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Everything posted by dancater

  1. Yep. All I'm advocating is that both players make sure, as the variety of common/special markers expands, that they clearly identify the unusual special markers so both players can clearly identify them. And perhaps putting together a list of models which generate special markers. So far Thoon (Frozen Trophy), Lucius-2 (Planning Ahead) and Rasputina-2 (Creeping Ice).
  2. So throwing out this as a warning and advice as Malifaux Burns hits the wild. For most it is plain and obvious, but if the years have taught me anything it is to be most wary of what seems obvious to you, as that is the thing you don't account for and it burns you. Several of the new titles have an ability to create a type of marker which is what I'll refer to as a "common" marker, one which they, their crew and other crews can create in multiplicity. But, the marker they create has unique special additional rules, while in all other ways is the same as the "common" marker. Everyone must make sure that these unique variant markers are clearly differentiated on the table, so all players know what are the "common" markers and what is the "special" variant. The masters or models which do this include (please others feel free to add more): Rasputina the Abominable throws out (potentially multiple) Creeping-Ice Pillars which also prevent movement effects and Bury to models in base contact with them. This is a trigger on her Northern Winds attack, in all other ways these markers are normal Ice Pillars. This ability is especially complicated as it is not time limited and you can multiple Ice and Creeping-Ice Pillars at the same time. Lucius, Dishonourable at the beginning of his turn uses Planning Ahead to throw out a single Scheme Marker which, for the remainder of the round (so this is strictly time limited), allows Elite and Mimic models within 2 of the marker to add one suit of their choice to declared Attack actions. I'm certain there are others, so if we get a list that will be really useful. The critical thing is that these are not a new special type of marker but a special rule variant. As long as this is known to both players and clearly differentiated on the table (so both players know what is the "common" and what instead is the "special") then we have no problems. So everyone playing titles which do this need a second distinct marker, and everyone playing against them needs to clarify what is going to be used. Let's avoid unnecessary table conflicts. And for this reason as a house rule I would play that if the dropped marker is not clearly differentiated then it has none of the special rules.
  3. The Kaltgeist does boost Raspy-1 but I agree she (and multiple models in her crew) need a slight, emphasis on slight, buff still and hopefully she will get it. The trick is what to buff, if you do buff the Dec Acolyte and Ice Dancer, well they are summons for the Abominable, that could get frosty. If you buff the Ice Gamin and Golem you may hit issues with the Sandeep's. If you do buff her and her crew you could over correct in combination. I'd like to see something but very small. The marker is Destructible and, in addition, multiple of the titles (or accompanying models) have marker removal, so holding a point indefinitely seems unlikely unless your opponent has fallen on their face, in which case it is simply icing on a likely smooth, untroubled victory. Nevertheless, yes I actually very much saw this first as a defend your own model ability, although thinking now about its offensive potential it could cause lethal pressure for models/crews that rely on bury to operate and survive (OG-Colette would loath this). Also this ability, and several others across the titles, create a awkward situation, the Ice Pillar dropped by Creeping Ice makes a marker like any other Pillar, but it also includes the additional special rule to prevent Bury, so, especially if you have multiple Creeping Ice Pillars out, you will need to differentiate between these Pillar markers and the more "mundane" Pillars. This will be critical, the confusion and conflict it could otherwise create would be significant. So time to have clearly distinct types of Ice Pillar marker. (Note one of the most important of these "distinct" markers is Lucius Dishonourable, he throws out [a fortunately special only for the single round] Scheme Marker, so whether you are playing with or against titled-Lucius make certain you have a unique single Scheme Marker to signify this special ability).
  4. I can't see doing it often, but I can see doing it. The Wind Golem is more durable, depending on the opponent if I need something to get into a hot spot, move some things and drop a scheme then where multiple Wind Gamin might be chopped to pieces the Wind Golem may just be your huckleberry. Also if the enemy has a really savage scheme runner that you need to neutralise the Wind Golem might be the way to go. But agreed, the Fire, Ice and Metal Gamin are all small versions of their Golem's and the Golem is basically a killer, turning 3 small killers into a single much bigger killer usually makes sense in Faux, three Gamin are less efficient at killing than a Golem in 90% of circumstances. But the Wind Elementals are mobile primary schemers and, particularly for the Golem, anti-schemers. In most circumstances three separate mobile scheme runners are much more flexible and efficient then a single scheming monster. Plain and simple, it's a nice option to have, but you'll very rarely use it.
