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Guild Monkee

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Everything posted by Guild Monkee

  1. The local club in Harrogate is held on a Thursday night at the Royal Air Force association. There are 2 henchmen there, James (mythicFOX) and Adam (Iron Skies). They're both really nice guys, if you give one of them a shout they can give you more details. There's quite a lot of contact between the Harrogate club and mine in York so I'll probably see you there. They run quite a bit of stuff at that club (next tournament I know of is March 10th) and I run a lot of stuff in York too. If you're planning to attend Vapnartak in York on Feb 3rd, pop by and say hi as I'll be running the faux tournament there along with other faux related shenanigans (there's only one ticket left for the tourney if you're interested). Good look in Harrogate, I'm sure they'll take good care of you. And.

  2. Good to see you're making good use of works internet!

  3. Just had a listen to your podcast, good stuff! Nice that it's been done by someone so local too.

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