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Posts posted by xKoBiEx

  1. Further to this, I believe that someone asked a question on whether they got VP for killing a model which fled into hazardous terrain and died. The answer ended up being no but I cannot find the link. I am stuck in the camp of no VP for FfM but I wouldn't argue the play in a friendly game.

  2. Much of the 10T faction has incredible synergy. However, they all require the same resources when they do have that synergy. I have all the 10T starter boxes now, apart from Yan Lo (which I missed at the birthday sale) but I will pick him up as soon as he arrives at my friend's shop.

    That said, I think anyone considering Mei Fang should buy the following boxes (given monetary consideration) right out of the gate so that they can play around with both fun and serious lists:

    *** Rail Crew (Mei Feng)

    *** The Thunder (Misaki) - Ototo / Torakage

    *** M&SU Assets (Kaeris) - Fire synergy / Range

    *** Willie the Demolitionist

    *** Rail Golem

    After those, the ones below pretty much top-out other people's suggestions for models. I do like the idea of running Coryphee x2 with her so I added the Showgirls Box, too.

    Miners and Steamfitters Union (Ramos) - Constructs

    Coryphee x2 or convert with magnetization so that one blister can turn into Duet.

    Showgirls (Colette) - Synergy with the Coryphee

    Metal Gamin - Made for Mei Feng but I'd probably never fit them into my lists.

  3. Kill Protege says "killed." Killed and Sacrificed are two distinct things. An official answer would probably be needed in order to credibly take the VPs for the scheme.

    Frame for Murder does say Sacrificed, but says "by" opposing master. I'm not sure this is precise enough to take the VPs for running your own model off the board through an opposing Terrifying zone.

    In the case of Kill Protege, it would probably be a lot easier to actually kill the model than to make it flee to the board edge and then make it flee off the board by being in your melee zone. Another model with a push effect would have you in the perfect position to push you off the board when you are trying to run that method of chain morale failures.

    For Frame for Murder, it is often easier to make the opposing master have to kill your minion by sitting on his lap until he does.

  4. Correct. Hamelin is a poor choice right out of the gate, anyway. I'm not sure any effigy he could take would be worth sacrificing his totem.

    The restrictions on Effigies do mean that non-Neverborn would never have more than 1 (or 2 in a brawl) and they would be majorly hindered by doing so. Zoraida and Collodi are really the only two masters that I could think of hiring more than 1 for unless I was doing a thematic Neverborn list which really needed extra buffs and hexes.

  5. I've decided I like this model so much that I'll end up getting a couple more so I can play around with different ideas.

    Nice. I plan on buying at least one more, as well. My current one is being painted to be a spirit. The next one will be painted to be a clay statue and then I will start with the clay statue and switch to spirit when he converts.

  6. Hi guys

    In your lists typically how many Soulstones does Collodi have in his cache/pool? Everytime that I seem to write a list I tend to have between 5-7 in his cache, is this too many for him or does he tend to burn a few in your games with him.

    Thanks for your insights


    0-2 if you're doing it right. If you can buy another model with Collodi, do it. The worth of an extra model is way more than a soulstone to him, imo. The reason is that his cheap puppets all have very nasty effects. Leaving 3 soulstones allows a few healing flips or soulstone flips... However, a Wicked Doll causes nasty things on the field and can warp to Collodi at any time and be scrapped for a soulstone if you really need one. Collodi doesn't. In addition, the marionettes prevent cheating and have a positive flip on attack. You are going to eat through your opponents' stones with them. You can also bounce damage to a marionette...let it die...pick up the counter...make another marionette.

  7. This is what I use. However, any cards that are miss-cut have a chance of still not fitting. For those, I bow them slightly and insert full. Then I slowly roll my hand back and forth across the sleeve until the card is flush. It causes minimum damage to the card that way.

    ---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------

    Thanks for this, what if any, are the advantages of sleves vs. laminating?

    Only simplicity and cost. I would recommend laminating to anyone who can do it cost effectively. Also, laminating is permanent. What that means is when the card starts to get milky from overuse of markers, you just have to live with it or buy new cards and relaminate. Washing the laminated cards every once in a while will prolong this effect.

  8. The most effective he has been for me was when he was used as card control.

    First is frustrate your opponents who have low wp by making them take pitiful tests every turn that they want to target him. Move him within 6" of the group and make sure a beater is close-by. If they want to get rid of the can not cheat without discarding a card aura, they will have to target Tannen. That will require a pitiful test and perhaps drain another two cards from their hand just to cheat. My card is not with me so I'm not sure the action which you have to now activate that gives the opponent one less card when they draw one. If you still have an action, put up another aura.

    On Lynch's turn, he can now target models within the crowd with Dead Man's Hand to empty the opposing hand and fill yours or just Holdout Pistol everyone.

    Tannen also makes the HD drop (I rarely start with him) much more deadly because models have to discard to cheat when they take the Morale Duel as he comes into play. I like to keep stacking auras while Lynch builds toward a high wound double for HD.

    In a fixed list 35-pt 3-game tournament this afternoon, I played the following crew to second place: (beat Lucas McCabe and Von Schill; lost to Kirai/Jack Daw - 1st place)

    Jakob Lynch w/ 2SS (HD in reserve)






    Arcane Effigy

  9. Your math was right, Collodi's box is not worth 25 points, and you should always supplement it. Perdita is a mean, mean woman and deserves any wrong-doing you give to her. (I really wanted to use other words there, trust me)

    Anyway, as a Collodi player, your next purchases should always be Dreamer's box, Weaver Widow, and Teddy. After that, you have a good start for both boxes and can add gradually. I'd pick up an Arcane Effigy, as soon as possible after those.

    For Nicodem, I don't have much experience...but the things he can do with Izamu are pretty nasty.

  10. So do you think this crew can work with only the 'Brilliance' or 'Dark Debts' themed models?

    I was going to buy them because I love how they look, have a Perdita crew (so Neverborn hunters themed games), Seamus (pimp vs casino/drug pusher themed games) and thought the models looks great thematically.

    But I was also hoping they could split time with Seamus for competitive tournaments too.

    I actually like very few of the Neverborn models when taken outside their respective crews themes. So Teddy = Always Dreamer, Nephilim = Lilth etc. I just think they are quite ugly and dont look good next models outsid their theme, unlike alot of Resser stuff which works with everyone else (except Kirais spirits lol).

    Plus you can't fit in all the themed models in a 35ss game anyway. I still think three iluminated in the starter set is a waste IMO as who is ever going to field 3 for 18ss outside of brawls?

    As I said, I think standard 35ss crew I would field is:

    Jacob + Huggy (starting on table) - 2ss Cache

    x2 Beckoners - 10ss

    x3 Depleted - 12ss

    x1 Illuminated - 6ss

    Mr Graves - 7ss

    Thats a really low ss cache, no abilities to heal outside of Huggy, and Mr Tannen and x2 illuminated spare from the 'themed' elements of the crew.

    I think that might be a case of great looking crew, but also one that is optimal or strong on the table.

    If this crew could make depleted I would be sold. But as I said that's probably the habits of a resser player talking lol.

    I would seriously try to find room for Tannen. He is way under-rated as a model. Today, he helped me kill Jack Daw and Kirai in the same game. Due to the modified rules of the strategy, I still lost... but Tannen was MVP of the game, overall.

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