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Posts posted by Korrosion

  1. It's funny, but I agree about leaning towards smaller cap games myself. They're easier to get done more quickly, and I find I have to make much harder choices in what I bring to the table. My SS cache is often under the cap, and it becomes a challenge to get everything I want in terms of support and striking power at the same time.

    But as noted before, I also generally play guild, so my bread and butter are 4-7 ss apiece (aside from Hoffman's ride, of course), whereas crews that rely on one or even more 9-14+ ss figures obviously feel that 5-10 reduction a lot.

    Especially when there's a non-zero risk one of your local outcasts will field Ashes & Dust, a Desolation Engine and Jack Daw or Rusty Alyce at the same time. O.O (not that such a combo is unstopable, but any conversation that begins with "just so we're all friends at the end..." is clearly going downhill fast).

    Sure it's easy to out-activate them, but it's a cluster-...shenanigans trying to do anything but throw meat into the grinder.

    To be fair (slightly) Ashes and Dust can account for 5 activations. 2 as the core/dust 1 as A&D and 2 more as core/dust. It is one model that is defiinately worth it's points.

  2. But I will grant that even down to 25SS lists, that the twins make a 14 point block of model that is tough to match in utility for the points, so its sort of rough at any level. But at least at lower points, if they take the triplets, they are not necessarily getting to fill out their lists with as many stitched and other "mess with my head" models as they do at higher levels.

    Fixed it for you.

    I think I enjoy the 25ss games as much as or more then the 35ss games because the number of models I can bring is so much more limited. I really have to plan for the Strategy/Schemes and care less about killing the opponents models. I think that defense/summoning/crew resilience become more important as the game size becomes smaller.

  3. Here is what (0) Pacify says:

    So, the (0) Pacify action does three things. 2 of the 3 things the action does are contingent on the first being successful. Thus the first is independent of the 2 subsequent contingent parts of (0) Pacify.

    First Part: Forces the target model within 12" to make a WP->WP duel. If Pandora wins this duel then anything that triggers off of winning a duel triggers (Emotional Trauma / Fading Memories). These other talent's of Pandora's that trigger off of winning a WP->WP duel are independent of the "effect" that the (0) Pacify action places on the model.

    Second Part: It applies the following effect on the model "The target model...must activate after any other model in it's Crew which has not been affected by Pacify."

    Third Part: If the model performing (0) Pacify wins the duel, it may use this action again.

    The WP->WP duel happens before any effects are applied, and the effects being applied are contingent upon the WP->WP duel being won. Thus while "Walk the Line" would prevent the effect from being applied as they are immune, it won't stop the duel from taking place, because the duel is independent of the effect.

    This is my understanding as well. Has there been any input from a RM on this?

  4. For example Zoriada has casting expert. If she has met the requirements/turn to manifest can she use (1) casting expert AP, (1) general ap to whatever, (1) general AP to manifest, and then still have a (0), and (2) casting master to use as the avatar? I was thinking yes because she starts the turn with 1 specific ap and 2 general ap. She uses those ap and is granted 2 more specific ap as a replaced model. Or does the replaced model "remember" that it already used 1 specific ap to cast?

  5. I know this is kind of going against the using the WW and Nekima successfully, but what if you switch out Nekima for a Black Blood Shaman? I'd like to try a list like this but really want to use Ophelia so I was thinking something along the lines of:

    Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

    Zoraida, the Hag -- 5 Pool

    Ophelia Lacroix [9ss]

    Black Blood Shaman [6ss]

    Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

    Malifaux Raptor [3ss]

    Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

    Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

    Weaver Widow [9ss]

    Does that accomplish the same idea grow-wise? I don't have any of the cards in front of me so I figure I'll just ask. Thanks

    Nekima hands out masks so it is really easy for the young to become a mature. Without her you are more reliant on drawing a high enough mask rather then just a high card.

  6. No one ran Hamelin at Gencon. Malifaux remains a gentleman's game.

    Or they knew going in that there would not be enough time to deal with 9.84321234871354894321^12 rat activations within the round time limits. :Hiding_Puppet:

  7. To be fair though, they WILL cuddle them. They DO tend to release things a bit overpowered, but as close as they can get with internal testing to balance.

    But, the reality is, the community is much better at the game and will discover things that never occured to Riot. And Riot will then change them without an argument based upon the enormous number of statistics that they gather from every one of the millions of games played.