  5. It will also massively impact the choice of crew. The potential for a heavy "your choice of condition" available with Elementals crew here is massive. Lot's of Ice Gamin and a Golem, suddenly your Academic can hurl out a 5/6/8 smash face to a slowed target, with several slow vectors to set it up. With Banasuva, some Fire Elementals and a few Academics you could throw out some nasty Burning. The Metal Elementals are a mix of some cool movement options, functional damage and defence with Shielded and Vent Steam options. The Wind Elementals can wreck a bubble crew or positional scheme game with enemy pushes. As noted, both the Wind and Metal Elementals also synergise really well with Kandara handing out Staggered. The biggest issue is that the Academics are not cheap, the Mages (healing helps everyone) are 6SS, the Guard (with the movement-push mantra the Wind Elementals become insane) 8SS and Kudra (she synergises especially well with the Metal Militia) is 9SS. Be curious to see if/when we see a Poison Golem what the poison schtick could be. But the little Poison Gamin is the least likely to be seen in this crew. We really need a Poison Golem. Also remembering you can rotate all the Gamin with the Warp Elements trigger of Deep's bonus action Moment of Reflection, so you can in emergencies switch in the Gamin which brings an Academic that critical action option (which is probably another reason it's limited to the Elemental Minions).
  6. OK. This is interesting. Sandeep FoM is an Elemental and Academic. His Students of All front card ability reads: After a friendly Academic activates, it may discard a card to have another friendly Elemental within 6 of it take a non- Action, drawing LoS and range from the Academic. Models cannot take actions this way more than once per turn. As observed Sandeep is an Elemental, as of course are all the Gamin, all the Golems, Banasuva, Essence of Power and Kandara. So that is a ton of potential actions. It reads to me as a pseudo command - it allows an Elemental to take an a non-bonus action, so uses the Elementals stats and card, but the actions 'origin' becomes the Academic. Simply wow, the potential application is huge, although it is very card intensive. So this has me rethinking, this is a great synergy boost for Academics within a Sandeep FoM crew, but because Sandeep FoM is not a summoner it means that the SS crunch on his crews is really, really tight. I'm not certain how many Academics I can justify squeezing in, but it certainly gives me lots of thoughts. This is a theory crafting topic all unto itself, for example Banasuva's Toss or Sandeep FoM's Aetheric Control are intriguing and an Academic throwing out a Ice/Metal Golem's Huge Fist would certainly sting. This seems cool.
  7. The damage on the Blasts could be hideous if an opponent lets Backup Assistant get in close with 2+ glowy tokens. If I'm reading it right Wong first Cursed Warnings with Siphon Power for a mask to hit to models. Then Wong could Siphon Power for ram then hit 2/3/5irreducible to target and if he hit severe (say with a focus attack off stat 6) the double blast is 5 damage to the cursed opponents if they are within 3 of the Backup Assistant. So a Bonus + 12" attack to do 15+ damage spread across at least 3 targets. The big question I see is what happens if you engage Wong the Enchanter??? The little magical goblin has no melee, and I don't see much in built retreat, it seems to be Enchant "Magics" with the (so Siphon, Soul Stone, Cheat or just plain lucky flip) for the Puff of Smoke trigger cast on himself and moving him 4" - so Wong really needs a bodyguard nearby (within 4) to be secure against easy engage Wong neutralisation. Still, yeah, like it. Does this (or more importantly the Backup Assistant) do anything to improve OG-Wong???? Not sure.
