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Everything posted by dancingmonkey

  1. And the individual rats I've done a whole bunch of Outcasts for this army, so if you want to see them all, feel free to check me out here
  2. Been painting a batch of Rats today, for a client. Hope you like.
  3. Yyeeesh , PVC claims another victim. Its a terrible material for anything outside of anime figures and bedroom aids. I was very surprised (in a good way) about Wyrd's decision to jump to styrene. Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come. I appreciate cost/reliability is an issue for styrene production (look at the woes PP are having) but still, this is a worry. I'm not a huge Wyrd player, but I do a lot of painting of their figs, and admire the line (both metal and styrene). A move to PVC kills all interest in the figures, I'm just done with the material. Maybe Wyrd and PP can buddy up and help create a US styrene production plant to avoid the issues everyone is having with the Chinese Styrene production. Kickstarter has really gummed up the production line it seems. (This is obviously not a serious suggestion, but it would be nice, we have renedera over here, as the ex GW styrene guys, it would be good to see more options popping up as the world of gaming continues to expand).
  4. Been away a while, but now I am back with some Outcasts I am painting for a friend. These are painted to a mix of basic and mid tier level as part of my studio, SinisterSquidStudios. Hope you like. Jon. Basic Mid Mid Mid More pictures of the crew, and my other work can be found on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/SinisterSquidStudios
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