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Posts posted by Telfurion

  1. Hi

    I have got a questions concerning Sonnia Criid and her trigger explosive burst.

    Can i put only the first marker 2" away from the target and the other 1 or two markers have to be in contact with each other, like in the rules? Or can i put each of the 2-3 blast markers 2" away from the last one?

    i think it`s the first but i wasn`t completely sure.

  2. Friend of mine was thinking about the swarm and other ramos constructs too.

    The abilities Hoffman could get look awesome on the paper.

    He hits pretty hard with his weapon and melee master from the swarm or with 3 little spiders and his spell.

    And self repair, but that you could also get from the guardian.

  3. So i finally joint the Forum here.

    I live in Germany, althought i`m dutch.

    27years old and a friend and i startet playing Malifaux a half year ago.

    Hopefully we can convince some more people here in Jena in the future.

    Got to Malifaux because of the great minitures and Skirmish system. We had enough of paint 40 oder more of the same figures...

    Can`t wait to see how it will go on with Malifaux. Love the Artworks and how close they manage to create the sculps.

    Great game.

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