  8. OK. So Sandeep lost summoning, gained marker creation, debuffing, some shielding and healing. Better support for Elementals than for Academics I think. Warp Elements trigger can cycle Gamin (minions only so not Golems) and is not a summon, so you can start with Metal or Fire Gamin, rotate to Wind Gamin to scheme, that sort of thing, not hugely useful but I do think it could have utility. How does his Demise (Upheaval) operate??? It reads very awkwardly. After this model is killed, enemy models with 1 of any marker within 6 gain Staggered. OK so you kill Sandeep, any marker with 6" then creates a 1" pulse which gives unresisted Staggered to every model inside that (those) pulses (friendly Academics and Elementals ignore this demise). Makes sense once you write it out. Overall, different, seems OK. Academics fail to get much love, and many of them need it. Called it that Sandeep was teamed with Shenlong. Wind Golem, is a big, mobile, fairly fragile scheme runner and anti-schemer. Clearly protects nearby models effectively from attacks, but that is useful not huge. Very, very mobile and has movement shenanigans, Mv 6 Flight, suited Leap - wow. moves models with Pounce on one melee trigger, the Wind Blast also pushes on a non-pistol ranged 8". Conclusion, not a beater or tank. This Golem is a hit and run scheme runner and enemy scheme killer, in the right pool, against the right opponent it will be a game winning nightmare, swooping in, throwing things around, tearing up vulnerable models and then scoring schemes. But, in a pool which is more about the brawl or against opponents that can lock it into melee it is going to burst into a cloud of mist. I can see taking it, but honestly not that often. Is it better than two Wind Gamin??? Not sure. So when do we get the Poison Golem and what does that look like? Overall, I feel this is the most underwhelming of the titles honestly. Sandeep Font of Magic doesn't grab my imagination. The Wind Golem is super niche for the crew I think, especially I feel in the Sandeep FoM crew, could see the Wind Golem more in Summons-Sandeep. The Academics continue to be on detention.
  9. So. Love this Raspy, love the summoning. Lots of good here, not overpowered. But she is a lot better than OG-Raspy. So OG-Raspy needs a buff, hell Cryosleep alone on her card would be huge. This also emphasises that several Frozen Heart models do also need a buff to some degree. Because they can now be summoned the Hoarcats, December Acolyte and Ice Dancer can't be buffed to much but they need something, especially for their play into OG-Raspy. In addition the Kaltgeist does demonstrate that the Ice Gamin (and Golem) both could use a little love. Nothing huge, a light buff across all these models and OG-Raspy is all that would be required, especially if something on OG-Raspy also helped the living Frozen Heart models a little (to prevent Abominable Raspy summons from going from OK to unreasonable). Hopefully Wyrd is aware and working on this, they have generally impressed me so far, so I've got some faith in storage. Love this.
  10. God I wish I was that disciplined. I will not discuss my order, but I am hoping the collected cardboard packaging will be able to create a temporary residence 😁
  11. Wyrd has released a neat little spoiler and road ahead video for GenCon 2021, and in the case of the Otherside in particular more beyond what we knew. Lots of gristle for the mill and at least a limited spoiler for the Wyrd title boxes releasing at the big event. Check it out and give it a thumbs up like.
  12. Well we've had the partial spoiler. Including all the GenCon released models.
  13. I haven't given it huge thought to be honest, more trying to parse the new rules than imagine what is missing. But for a number of the revealed masters Wyrd has done an excellent job of changing the way they play and incorporating more rarely seen keyword models, it is therefore notable that Smuggler Colette did not really address the weaker crew choices in her keyword. How they could have done it is debatable, I've certainly been surprised by how this has been achieved in some lists.
  14. As a Enforcer Dorian really competes more with Harata at 9SS and Angelica at 7SS, especially Angelica than he does the sub 6SS minions. But I do agree he is a good model that further tightens the soul stone crunch, 50SS only goes so far. But, lets be honest this is a damn big reason for taking a cheap Arcanist minion in any list. Yeah, this is a tough call, I probably marginally prefer the Showgirl in a Performer crew, I like Manipulative and Celebrity better than Set Up For Success and Disguised. Also the Showgirl does have Performer synergy, whereas the Saboteur does not. Although in a scheme heavy pool, which ironically is the preferred Performer pool, the Saboteur brings good anti-scheme tech as well with Arson and Sabotage Their Plans. To be honest I can see both being occasionally useful outside of Magical Training caddy, so its choose as you prefer. You can't expect to much out of the 4-5SS bracket in terms of reliable game impact, and I'm fine with that. But at 5SS I do wish the Showgirl brought a little bit more, or better a little something different. But at 5SS I do almost feel like they are a +1SS tax on Magical Training for a model which would probably only be worth 4SS otherwise. Still is I was going to vigorously demand a Performer rework then I think the Ice Dancer, at a SS more than the Showgirl has no place in Performers, and not much of a place, if any, in Raspy's Frozen Heart.
