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Posts posted by Sybarite

  1. I will be holding a 50ss Malifaux tournament at Gothcon, Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet, Gothenburg, 11th of April (Saturday).

    Three games using GG1, no hired masters.

    To apply you need to go to http://wordpress.gothcon.se/
    However there isn't a lot of content in English yet. So if you don't know Swedish and the translation options of your browser don't make it easier, don't hesitate to send me a message and I can help you apply.

  2. M2 LJ looked like a thin-limbed woman cosplaying a warrior. Not a fan of this pose but at least she looks worthy of the rule Juggernaut and her beefy stats. And I never got why she was so sexualised before (ok of course because of fan service, but ugh..) 

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  3. 19 hours ago, SerZaka said:

    My Emissary is on the shelf since the start of the beta . It seem a little to squishy for a 10ss model , I never loved the models with a lot of health without any other forms of defence (it has terrifying, but it is unreliable).

    The bonus action seems fine but to actually use it you must either have a very very awful hand or use all your high cards before with no guarantee to draw any of them . 

    The problem is that I always compare my Emissary with the Outcast one that is really good.

    It's a beta. Why are you not testning it and providing feedback instead of shelfing it because you find it to be weak? 

    • Agree 1
  4. I know changing the base sizes of models between editions is always awkward, but could we switch the base size for the Steam trunk from 30 to 50 or perhaps 40? It looks really stupid on a 30 mm and so much better on a 50 mm base. You can barely see the 30 mm base underneath it because it overhangs so much and it just ruins a nice looking model imo.

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  5. 1 hour ago, I'm a Teapot! said:

    I don’t understand why shenlong can have drunken Kung fu but brewie cannot, while his moonshinobi can.... 

    Maybe he's the brewmaster and not specialised in fighting? Although he has the trigger Drunken Strength so I guess that would suggest he is actually physically fighting.

  6. He feels oddly squishy compared to last time. Especially since they reduced his defence for some reason. I'm not so sure what his role is in a Colette crew. I mean, he's fast, but he's squishy and he doesn't dish out that much damage. The burning and pyre marker are more useful in Kaeris crews.

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