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Posts posted by gorillawizard

  1. After completely failing with my Marcus crew in our club league i decided that i wanted to play Hamelin (probably get 1 game in and then the errata will kick in) and feck over everyone i play :) mwahahaha. No not really, i've actually wanted this master for quite sometime but due to people saying that you'll lose friends and no one will want to play you etc etc i held off, until now...





  2. I had this situation come up in a game the other day:

    Sonnia cast flame burst on a crooked man and got severe damage with the explosive burst trigger, the first blast hit a rotten bell the second hit mindless zombieA and Nicodem and the last one hit Nicodem and mindless zombieB.

    Do all the blasts work alltoghether at the same time or do you take damage off models in sequence of placed blasts? Basically what i want to know is, can Nicodem sacrifice the mindless zombieB to cancel the second blast?

  3. Sorry to hijack but just another question...

    If a convict gunslinger was on a 3"high flat elevation and right on the edge, and a punk zombie was at the bottom of the flat elevation directly infront of the gunslinger and touching the wall of the elevation, would the punk zombie be in melee with the CGS?

    Basically i was thinking that ht2 +1" melee range = 3"?

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