  15. Generally I agree, the Showgirl model is underwhelming. No damage to speak of, highly conditional defences which can be worked around with relative ease. Reasonable speed. With Don't mind me and Celebrity they can scheme OK, but up close they are only going to do so for an activation or two before they are dead. I bring one along because; Living so Magical Training, Lure and Seduction. Keep her back,, benefit from the extra card, activate her late and then either sneak to a isolated place to drop a useful scheme marker (either to score or deceive) or throw out the Lure and/or Seduction to disrupt my opponents plan, while still staying well back. She works for Colette's movement shenanigans in this position, another useful thing. Then in turns 4-5 I can run her in, ideally late turn 4 and then reactivate early turn 5 and throw out as much distraction as I can to mess with my opponent, put her in a place where they likely need to waste an activation to kill her. So one is useful. More, not so much. But the Performer keyword has so many premier expensive models, Harata, the Duet, Cassandra and Carlos, and Angelica isn't cheap. Add to that some great Arcanist versatiles (notably at 4SS the Effigy is preferable to a Showgirl at 5SS and a Saboteur at 5SS competes) and the Showgirl is a tough include, especially because, as you say, the Mannequin is cheaper, arguably tougher and, unlike the Showgirl, brings some healing and defence to a crew which needs it, at least more than they need the distraction and schemes which are the Showgirls main schtick. This is also my main disappointment with Smuggler Colette. While she introduces new play and threat vectors she only really buffs Mechanical Doves in her keyword. The Showgirl sees nothing, nor do the even less desirable (and more costly) Ice Dancers. So Smuggler Colette crews are, fore all intents and purposes, identical to OG-Colette's, which I feel was an opportunity missed. The Showgirl is not awful, but in a crew which runs on a razors edge (I find that the Performers played well are very powerful, but if played incorrectly useless), with many useful models that do much of what the Showgirls does, but better, that she simply rarely makes the cut except as a cheap, living Magical Training bearer with a little synergy and utility.
  16. This is the crux. Malifaux is not usually about the crush, kill, destroy; winning in Faux is much, much more complex then most other games where hammer to face is the strategy, if not the only strategy the dominant one. So I think that this is the weakness of Kaeris Reborn, sure stack her for mega-flame, but meanwhile you fall behind on table position and the actual objectives. Kill with fire but lose with tactics. Of course this relies on (1) a non-killing dominated scheme/strat pool, which is very apparent in GG2 and generally is fairly normal in most Malifaux GG iterations and pools. But still with Kaeris Reborn this will be an issue, although even in a pure killing pool the one turn lost to prepping the nuclear fire may allow an opponent to kill you harder anyway. (2) Of course it also relies on your opponent actually focussing on the schemes & strats to secure the win and not getting rattled or drawn into a firestorm of death which only works into Kaeris Reborn's plan. But again this is not unique to Kaeris the nuanced strategies of Malifaux always rely on an opponent not losing track of the VP's in favour of the bloody model exchange, so if someone loses track of how to win and let's me burn them to ash with Reborn fury, well that's on them.
  17. Its a complicated game, further it flips many "conventional" war gaming tropes on their head (notably your entire crew can be slaughtered half way through the game, you've killed nothing and you crush your opponent, been there, done that). It means a lot of the common presumptions war gamers (or folks thinking what a war game will be) walk in with are modified or don't apply. However, as you've discovered the community is, generally, very helpful, positive and understanding. Play well and my all your flips be
