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Posts posted by NeverEnding

  1. Yeah right now I'm planning on a lot of blogging and eventually getting into some painting commissions hopefully after that im going to make a youtube channel and then start building A LOT of tables hopefully sell some and make a bit of money, this is going to be a years long project. I just want some community support first, make myself a personality.

  2. Hey guys, I have kind of disappeared from the forum but for good reason! (I swear!) I have done a bit of soul searching and have made a huge discovery about what I want to do with my life, sit in a comfortable chair and get paid to play wargames. But since thats not likely to happen I have decided to go for a similar option and am aiming to open my own gaming shop. In the meantime I am going to make a goal of playing every conceivable table top miniatures game as well as some role plays and other fun stuff and blog all about my experiences. I'm starting up with malifaux on the blog, if any of you are interested here is the link! http://tabletopjuggler.blogspot.com/

  3. Dont centralize your strategies around one model, and remember that most of what you bring is going to be expendable. But sell them dearly. The other day I had an Ice Gamin charge at a Peacekeeper and use its def. trigger to effectively take the peacekeeper out of the game for two turns. Later that day I relied a little too heavily on my Sabertooth Cerberus and ended up having to fight my way to a tie when it died.

  4. Yeah ive been playing for a while now and own a rasputina crew plus cerberus as well as the viks (johan is m&su) reason im asking is because this saturday im heading down to a tournament with my 2 arcanist masters. I got colette not long ago but have played her at least once a day since she arrived so i am fairly confident. The only thing holding me back from using johan at least once is his lack of mobility. So far im leaning more towards the cerberus for more punch but would much rather keep the duet but thats alot of points.

  5. How have you guys been doing against ressurectionist masters? The other day I had a preformer hold up 2 punk zombies and a flesh construct for a good three turns. The only thing that makes me sad is the lack of damage. In a game I played today against nicodem at 35 ss. Last game I took corphee duet with the starter box for 35 ss exactly. This time I dropped cassandra and went with 3 doves. Killing power was lacking a bit minus corphees but SS dominated. Question is, at 25 ss would you run corphee duet? And how do you keep from overextending yourselves?

  6. Welcome to the group :thumb:

    Great pick with rasputina, that was the first box I got too. Shes pretty awesome and a good box to learn with.

    As I am being rushed to leave I will have to save the rest of my blabbering for later.

    Its nice to have new people and I wish you good gaming!

  7. Yeah I was reading the crooked men rules and they seem pretty helpful so I might go with them instead of the Punk Zombies and have Seb chop up some puppies. Although I forgot to mention it I am definitely ordering the totem, possible a grave spirit as well just for the model. I dont know why but Belles gross me out although I cant say I wont buy them at some point down the line. Getting the opponent to play my game is what I do with the colette box, because its fun to have one preformer tie up two punk zombies and the marionette neutralize weaks from a flesh golem. Yeah, its happened. As for nurses, and my motivation behind buying a Res Master. Colette dragged a Miss. Pack into her box. I'm so excited.

  8. So I have been planing on buying McMorning and the idea of running a massive number of models amuses me greatly. Part of my plan to run him was to use necropunks, mostly because the models are pretty cool looking. Problem is that what I have heard about them makes them seem kind of useless. Any tips on how to play them .

    What I think im going to order is McMorning, Sebastian, 2 packs of canine remains, necropunks, punk zombies, flesh constructs and maybe another bette noir. what I had in mind is run all of the canines, 1 punk zombie, McM and Seb, 2 necropunks. I read a trick about using slice and dice on the remains and popping out flesh constructs turn 1, figure its worth a shot.

  9. one of the more helpful things ive heard is to just walk away. Last week I painted my whole victorias crew with extras and made a whooole bunch of terrain. the only way I survived is with a lot of snack food breaks and music. Now this week I have 11 models to paint for a tournament on the 23rd. I need more snacks.

  10. picture.php?albumid=178&pictureid=823






    Apparently I have a problem painting taelor. Thats my second one and I'm still not so happy with it, eh whatever. Johans cape came out well and made me happy as well as Hans now I only wish I actually ever used Hans. Colette box is on a UPS truck that is down the street right now, I'm looking at it. Now that we have some terrain it will hopefully motivate me to paint Colette faster so she doesn't look weird on the table.

  11. Haven't been doing models as much because I realized that I own alot of Malifaux but I'm still sitting here playing on a hardwood floor with DVD cases as buildings. So I made some terrain.


    Picture is small but pretty much haystack fences trees and the small barrel is full of soulstones for treasure hunts. The color is that way because to mark soulstones we use little beads and an accidental mix of white paint and a blue wash made them look almost exactly the same color, so we kept it that way.

    My girlfriend has taken on a challenge and is making a Hanging Tree (including nooses...thats a weird word to say) which is going to be on a 5x5 base for Claim Jump

  12. That was my reaction too. The Viks need soulstones more than most masters I would say, because they get used up twice as fast. And being able to give them the extra two is soooo helpful. Also how are you using them when it comes to their activations?

  13. P 72. on the rules manual pdf says that "Players may choose to select fewer than the maximum number of schemes for their encounter size. Each scheme not selected adds 2 soulstones to the players soulstone pool."

    Convict gunslinger is a great model and I always keep him around in my Outcast crews. Faster'n You has won games for me.

  14. I have always loved cooking actually, as well as reading. I haven't been reading as much as I used too but eh life is crazy right now. Actually the other day I cooked some pretty awesome lamb if my friends weren't lying to me!

    But in the quiet of the night my inner rock star comes out and I play bass guitar till I pass out.

  15. This is a good list but the only thing that I can say is missing in the Freikorps Librarian. The Viks have an ability that allows them to let a spell effect both of them and if you leave Gun Vik by the Librarian you can use Furious Casting to heal the Viks 3 times. That way you can reserve your soulstones for when your taking out obnoxious masters or when you really need them for defense. The list I have been using for them is as follows:



    Convict Gunslinger


    at 25 SS that leaves you with an extra 4 that the Viks NEED to have, depending on what your opponent is doing you could even take just one scheme and get an extra 2 SS.

  16. So I am going to assume that your friend is playing The Dreamer. I dont own the Colette box but I have been playing Rasputina for a while, If you go at it with Rasp the best thing is to use "Rasp Tactics". Point and Shoot. If you put her in a crew with a Silent One you can get a max range of 19 inches and if you Ice Mirror through her your only at a -1 Ca. Even if they dont die before they are close they will be crippled enough to handle (Gamin Bomb!)

  17. I haven't said much but the fact that this thread is around is great! A new player in my area was looking at marcus and I linked him to this thread and he decided to take on the challenge! There is a lot of good stuff here. I cant contribute much but once I see marcus in action be ready for my insights. Im hoppin' on this bandwagon.

  18. Hey guys, you can now officially call me lazy. Viks box isn't even done yet but I have most of them painted. My friend decided that it would be fun to make them all blonde so....yeah


    Imagine blonde Taelor, that is going to be great. In other news here is my next project.


    My girlfriend bought this box and asked me to paint them up for her, due to my bleeding heart at the betrayal of a guild player in my life I have also ordered the Colette box. Arcanists till the end. Haha be ready for that!

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