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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Doubtful as you can place the tiles in any combination. If they had markings it would be limited to one specific layout.
  2. Very nice looking. I hate painting terrain though, so this will very definitely depend on price. It's interesting that you went with plastic tiles for the base instead of a mat of some kind. Here's hoping the price is within my range, but I would really want a whole table's worth.... I don't love the tall building though. In my experience they either end up around the board edge or just make seeing things on the table a real pain. It sounds like these are modular buildings though, so hopefully you could do more one-story versions.
  3. To be clear, I am in the camp that they are worth 2x their SS value. I just think that Public Demonstration is a different matter and therefore a different answer.
  4. It does come up in other ways and unfortunately these models were made just before GG18. In Interference or Turf War for instance there is no debate and it is a very handy ability. But for Ours!, Public Demonstration, etc. there are people on both sides of the argument and some see it as an OP issue. I could see it going either way at this point as Wyrd has surprised me in the past with rules FAQs. For now you'll just have to discuss with your game group or TO to make sure ahead of time. I think we have quite a wait before the next FAQ...
  5. Why is it the 'exact same model'? Where is that stated or even have a precedence in the rules? It's similar to the other rule as the closest thing I could think of in the current rules. No matter what, there are too many questions about how this type of ability works.
  6. Except I would still argue you only selected one of the 'two' models. It's not the same model, similar to summing back Toshiro and it being a new model. You selected one model at the beginning of the game and now you have two models with the same name, but only one was a selected model. That is my take, though I freely admit I could be wrong. There are enough strange interactions that i really hope they address these models in the FAQ.
  7. True - they are not great models overall, so I doubt we'll see a ton of spamming really. One or two might be useful though. They are OK, and can take a beating so could be useful to hold quarters and the enemy would have to put a decent amount of AP into killing them, but they are not going to be killing a lot. And if they choose Skulls, they are only Wk 4. Not game breaking really. The Tanuki are even more hampered as they have to give up their entire activation to count as two models. That's a pretty hefty price. I really doubt we'll be seeing any issues with them.
  8. I do think there are enough questions about howthis type of ability work that we really need a FAQ for it. There is Big Jake, Bone Piles, and Tanuki I believe that all have a rule like this (did I miss any?). Since it seems to apply to 3 of the 5 Strats and some of the schemes, it will hopefully be answered officially in some fashion. Big jake is an individual model, so not as big a game breaker, but Bone Piles and Tanuki are both unlimited minions. You could easily outnumber your opponent in Ours! with just a few of these relatively cheap models.
  9. yeah - sorry - thought I was at the end of the thread when I replied only to keep reading after hitting submit. Right, but only one of the 'two' models was chosen for the scheme - the original Bone Pile. The other 'model' is not one of the chosen models so would be irrelevant. Similar to how a model that dies and is summoned back is a new and different model - not the same model that was picked for whatever scheme etc. at the beginning of the game.
  10. The real question is how does he count for 2 models exactly, especially for Ours!? This applies to Bone Piles and Tanuki as well. The argument is whether or not counting as two models means you count their SS twice? I believe during the Beta we were told to do it this way, but there was never an official ruling as far as I can recall. I think Ply and Public Execution are a little easier. If they have the Gathered Intel/Shed Blood condition they counts as 2 models with the condition, yes?
  11. One could argue that only one of the two models was actually selected for PD, as there is only one such model when you pick schemes. So it still only counts as one of the selected models, not two. Since you don't have Two Heads active during the pre-game, I'm not sure how in this case you could argue it's worth 12SS for the scheme. Two Heads requires you to actively use it to benefit from it, which you can't do before the game starts.
  12. While not official, we do have some precedence for the 'intent' based on the Beta and the comment from Aaron. It may not stick, but it was there as I'm not the only one to remember it. This affects a number of models and both Strats and Schemes, so hopefully we can get an official resolution to put the argument to bed.
  13. Yep - that's what I get for responding without re-reading the actual abilities. Could be a potent combo, but I've found RN fragile as they are big targets and their low Df blows. Once they are below half wounds they are just average. I've recently been using Yan Lo and Sun Quiang and with that much healing they may stay alive longer. Sun Quiang having WP duels also combines nicely with the RN Smell Fear.
  14. Ah, then they just need separate targets. Not the same target. Each has a different target and at the end of each targets activation one of them could stalk. Heck, you could slingshot one RN up the board unexpectedly.
