stone games

    Feel free to direct questions to me.

  11. So there is an extreme shortage of cool objective markers, so this tournament is to remedy this. A standard tournament of 35 stones, fixed Faction, 55 stone pool. But, it is expected, (not required) that you will bring along Evidence markers and a Wagon. These markers and Wagon will be considered as part of a hobby competition. Why do I say hobby and not painting? Because paint is not required (although it will obviously improve your chances.) If you have a suitably awesome conversion, but just don't have the time to paint it, it can still be entered.

    Where: Millennium Games and Cyberstorm

    3047 W. Henrietta Rd.

    Rochester, NY 14623

    When: Saturday, November 17th

    Registration at 10 am

    First round at 10:30 am

    How much: $15

    Format: Fixed Faction 35 Stone games, 55 Stone Pool

    Hobby contest for Evidence markers and Supply Wagons

  12. So you missed Gencon? Or you missed the story encounters? Or you just want to play one again? Well, come to Millennium games on Saturday October 20th. We will be playing out one of the story encounters from Gencon. (No I am not telling you which one ahead of time.) All rulings in the Encounter packets will be used with the follwing changes.

    Fixed Faction, 30 Soulstone games.

    Time allotted will be 105 minutes per round.

    So, on to the tale of the tape, so to speak:

    Where: Millennium Games and Cyberstorm

    3047 W. Henrietta Rd.

    Rochester, NY 14623

    When: Saturday, October 20th

    Registration at 10 am

    First round at 10:30 am

    How much: $10

    Format: Fixed Faction 30 Stone games

    Feel free to direct questions to me.

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