  18. Warning first, Colette is a tricky master and crew to learn with, she is very scheme and attack sideways, it takes a little while to wrap your head that with Colette you're playing a Game much more than a War game. Still she is my favourite master and is a joy to play and paint. Also check out the building on a budget videos on Schemes & Stones YouTube channel, useful information for starting out. Now good against her? Depends on what you mean in part, good as in competitive, good as in easy to learn and play, good as in interesting? How you prioritize this will impact the selection. Also the new titles really mix things up. Some of the title boxes (which contain 2 masters of different factions) are available at the GenCon online sale. You seem inclined to take the fair lady masters (using the word fair very liberally in the case of Rezzers). Note several masters have male/female alternate models if that impacts your thinking, notably Samantha Thrace is a female alt for Dashal who is an excellent Guild summoner master and would be a solid option. Others in Guild Nellie is super schemey and meant to be fun, very control, I've rarely played her. Perdita is a damage machine in base, but her title (available at GenCon sale) is gorgeous, really lots of sideways play, control, schemes, and summin-lite, everything you could want. So in Guild I'd go in order (1) Perdita (titled) (2) Thrace (as Dashal) and (3) Nellie. Then Justice and Sonnia backing up. In Rezzers, the only master I have real experience with/against is Molly. Molly is a oppressive control master with some summoning, her title I haven't wrapped my head around though. Kirai is a big summoner in either form original and title, she is more control in title I think(??). Reva I simply do not really know. I'd go Molly simply because she is my favourite Rezzer fluff wise. For you, if you want a Rezzer get better advice than from me. Neverborn Pandora is a monster fun control master, but playing against her can be very oppressive, her title is not released but is a summoner with control, so certainly for control then Pandora is a solid selection. Nekima is a smash face master in her original form, she does have a grow mechanic, making smaller models bigger but it is not as strong, her title plays more into growing models and summon-lite with less smash face, I'd strongly consider the title BUT it is not yet available for purchase. Titania is a control master this I know, but not a summoner, she is fun to play against (never played with her). Zoraida is a crazy obey master in her original incarnation, very control. Honestly in Neverborn I'd go all out Pandora, she is a great master. But in the end of all the choices for my cash on the table I'd very much be inclined towards Perdita, you can buy her main crew box and the title box at the GenCon sale, giving you two different "versions" of the same master and crew, so variety, she plays pretty simply in her original format and her title is control with a small summon and potential grow mechanic and her crew has some movement tricks, literally everything you seem to want. For this reason (although the title box is not available yet, its not at GenCon sale) I'd also strongly look at Pandora, because her title is packaged with Colette so when it does get released you and your partner effectively are in a perfect place to share Colette/Pandora. So my recommendations (1) Perdita title (and original) and (2) Pandora title (and original) [with title box including Colette title when released]. I place Perdita first because she is a simpler master to learn and play and less oppressive to play against and her title box (with the Bayou Gremlin Ophelia) is available at GenCon. In the perfect world Pandora and Colette (with both titles accessible) are a superb choice, both are tough to learn and yes Pandora can be oppressive but this combination seems to fit your goals perfectly (the problem is no idea when the title box gets released - but with the Malifaux app and printed cards between you both you could simply proxy). Hope that helps, good luck and have fun with this wonderful game.
  19. There is a good argument the the single Coryphee is among the best Performer models on a per-points basis. The Coryphee Duet is exceptional. So taking the Duet and 2x Coryphee, while expensive is a very powerful choice, with the added benefit that you throw the Duet forward, slaughter something and if/when it gets killed you then dance your two Coryphee together and viola the enemy has to face the problem again. I personally don't do it. I think with Cassandra, Carlos and Harata there is plenty of other excellent higher soul stone cost options, not to mention Mech Rider and even the Emissary, still money wise that adds up, especially Harata who while excellent is an Explorer in a box with models you simply don't need. But for building on a budget it is a solid option, it gives you an early, relatively economical excellent option and later if your collection grows you don't have to worry about magnetising.
