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Everything posted by SpiralngCadavr

  1. Big fan of the brain and left over puppet bits. edit: typo. Don't particularly care about cereal
  2. Really cool looking piece, but yeah, the background and size make it pretty hard to get more than an impression.
  3. Oh, looked like it said "pope"- that's funnier now. I think it could have used the little dimples around the edges, and does it wrap "corn" around the side or something?
  4. I can't think of any abilities that add suits, so I'm pretty sure he won't have a suit. I think the parentheses are just inconsistent.
  5. I have no idea what sewn means... built in? You can only declare one trigger off of one side of a duel, unless something says otherwise. If a suit is on the stat already, you don't need to use a card/soulstone for the suit to get the trigger. On the second one... I think that's when it gets to be splitting hairs regarding the timing of "if" vs. "when," and I have no idea what the proper outcome is there. Wish there were a second edition super-giant chart dictating the full flow of an action resolution like there was last edition. Santaclaws, I believe you're misreading Blood in the Air.
  6. Cool stuff, I like how his base fits in. Regarding what he's doing, he's trying out his laser and possibly concerned, but if there's a reference in the side of the box he's shooting, I'm not getting it...
  7. Cool, I like the wall-drawling spiders.
  8. Clever use of that pose- kudos.
  9. Yeah, she's tough and super- flexible with that ability to copy as a (0)
  10. Cool- what are the bird guys from?
  11. The point where the flames touch the base look kind of funky, but I love what you did with the water and frog.
  12. Very cool monochrome. Thought it was supposed to be crazy lighting, but either way the effect is great. Also, clever use of parts, there. I've done something similar with those pilots. Also, what's the robot from?
  13. ...is indistinguishable from magic.*" -Arthur C. Clarke * Especially if it also happens to be powered by demons. Mostly scratch built base, and largely re-sculpted model- mostly complete unpainted shots here.
  14. No, it works, you just need to be careful of the order: Lucius issues command for focus + shoot (#1) Lucius commanding presences for a focus GR activates, shoots with focus (#2) GR focuses as a 0 with dashel, shoots (#3) ...though I think a focus without the third attack is more efficient.
  15. I've made do with Terraclips, but that was only after giving up on ever getting nice permanent terrain.
  16. Yeah, it's too bad. It looks like Deadzone might have figured that out with lots of terrain but abstracted cubes of space, but I've never played it.
  17. You can definitely set up buildings so objective are in them, which can be interesting, but IDK about crazy tunnles etc.- tried that ages back and it's really hard to balance the amount of actions it takes for it to be useful enough to want to do, but not game breaking. On climbing... I really don't like it. Really. Every time I start to deal with elevation, and actually read the rules closely rather than just assume that vertical LOS is intuitive, it gets extremely confusing, like, depending on a model's height, you might be able to see straight through floors; you can see through models standing on things; some heights change your LOS while others don't, etc.
  18. Yeah, buildings are just plain tricky. I've been moving towards interiors only in the case of large buildings with 2-3 entrances, and then they use that oft-overlooked Enclosed rule, but are otherwise infinitely tall walls with some doors, and with small buildings, they're just solid blocks you can't enter. I've given up completely on elevation rules, only house ruling "they're basically the same as horizontal LOS except the other axis" if I really want height to be a factor, but usually I don't.
  19. Thanks! More of the same crew (plus re-re-retouched (or something like that) tara & karina- notes). I think Justice could use some work in the future, but there she is, for the moment.
  20. Yeah, the students are great summons since they're specialized, but I don't think I've ever actually hired one. Punk Zombies are more well-rounded.
  21. I don't understand how Tuco runs particularly well with Killjoy. I don't think he's so threatening that he's a threat you can't ignore him, and whenever killjoy's around, it makes killing things more threatening...
  22. Okay, what are these guys good for? On paper, they look like they're mostly there for the WP buff, but they have such poor stats for their cost that I don't see why I'd take one. Am I missing something?
  23. Didn't say he wouldn't take paint or couldn't get cleaned, just that PVC is a different beast than HIPS. Also, sorry he's already painted valhallan, but you've some prominent mold lines near the bottom, there.
  24. Yeah, Lucius is pretty darn weak. I play him only because I like the theme and want him to work. And I expect I only win with him as much as I do because I'm more experienced in my meta than most. And I don't care about perfect balance (it will never reasonably occur in any system with variable selection), but I do think there's a huge difference between an obvious low-end or situational range, and a unanimously considered competitively terrible choice.
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