    They EXPECT that they will be changing things because they recognize there is too much complexity to have gotten things right the first time, regardless of their playtesting.

    They STILL tweak champions that have been out a year as more things are discovered.

    But, they have that luxury because they are a video game and a patch that automatically loads when the game does is considerably different than printed cards and books.

    So the solution for Wyrd is to release the new 5g-always-connected-auto-aupdating-cardtm so that they can push out patches and balance tweaks mid game right? How could that possibly be a bad idea?:Hiding_Puppet:

    • Declaring your Master - the competitive events had players declare their master before hiring their crews. Opinions?
    • Adjusted Destroy the Evidence - what did you think about the Destroy the Evidence changes?
    • Changes to Treasure Hunt - what did you think about the Treasure Hunt changes?

    Then, please let us know what we did right and what went badly. We want your feedback to improve future events, but keep it civil.

    Could you please elaborate a little and tell those of us who couldn't make it what/how destroy the evidence and treasure hunt were changed? If its not to much difficulty could you also say why?

  8. Unfortunately not. 0/0 is not defined, not even as infinity and certainly not as 1 or 0. Historically, one of the earliest recorded references to the mathematical impossibility of assigning a value to a /0 is contained in George Berkeley's criticism of infinitesimal calculus in The Analyst.

    You can consider a limit as the denominator tends towards zero. In this case, for some number a, lim_{x->0}a/x=sign(a)*infinity. Generally the only case where division by zero is even slightly considered is on the Riemann sphere, where the number 1 (and only 1) can be divided by zero to give 1/0=infinity. This is only a very special case for a very peculiar set.

    You are correct that zero is not prime. It is divisible by every number except 0. Indeed, for 0/a to make sense for any a you need only find a number b such that a x b = 0.

    This must be what a headache with pictures feels like? I learned something today, I think.

  9. That said with the right strategy you can still win. Mobility is a huge advantage and nobody out maneuvers collodi with 4 marionettes (at least not since the, well deserved, Dreamer cuddle). Colette and Kiria are the only real competition in terms of speed.

    And gremlins, those little buggers are quick. Each little 2 point significant bayou gremlin can move up to 15" per turn. I hates them I do.

  10. Can't go wrong with Tuco.

    ---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:17 PM ----------

    Sue and his card mechanic is quite useful :)

    And you can heal him with Lilitu.

    Oh and the Avatar is very useful!

    Lilitu can heal a target friendly neverborn model, Sue is an outcast right? Or does he gain neverborn trait for the duration of the game if he is hired by a neverborn master?

  11. You could also go something like this:

    Activate collodi, hand out fast like candy, activate all 4 marionettes.

    Marionette 1: walk x 2 so you are 7.99999999 inches away from collodi, then pull strings that last .001 and place collodi as close to treasure as possible.

    Marionette 2: 0 into base to base with collodi as close to treasure as possible then act as marionette 1 such that the third marionette will be standing on the treasure when it retracts.

    Marionette 3: Retract into base to base such that it is standing on the treasure, (1) or (2) to pick it up then (1) to hand it to collodi. If possible pull strings back towards your deployment to begin bringing it to safety. This moves collodi, it does not push him so I believe he can hold onto the treasure while this is being done to him, although in all fairness this could be an old rule interaction swimming up out of the depths of my memory.

    Marionette 4: Retract into base/base then double walk and pull strings to place collodi somewhere safe.

  12. You may also find that without madness' and sorrows your damage output will be lower. Also, unless you are playing claim jump, apandora's lack of mobility can be a huge problem. Lelu/Lilitu are great as long as they are both alive and you may find, with so few models in the list, that they can be ganged up on.

    If I had to choose, however, I would go with the second list also.

    Being immobile could also not be such a big deal in supply wagon. You know where they have to be in order to protect the wagon...

  13. We won't know until we see the new book.

    What you really mean is: "I know but have to pretend I don't until the book becomes public" right? Sorry, i just realized that confirming or denying that last statement would invalidate it. :+fate :-)

    I'm just poking fun, I really understand that you can't violate a NDA and I'm jealous. :1_Happy_Puppet1:

    On a different topic I'm really looking forward to a post gencon-eric-interview. I hope you pull his attention for an hour or two!

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