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Posts posted by gorillawizard

  1. Hi i'm Mark

    from the uk, also married, but only 3 kids, thats it no more. Maybe one of them will be into wargaming in the future hopefully.

    Started with Pandora... bad choice so picked up Sonnia to learn with. Now i have Pandora, Collodi, Zoraida, The dreamer, Sonnia and Marcus. With avatars for Marcus and Zoraida.

    I'm better at painting than gaming tbh. I paint on commission, but mostly friends minis. In fact if you ever find yourself playing against Scuttlebut, all his malifaux minis are painted by me :)

  2. Ok that fine with the 1st question.

    Ah now i see, i thought it meant that you had to do the 1st requirement then the second one. So i understand it now that all you have to do is one or the other. So i can kill an enemy model with Obey (cast by Zoraida) then use the (2) to manifest on turn 2 and then i've still got her (+2) casting master to use. Now i get it...

  3. Well i'll start with Zoraida first...

    Obey spell, ok for example:

    I get my voodoo doll out (nudge nudge wink wink, ya know what i mean) and conduit a Mature nephilim, i then sucessfully cast Obey on it with Zoraida and charge Lilith. Now, can i soulstone the attack and damage flips? I'm thinking this cos Zoraida has cast the spell on it, and is in his mind... kinda like the borg lol

    Second question is kinda a noob one. I've never played or played against an avatar before so the stat cards are a bit weird to me so here goes...

    The 1st manifest requirement for zoraida is to successfully cast Crystal Ball two times and the manifest clock says that in turn 2 you can use (all) actions to manifest if you meet the 1 requirement... how does Zoraida do this when Crystal Ball is a (0) spell and she doesn't have instinctual?

  4. I use GW paints at the moment with the odd vallejo in there, basically cos i bought the full paint range that comes in the cary case a few years back when i only played GW games. I'm just trying to get rid of them and replace them with Vallejo, no point chucking them away cos that just a waste of paint and money, i've been meaning to try out the P3 paints. But i'll keep with the GW washes though.

  5. Well i lost 5-8 last night. I took:



    Silurid x3

    Night terror x2


    Basically i lost cos my opponent sat the Peacekeeper on one of the evidence markers so i couldn't get anywhere near it, i think in the end i stuck 1 wound on the peacekeeper, and thats it. He had contain Power and took out Marcus in turn 5, it was all down to Hofman vs Marcus and him flipping a 13 for a strike and adding in a soulstone flip of 12 into the mix, i had Fox on him for Df 7 but even then i flipped a 9 and soulstoned a 2, and then he got a severe and did 9 wounds, one well and truly dead Marcus.

    With all the armour flying about i couldn't do a thing.

  6. Exactly what i was thinking ukrocky. I had much fun on tuesday with Kaeris and student.

    Student activates and assists Kaeris for +1 fast, and kaeris goes on a rampage with ignite and puts out burning tokens on Taelor, Misaki and Gun Vicktoria then uses accelerant and paralizes all 3 :) god knows how i ended up losing 6-2...

  7. So... i'm in a bit of a muddle of what to take for my game tonight. 35ss with me having Destroy evidence and my opponent having Contain Power. I'm not sure what Schemes to go for either.

    I've just got the Marcus Avatar, and would love to use him for the first time so i came up with this list:


    Marcus Avatar



    2x Molemen

    2x Silurid


    Would this be any good and what Schemes should i go for?

    The models i have to chose from are:

    Marcus Avatar



    Student of comflict

    Sabertooth Cerberus

    3x Molemen

    3x Silurid

    2x Malifaux Raptor

    2x Night Terror

    2x Waldgeist




  8. Sorry for being a noob but i get confused so much.

    (0) Leap spell on the sabertooth cerberus, Silurids and Jackalope all say...

    Move this model up to its cg.

    Does this move take up a general AP or do i just move the model and still have 2 AP's left to spend?

    thanks in advance

  9. I'm kinda new to the game too and was intrigued by the answer to number 5.

    What do you mean by tieing the ressist duel?

    Can i just say its a tie even if i flip for both and the result of the obey target is higher than Zoraida's?

    What i thought happened was this:

    Zoraida casts obey on her own Silurid... flip for zoraida then flip for silurid, Silurid result is higher than Zoraida's so i have to cheat the silurid's result down or Zoraida's result up.

  10. If slow does stack then this is my question...

    If a flesh construct has a burning token on it, and in the resolve effects step the flesh construct goes for slow instead of a wound.

    When the Flesh construct activates it has an option to discard a control card to get rid of slow, now as the flesh construct effectively has Slow-Slow but from different sources does discarding the control card get rid of both Slows? or does it just get rid of its own slow? now i'm confused, anyone care to explain?

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