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Posts posted by Arkenfel

  1. I picked up a copy at Salute a couple weeks back and after putting it all together and giving it a couple of games with friends I can safely say that it is great fun. Even friends who aren't normally into gaming enjoyed it and have asked about playing again.

    The only slight negative is with some of the plastic pieces such as the tail on the rattler, the birds feet on the austringer and the belt buckle on the death marshal being separate (extremely tiny) pieces, but this may just be down to me having sausage fingers...

    All in all, I really like Unstitched. It feels like a quality product and is a lot of fun to play.

  2. Nekima is indeed an amazing looking model and, for the most part, not too hard to put together (mainly thanks to the advice thread on positioning her arms!)

    As she is quite slender, I didn't try pinning any of the parts on, I have used greenstuff and Loctite superglue gel, which has been really effective, well, nothing has fallen off yet...

    The one problem that I did have was that the model is fairly top heavy and only has one point of contact with the base. The issue is that the calf/ankle on that leg is very thin and prone to bending under the weight of the rest of her, which I discovered after leaving it to dry overnight.

    I did get around this by using the bottom tips of her wings as contacts on the base and also using a piece of slate attached to the base to support her other foot. This seems to have taken care of it so far, but I would be interested to hear if anyone else has had this problem and how you got around it.

  3. Some awesome films in his thread :)

    I still can't watch Audition without cringing, and A Bittersweet Life is fantastic.

    I would recommend One Night in Mongkok as well.

    Also, if you want really freakin' weird then you can't beat Takeshi Mike; Visitor Q, MPD Psycho (still trying to figure parts of that one out!) and Ichi the Killer are all very cool and very weird although a little over the top for some people.

    I'd also very highly recommend films by Takeshi Kitano, Zatoichi, Sonatine and Hana-Bi are excellent and well worth watching.

  4. Hi all,

    Thought I'd bite the bullet and post a couple pictures of minis that I've been working on.

    Dark Eldar kabalite warrior


    Dark Elf dreadlord



    Keeper of Secrets - This is a work in progress but has been parked until I have painted my Lilith and Lady Justice crews.



    Excuse the poor photography, I borrowed a friends SLR and have no idea how to use it properly, I swear it has more buttons than my PC!

  5. Hey and hi! Are you guys from Stevenage in the UK? If you are, there's a big cluster of Malifaux players in Milton Keynes and Bedford. Happy to come down (I'm sure I can get a couple of guys together) and run you through some demo games if it would help you all get started.

    If we could get something like this sorted it would be great. I'll let the guys at the club know and we'll get it organised. Thanks a lot for the help, it is very much appreciated.

  6. Hi Everyone,

    Yet another Malifaux newbie here! I've been hearing nothing but good things about the game for a while now from various podcasts and forums (fora?) so I thought it was high time I checked it out.

    Myself and a few friends from the local club are starting at the moment and we have ordered the Dreamer, Lillith and Lady Justice boxes.

    If anyone has any tips for a group starting out with the game then they are more than welcome :)

  7. Hi Loxley. There is a gaming club which runs on Mondays evenings in St Nicks, Stevenage where there are a couple of us who are looking to start Malifaux. Admittedly we are just waiting for the rules and minis to be delivered at the moment but hopefully we'll be able to get some games under our belts and garner some interest in Malifaux in the local gaming community.

    Let me know if you would like some more details as new members are always welcome, and the more Malifaux players the better!

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