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Posts posted by Necromorph

  1. Idk, i think I'm the only one reading that differently. I'd have to check the wording on dud, but I though levi's abilities were a big reason why the start and end closing phase were defined as such. Levi comes back during the closing phase (at any point before the end), saccing the waifs and then resummoning them during the end.

    Ok...so despite all that rant, the point is to show my stance on hamelin. The steps.to the closing phase are there for a reason. He is summoned back to his stolen at the start closing phase, dud would apply later, in the end closing phase, after hamelin was already placed on the table. Maybe I'm missing some important part of dud! Or I'm missing some.small print in the rules manual.

  2. Yeah, the twins are great but they will be huge targets for the opponent (which can mean a valuable distraction in the right circumstances).

    As for tuco, his mobility is where its at. His damage spread is not the most impressive (flay is always awesome but with cb4 you'll need high cards), his shotgun is pretty good though. However, where I think he truly shines is in the role of a mobile harassment unit. He can duck in and out of cover, threatening the opponents flanks, and has the survivability to stick around for a while. He doesn't have quite the ranged threat of an ortega, or the melee ability of Lilu, but he makes up for it in mobility and utility.

  3. If you're running her avatar...

    -Tuco is great at manipulating terrain.

    -Waldgeists will be great, especially when she manifests and starts expanding forests.

    -The twins, just a personal favorite, an.d pricey if you don't have room for them with the 'korps being added in, but the more cover to set up hot and run style attacks the better.

    -Young nephilim can really benefit from the 'korps ranged support to set up diving attacks.

    I'm sure you've come to similar conclusions, just my thoughts and stuff I would probably try to take in said list format.

  4. Yeah, he's definitely strong, but not over powered.

    The biggest thing people have to keep in mind is that Hamelin is designed to demoralize (as my little quote section in the last post demonstrates, because I have had people react that way...well, they usually don't flip the table, haha). He gets in your head and changes the way your crew has to play, which can be frustrating for people, especially if they go into a game with a very specific plan of attack. If you can't wrap your head around that, then you lose. If you stay calm and be patient, he's much easier to handle.

    Although, I've only lost 3 games with him and 2 were to me just playing stupid with him and the 3rd was a practice game for an upcoming tournament (so following the standard 85-90min limit) and we only got through 3 turns and was down on vp's when we called time.

    As a last on topic plug, desperate mercs are great, they're either a free stone to your pool mid game, or a free rat after they've done their dirty work. Despite that, they're definitely valuable models for any crew, and can easily kill models many times their point cost if positioned and supported correctly.

  5. Haha. Yes sir! Gotta love Sir Ham of Cheese.

    That's what half the games are with him,

    "You can't do tha-.... Oh wait".

    "Well what if I-...oh dammit, really."

    "Emptiness gives me a negative to ALL FLIPS?!"

    "So I cant target him at all?! WTF?!?!?!" (*monopoly table flip*)

  6. The intention is to remove armor, not to give a debuff.

    As has been said, the spell reads IF the Target has Armor +1. I.e. you can't use the spell on a model who does not already have armor...therefore it is impossible to have a model with only the effect armor -1 and nothing else. Seems pretty damn simple to me. Math or no math it spells of out pretty clearly to me.

    You cannot have armor +1 and than cast the.spell in the Target twice. After the first cast it is at armor +0, which is not armor +1, thus you cannot cast the spell again as the Target no longer has the ability armor +1.

  7. I actually think with hamelin in particular, that the lack of depth is intriguing. It makes him more of the mysterious badass that way...but....that's assuming there is more to him, which seems very likely.

    As we've seen in book 3, hamelin has had time to rest after the his loss to ikiryo...and he's f***ing angry. I hope his anger (and the fact that hes running out of time to beat the other tyrants to ascend) will bring him into a more agressive role in the fluff and well see more of what he's all about.

  8. I'm looking forward to using him in my levi crew, but unless you run an all arcanist construct levi list, he gets a bunch of other abilities that are different than in an arcanist crew, but I'm not sure if its better.

    As lobo said, you can get h2w 1, anomaly, and keep pace, which are sweet. You can also get fast from a&d and well as some of his pushes...also not bad, and melee expert off of a Desi. You can also take collodi as a henchman and assimilate use ss, retract, fast, melee expert, flurry, and a whole slew of other stuff.

