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Posts posted by Hoyled

  1. Just my thought

    Hooded=War- big guy with a giant broadsword. About as War like as it gets visually.

    Dead=Death- Maybe a bit more Grim Reaper inspired then the original Greek.

    The last 2 I honestly flip flop between, they dont seem to fit well one way or the other.

    A. Levi seems godly enough, 12 damage attacks earn that title. Plus he can summon that one rider you couldnt take since the avatar costs 2 points.

  2. Basics- Battlebox+ Desolation Engine+ Hollow Waif blister (you want 2 the box only has 1).

    Once you get some experience with the basics you've got alot of options (about a factions worth of them).

    Necropunks- Fast objective handlers with decent combat ability

    Watcher - about the same as above with some card control filled in

    Killjoy- heavy hitter that works well with the above 2 models as sacrifices

    Guardian- protects Hollow Waifs decent fighter in a pinch

    The 4 Riders- Each Rider is a unique potent threat, if you want Avatar Levi you'll want all 4.

    Rotten Belles- lure someone in and unleash Levi's spells

    Ryle- always nice to have a big gun

    Ashes and Dust (not released yet)- boosts SPAs and pretty killy himself

    Bette Noir- solid hitter

    Soulstone Miner and Steampunk Arachnid Swarm- both love the crow given by Blessings of Desolation for their weapon triggers

    Canine Remains- take 1 kill it, make a hollow waif

    Crooked Men- board control

    Codex Levi has a ton of choices. The more options you have the more you can customize to Strategies and schemes

  3. Price hike was a bit surprising when I picked up my preorder today. Still its a nice big model so I have no problem paying the bit extra.

    I was kinda hoping there was an optional piece to replace Butterball (the "Ht1" pig on the launcher) but seeing it put together Im really happy with it.

  4. As stated Id advocate dropping the warhog in general. For a pricey (for gremlin anyway) large base model it has terrible survivability, no armor, no hard to wound, and a medium defense. Damage wise its decent, but a dead warhog does no damage.

    Though a flying reactivating warhog can shoot out. interact with something and head back.

  5. Very fun little homebrew. The slow to die action from this guy is going to be pretty brutal.

    His special charge seems a bit strong with + on both attack and damage, maybe make it a 2 action. Most players can judge distance well enough that the downside isnt that severe. Or just let him regular charge for 1.

    Other then that the spell seems a bit confusing, what order do the models attack in?

  6. Very nice report. I always like the going into the unknown style, and it fits very well with Hamelin. Other then that Hamelin and the gang were nicely creepy, and the showgirls reactions were good. Other then that maybe expand a little more early on, Colette and the performers popped up out of no where half way through with no mention early on. I know the action was centered on Cassandra and the duet early on but a throw away line highlighting the rest of the forces wouldnt be out of place. Still very good.

  7. Looking back on it i had a few thoughts on this game. First Nino had to die first turn 2. Without a control hand or SS cache a pair of headshots would have taken out Levi and the waif.

    I also should have ignored Perdita turn 4 and pumped out some SPA's from the counters the Hooded Rider left behind. I could then use their movement tricks to hopefully swarm Perdita by turn end giving me 3 disengaging strikes and 3 pulses of caustic aura on her. With her high df it likely wouldnt help much but I think it would have been the better choice.

  8. I dont believe we need a new faction really. With 4 primary and outcasts covering several mini factions I think we are well set. The other issue I see is making a 5th faction unique in gameplay and personality. Cramming in 4+ masters, assorted henchmen, and minions for the lot and your adding a ton to get a new faction off the ground. Add in interactions of out of faction masters using new faction minions, such as Levi and Marcus, and it just gets more complex.

    With that said I could see spinning gremlins into their own faction. With a master, henchman and a decent model pool, it shouldnt be as impacting as a new faction from the blue. Plus the gremlins have a defined style with plenty of room for new masters.

  9. Just got my wave 2 of gremlins today. Gremlin taxidermist + stuffed piglets and a pair of slop haulers with a pigapult on preorder. Sadly the skeeters are backordered with no eta.

    So the slop haulers look basic enough, keep them near the gunline then launch them forward, pulse something and shoot with the rest of the gunline. The taxidermist and stuffed piglets should be able to kill off whatever i miss, just by swamping an already activated model/models and blowing them in the end phase. Anything else Im missing?

  10. There was one book that comes to mind. It was for a college prep class everyone took that was tweaked for your major, so biology based for me. We had to read and do a paper on a book called Galapagos. The papers were supposed to be more about the biology aspects in the book. Mine were about my absolute hate of the narrator character, a ghost who had no relevance to the story. Only book I ever threw away.

  11. Perdita running for her life, greiving for her dead mutated family, but yeah for the win. Its the first game I havent been swept off the table by my friends Ortegas but the other games were with a really basic gremlins crew and the missions usually made me venture into the Ortega death pocket.