  20. So all the content provider reveals we expected are finished, we've also had some release previews without accompanying (yet) reveals. What we know. The paired and keyword linked. Som'er (B) and Seamus (R) with the White Rabbit (R) Brewmaster (B) and Youko (TT) with Shojo (TT) Colette (A) and Pandora (N) with Dorian (N) Ophelia (B) and Perdita (G) with Sly (G) Lucas (TT/E) and McMourning (R) with the Curator (R) Mei (A/TT) and Mah (B) with the Rock Hopper (B) Marcus (A/N) and Lord Cooper (E) with the Empryean Eagle (E) Justice (G) and Tara (O) with 33 (O) Hoffman (A/G) and Von Schill (O) with the Metallurgist (O) Jedza (E) and Zoraida (N/B) with the Kurgan (N) Nekima (N) and Molly (R) with the Noxious Nephlim (R) The Viks (O) and Yan Lo (R/TT) with Kenshiro (TT) Anya (E) and Ironsides (A) with the Drudge (A) Reva (R-Burning) and Kaeris (A-Burning) with Deacon Hillcrest (A) Dreamer (N) and Asami (TT) with Lady Yume (TT) Then we have two in the new Otherside box, without a keyword linking model(s) but instead separate keyword faction versatiles. Sonnia (G) with the Guild Mage and Gatling Gunner and Kirai (R) with the Gwisin and Enslaved Spirit Then we have one master spoiled but with no pairing or additional keyword releases. Von Schtook Finally we have box reveals without spoiler reveals which tell us parings and cross keyword models. Nexus (E) and Lucius (N/G) with Cavatica (?) Daw (O/R) and Nellie (G-Burning) with Auguste Hart (?) So of the 54 distinct masters we have information on 37 (33 spoiled and 4 known). One master stands out, Von Schtook, without a pairing or keyword, who is the mad professor teamed with (does he have to be? I think yes, maybe Sandeep). I suspect Sonnia and Kirai will not get a cross keyword model. We know there are 8 Burning Man cultist masters, with 3 spoiled (Kaeris (A) and Reva (R) paired also Nellie (G) [known]) and 5 unknown (Ulix (B), Parker (O), Maxine (E), Misaki (TT) and Euripides (N)), they clearly do not have to be linked. After counting the 37 known and the 5 additional cultists we have 12 more masters to go (Sandeep (A), Rasputina (A), Wong (B), Lynch (TT), Shenlong (TT), Basse (G/E), English Iven (E), Dashal (G), Zipp (O/B), Titania (N), Leveticus (O), Hamelin (O)). Assuming every master remaining pairs and includes a cross-keyword model that also means we have 9 more new models to reveal. So far only Rezzers have all 8 titles known. Arcanists have 6 known, Neverborn have 6 known, Guild have 6 known, Bayou has 5 known, Ten Thunders have 5 known, Explorers have 5 known, Outcasts have 4 known; with two of the unknown masters being dual (one Guild/Explorer and one Outcast/Bayou).
  21. 110% true, on each point. The Dispatcher is the totem for Dashal, so essentially a must take model, basically a variety of direct master upgrade that adds power, some flexibility (a separate model) and certain vulnerabilities (it is not master tough), excellent. In contrast the new Frozen Heart, while it can help, will be problematic as a "must" take. Also very much want OG-Raspy and her crew to get their own boost, I honestly feel it would not take much. I agree the Ice Pillars is the core issue, from 1E and 2E I feel they were gun shy of the back field arc blaster Raspy to the degree that they handicapped her to make sure it wouldn't happen. Note with the new titles Ironsides has a lite summon, so does Mei. That may be what we get. I do anticipate Sandeep will move away from summoning. Here is a slightly outside the box idea for a Raspy summoner, she can summon live models (the issue is Silent Ones, they are so good) through Corpse Markers and she can summon Ice Gamin through Scrap Markers, mixed with a bonus action or trigger which can 'freeze' Corpse Markers into scrap and 'melt' Scrap to Corpse. Or maybe the keyword model can summon Gamin and Raspy can summon December Acolytes and Ice Dancers (or the reverse). Personally I'd love a summon Ice Elementals Raspy, even if it is pretty limited, it would have to be efficient as the Ice Gamin and Golem are not that great. I am waiting with baited breath on both Raspy and Sandeep, need to plan my forthcoming year.
  22. For this reason I'm super curious to see Rasputina's title, and more importantly the cross-keyword model with Frozen Heart. The new Frozen Heart model, while obviously playing into the new title could, and hopefully will do something special for the OG Rasputina. I'm hoping she gets a boost, don't want her to be top tier but she is currently really lagging basically on the same level as Dashal (who got monstrous with a tweak to his totem) and Youko (who got a full card radical rework). I'm hoping (and inclined to believe) Raspy doesn't need a full ground up rework, I figure a new model for Frozen Heart, maybe a little tweak of the Ice Golem, Ice Gamin and Ice Dancers (which are all pretty poor) and hopefully she'll be up to speed with our other masters.
  23. Best to do that now and sort it out. Because someone will do it at a game table at tournament, calling on a referee for adjudication. A referee who hopefully can use the results of this discussion, whatever form they take, to provide a reasoned answer supported by Wyrd clarification, or at least evidenced discussion and agreement here. We got the time, we can think it out and discuss it, and we can, hopefully, reduce the chances of arguments and bad blood at a game table somewhere. Besides its a fun discussion and looking into the intricate mechanics of this rule has familiarised me with other rules and interactions that, until now, I was less up to speed on.
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