  15. The RN does not have to walk for the other model to get to walk. Your question about having two separate RN each with Pack is interesting. So RN A has the opportunity to walk so RN B (within 6") gets a free walk and stays within 6" of RN A. Then RN B has the opportunity to walk and RN A gets a free walk. i don't see anything rules wise that would stop that from working. If they both had the same target and you can keep them within 6" of each other they could both get a free walk at the same time I believe. Nasty little combo, if expensive. I'm also in favor of My Little Helper on the RN, so it would be hard to give that up really. It really helps the fragile RN last long enough to do it's thing.
  16. I'm pretty sure that during Beta this came up in reference to Big Jake and we were told to count him twice for now. I don't think there was ever an official 'yes, that's how we are doing it'. I'm of the interpretation that you would count them twice, but I can see why others might disagree. I'm not sure what use the ability is otherwise though. It is however very, very strong in Ours now. Maybe too strong? Just be sure to ask your TO or your group for now as I think there may be a lot if disagreement on this one. There are multiple models that this could affect now and some kind of official response would be appreciated.
  17. I think there was an error in the app. Aaron's actual post only says -1 to cost. The App is likely wrong in this case and will be fixed in an update. That seems to be the guess on the original post anyway. Great if they are 5SS, but more likely they are 6SS
  18. Thank you! I'm quite happy with it overall. Wish I could have afforded something nicer than pine for it. Even a nice plywood would have looked better I think. So far it's great for games though and gives me plenty of space to store stuff out of the way. My game/craft room is rather narrow and we already have more furniture than I like in that room.
  19. Yet somehow he dies to a stiff breeze. I like the light approach in changing SS costs first and do like him better at 6SS. He might make the table more often now. Same with Shikome. I don't mind the nerf to Nurses as they could be quite nasty and 6SS is still a deal to be able to mess with your opponents models. One Nurse could often neutralize two enemy models a turn or possibly turn your average minion into a beater.
  20. True, but at Ml4 they can't even be used to threaten other scheme runners. Ml5 they might just have a chance to stop or slow down an event scheme runners. For their cost I think that's a decent use, but right now you have to keep them closer to your master, which means they can't scheme run or scheme block. I wouldn't be opposed to eating scheme markers, but anything besides 1 at a time, which anyone can do for 1ap, would likely require upping their cost. Maybe giving them some small bonus if they eat a scheme marker (+1df, Defensive, armour+1) to make it more unique? The models are cool, but I'm hard pressed to put them on the table right now.
  21. Agreed. Just give them a Ml5 and take away the bonus when near a master and I'd be more likely to take them. Ml 4 just makes them sooo subpar now. Incorporeal might be too much for their cost, but maybe unimpeded?
  22. I tend to use mats, so I'll probably leave it as is. Pine is pretty soft though, so I may get something to protect the top as we might use this as another cutting/craft table.
  23. Those are the hanging shelves on the wall above the bookcases. I put loops on the wall along with some supports that they can sit on when not in use. Since the 'table' is only 37" I needed something for people to put cards and stuff on. Those shelves are about 9" wide by 37", giving plenty of space for stuff. Plus, the shelves can be hooked on any side of the table. You can set up the table and then whoever gets to choose sides is free to choose any side they like.
  24. So I finally finished my table. I decided to create some extra storage at the same time and actually made it two bookcases and two hanging shelves. The bookcases go back to back and latch together to create a 37" square play top (was afraid to try and make it exactly 36" in case I screwed up somewhere - this worked out as it gave me room for the hanging hooks I decided to go with for the play shelves). The shelves can hang from any side of the table, so it's easier to move your stuff if you want. Could have saved a bit of money if I had used plywood, but I don't have a table saw and I hate trying to get them to cut at the store. My tools are limited as well, so not all the joints are as flush as I'd like, but a little wood putty and everything seems to be good. There are a ton of pocket screws on this thing. Felt pads on the bottom let me slide it on the floor very easily. Last minute I made a couple of quick hanging cup holders as well that work great. Broke it in yesterday with a game of Yan Lo vs Asami. Glad to say I won and Yan Lo beat Asami into the ground Only the second time I've beat that opponent, but he was a bit out of practice. Here's a link to a few pictures. Need to get a few more. 12/31 - Added a few more pictures of the hooks I used, the holes they sit in, and the cup holder. I really like the holes for the shelves as it means they can't slide side to side when on the table. They are through bolted in a 1x3 board across the back of the top of each shelf. https://1drv.ms/f/s!AkfXqHIwwjCDgp1g1cM0x0LFFRSs6w
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