    Its also worth mentioning that this was the first game my opponent saw Levi in action, rather then shuffling up the wrong side of the field, in the only other game Ive played with him (which ended turn 2 anyway). Watching his jaw drop as Nino got wasted and left an SPA wedged between the Ortega advance was pretty funny.

  12. All this gremlin talk makes me sad my new stuff didnt come in yesterday. No skeeter fart clouds and bacon bombs (sounds like an alcoholic drink with a piece of bacon in it) till next week.

    Anyway you can always rush out ASomer if Ill Fated is really turning into a problem. Not exactly an ideal fix but half the game with a maximum hand is better then nothing.

  13. I wouldnt mind Rusty Alice getting the henchman upgrade. Keep the pistol, let her summon SPA in some fashion, give her a bit of Ramos in there somewhere plus a little card draw so she keeps that function for Levi.

    I could see her having custom SPAs for her special forces. Couple of differnt types, melee, shooting, etc. Merge 2 together get a mini Desolation Engine with bonuses for what types of custom SPAs were sacked.

  14. Truffles has a pretty small range. The only decent thing I can think to do with it is early game. Move piglet, truffles, reckless to move agian. Move a bit of the gunline up faster maybe. Also you could it to haul a gremlin up a flank without recklessing the gremlin.

  15. So me and the other main Malifaux player had our 4th game. We’ve got the basics down pretty solid and it was a really fun game so I figured I’d put up a quick battle report. First time I’ve used Levi with nonstarter models, so hopefully I used them right.

    Scrap 25ss Ortega’s vs. Levi

    Perdita 3ss cache

    Ortega starter box 25ss

    Destroy the evidence, Breakout (announced), Hold the Line (hidden)

    Leveticus 0ss cache

    Hooded Rider 8ss

    2x Necropunks 6ss

    Killjoy 11ss

    Total 25ss

    Supply wagon, thwart, kill protégé Santiago

    Field and deployment- Terrain consisted of a few small hills and large rocks breaking up the table and a large stone platform right near the middle. The Ortega’s set up their objectives on the far right as close together as the rules allowed, I set the supply wagon right in the middle of my deployment zone. The Ortega’s set up right across from the evidence markers in a line. I set Levi and the rider across from the objectives, and flanked the wagon with the Necropunks.


    I set the Hooded Rider to night, and win initiative. Everybody moves up and aside from Levi taking a few wounds from Necromantic Sacrifice nothing else happens.

    Turn 2

    I win initiative again. I activate Levi and companion the waif. Death’s Lessons reveals a pair of high cards right on top, and Levi Necromantic Sacrifices into range of Nino. Between Unnatural Wasting and Necrotic Unmaking Levi is down to 1 wound and I’m up a SPA.

    Perdita activates next and companions Santiago. She walks, obeys Santiago forward, and then misses the SPA. Santiago activates and casts bloodstorm, wasting Levi, the SPA and hurts the Hooded Rider. Not much else happens, the Hooded Rider misses his mounted combat on Santiago, and everybody else positions themselves for next turn. Levi comes back and it’s on to turn 3.

    Turn 3

    Ortega’s get initiative. Perdita walks into melee so she can gunfighter the Hooded Rider. A red joker on damage plus a severe removes the Hooded Rider. Levi activates next and has another good round of casting. Santiago gets turned into an SPA and I net 2 VP.

    Papa Loco activates, moves forward into my Necropunks and explodes. The two Necropunks take their slow to die actions, one summons Killjoy and the other kills Papa Loco injuring Killjoy as a result. Killjoy misses his hook chain attack at Francisco. Francisco moves up and destroys an evidence marker. The SPA heads toward Francisco.

    Turn 4

    Perdita wins initiative. Killjoy Blood Price charges the SPA, dead SPA. Francisco shuffles around a boulder lining up for an assault on the wagon. Killjoy follows after him. Perdita spends her turn grabbing another evidence marker for 2vp. Levi dies to a quick draw attack trying to Unnatural Wasting Perdita.

    Turn 5

    I win initiative. Killjoy Blood Prices into Francisco and misses. Killjoy activates and gets onslaught, between the two attacks Francisco dies, and tons of fun has a snack and moves. Perdita guns it to the last objective marker and earns Breakout in the process. Levi attempts for the old touch of death on Perdita and fails.

    Turn 6

    Perdita wins initiative. Killjoy Blood Price charges the hollow waif, but is short. Perdita runs like heck, I fluff my disengaging strike with Levi, and that’s game.

    Final score Perdita 7 Levi 6

    Really close game. Very fun. The only real rules issues we might have had were during turn 3, when the first punk killed papa and he boomed. We decided both slow to die actions occurred at the same time and papa boomed after. Also whether gunfighter bypassed night on Hooded Rider.

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