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Posts posted by Dungeon8976

  1. First off let me say that I absolutly love the Malifaux Game. However, there is one issue that is plaguing me. The game support from Wierd does leave something to be desired. Several times I've been playing and I'll be told, "that's how this works I saw it on the forums", and I'm left with little recourse. With nothing to look at and confirm certain rules questions and deputes it leaves big gapping hole in gameplay fluidity. In addittion to that, resolving rules questions completely via the forums is very tideous. There are eleven pages of resolved rules questions to go through when looking for an answer.

    Could I please be so bold as to emplore you; please, please, please, consider releasing an official errata and FAQ.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. Well, I don't think she's unplayable. However, I have been having issues against certain factions, Neverborn in perticular. In those cases I usually pick Ramos and have a much better game.

    However, I love the board control and the great versitility of the December crew. Here's what I usually run...


    Essence of Power 2ss

    Ice Golem 9ss

    2 Ice Gamin 8ss

    2 Silent Ones 12ss

    Cache 7

    I'll only try to fit Snowstorm in there if I think I need the additional mobility for the strategy.

  3. OK, had an interesting situation pop up in one of my games. I have Snowstorm on top of a bridge. The bridge itself blocks LoS. There are three nightmares underneath the bridge. Now Snowstorm's base is completely on the bridge, and the nightmares are intirely underneath it. Snowstorm gets killed and shatters does the pulse effect, which extends outward passed the edges of the bridge effect the nightmares underneath the bridge, and why? The rules state that if you can draw LoS from the area effect to a model within the area it is effected. In this case the pulse itself extends outward passed the edges of the bridge, and therefore I can draw LoS from the edge of the area effect to the nightmares. However, the rules also state that pulses are infinently high (does this infer that they are also infinently low?). All the exsamples in the rulebook deal with blasts witch are 3 inches high, and there are no exsamples for pulses. I know this aguement is going to accure with things like around corners. So what's the rule here?

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