    The only thing I would worry about is that levi can't (or it is a bigger detriment to) hand out scraps like ramos, meaning it will be more difficult to permanently assimilate abilities with him unless you spend a whole bunch of ap killing 3ss constructs.

  9. Seems like you're off to a good start.

    As far as the list goes, yeah youll want about 6 steampunk aboms. A guardian is a very solid asset to keep your 2nd waif alive but it will not always be necessary. Only against very fast crews and guild....austringers will ruin your life with levi unless you have a guardian. Soul stone miners are nice too. Other models I would suggest are:

    Jack daw


    Ashes and dust

    Steampunk arachnid swarm


    Any of the 4 riders are also nice.

    As for crooked men, I don't think there bad necessarily, but they will be situational. Belles are decent with him as well to lure enemies into levi and alyces range.

    2-5ss is about what I run, so you're good there.

    To be honest, its been ap long since I've looked at the v1 levi card that I can't remember what they changed, haha. If you need a reference, you can print out a paper copy of the v3 card until you get one.

  10. Echoing what calmdown said, I think the WW is best used to support Collodi's casting. Baring the turn 1 teddy tactic that Magic mentioned, the teddy thing is a bit of a hang-up and you're wasting mobility and resources waiting for a teddy to pop out on turn 4 (with (-1) Slow mind you).

    Personally, I would use her to cast breathe life if collodi needs the ap for something else. If he doesn't then use her to churn out wicked dolls (preferably with Z so you can make 2 per turn). That gives you another 12 wicked dolls over the course of the game....pretty solid IMO. That is assuming I didn't miss something in the rules that would prevent Z and WW from both making one each turn, but I don't have my books atm.

  11. They're two absolutely brutal melee monsters who can switch with each other or companion and are just mean. They don't need a soulstone cache.

    Yes, they are quite brutal. They are also incredibly squishy and their crews tend to be comprised of expensive glass cannons (excluding Von Schill ofc). Leaving you with few models because you have to sacrifice model count for more soul stones for the squishy viks.

    I'm not saying they're bad or anything, but if any of the Outcasts need a starting cache, it's the viks.

  12. Hey, thanks for the feedback guys. Yeah I need to put some more thought into converting his history over from the 40k theme.

    His powers...yes, are definitely a lifesaver (zing! Haha). However, I can only say too much without giving things away, but let's just say he's much less in control than he appears. I apprecate everyone taking the time to read and comment, ill be working on more for sure.

    As for the guild going down too easy, well, they were the remnants of an earlier team sent to catch him, (a much harder fight which ill leave to the imagination, and he may have had some help with in that one ;)). Also, and no offence to you guilders, but guild are my nemesis on the table top, so it was a bit of a self serving jab on my part haha. Lastly....they were guild guard after all, death marshals or witchlings might be more interesting ;).

  13. Magic pretty much has it with this one for a starting hamelin crew. Though I might take the extra stolen as a safety blanket for the first few games, but then again, no pain no gain right? haha.

    @ Magic

    Did you ever get that PM I sent you about that 30ss tourney I have in November?

  14. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18830&highlight=runnin%27

    That should be the link AB. Like I said, not my best, I think I wrote it in like an hour at work, haha. The character was adapted from someone I came up with for a 40k story, but he seemed easy to adapt to malifaux. I just feel like I jumped around a bit too much with his personality. The more I write on this forum the more I realize I'm better at the dark, twisted stuff than the action story.....maybe I have issues hahahahaha.

  15. Nah, you could normally take Sue with Von Schill if he didn't have that stupid f**king rule. Schill's hiring restriction limits him to mercs and 'korps only, and the viks are just any mercs. So it would work. Then...there's that rule, and everything goes out the window.

    Edit: Ah, you're talking about other factions hiring them both. Yeah, you wouldn't be able to anyways.

  16. This same question was asked a while back and I don't remember if we ever got a RM response.

    Because it is resistible and has an uncheatable dg flip, I've always played it as the 2nd time you cast, the affected models take a 0" move (which is possible) thus ending in base contact, and taking another dg flip. I could be wrong, but like I said, I can't remember if we ever got an official response in the last thread.

    As far as resists go, I'd imagine that the opponent gets to choose the order. There is no wording in the spell otherwise, and it is his models that are resisting a pretty normal pulse spell, I don't see why it would change how resists work.

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