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Posts posted by Necromorph

  1. Ah, but Lobo...if you take all 4 riders you then can't buy the ability to make Levi's avatar, as it costs 2 ss. Unless you play 40ss, which would be nice. You can also take 3 and make the 4th after you avatar up.

    Warden is on a 40mm.

    Pale rider gets things like crit, rapid fire, fast, etc.

  2. Here's the Outcasts, feel free to add.


    Construct, Looks like a Guardian with a big gatling grenade launcher. Cannot be hired by Guild crews. Nice melee and ranged attack with lots of blasts. Melee expert with a blasts trigger off of it's melee....niceee.


    A ht 2 Unique Gremlin. Has the same "discard or recieve slow" mechanic that the flesh construct does. H2W and immune to paralyze. Pitiful and stubborn. He gives friendly gremlins armor when he's around. His melee weapon is Whackin Stick, and his ranged attack is Whacked Piglet...i'll let you work that image out in your mind, haha.


    A hunter with a pet 'Gator. May be hired by gremlins, has stubborn and hunter. His rifle gets + against beasts and nightmares, which i found interesting and has a built in crit. Also has shrug off and an obey that targets beasts, pigs, etc.


    A boy named Sue, yep, Johnny Cash themed gunslinger with a flaming 6-string on his back. Most of his abilities are named after Cash songs including: Hurt, a card draw for wounds mechanic, Circle of Flames, an aura that does dg and hands out burning counters, and Tread the Line, makes friends unable to have their controler changed or have their activation influenced. Awesome model with 1 downside, he can't be hired into crews with Ruthless models, so you won't be fielding him with Von Schill, Convicts, etc. *grumble grumble*

    Ten Thunders Brother-5ss

    Misaki gets some friends! No really, they can companion with Misaki. They are similar to ronin in function. The have a bonus to defensive stance, melee expert and Run Through. They have a variety of nasty triggers including a slow, +dg flips, and a df trigger that applies defensive stance. They also have a (0) that lets them pick a martial arts style...most of which are defensive, but not too bad.

    Hodgepodge Effigy-4ss

    Can be hired by neverborn like the rest. Aetheric Connection is nice, and when you use a joker it gets shuffled back into your deck. Decent melee atack with a trigger that lets you pick 1 of 4 things to apply to the attack, and a couple other abilities that have to do with manipulating Jokers when they come up. Looks like one of the better effigies at a glance.

    Edit: McTavish has a Gator not a Croc, identifying-animals Fail.

  3. Here we go with the Arcanists. If anyone with the book wants to add on, feel free, as this will be rather brief.

    Angelica, Mistress of Ceremonies-

    5ss Unique Showgirl. Adds some more manipulative fun to Collette's crew. She focuses on buffing other showgirls; an aura that makes them immune to falling back, buffs to wp, +resist flips, swapping showgirls around, and companion like abilities.

    Blessed of December-

    8ss, looks like she should be Wendigo's wife from Marvel comics. A quick, melee expert with a number of ways to heal. Damage spread isn't incredible, but it's resilient and quick with leap...already played against it and was fairly impressed.

    Fire Gamin-

    4ss construct. Pretty much what you'd expect, it's not a huge damage dealer, but it revolves around handing out burning counters. Will be very useful in Sonnia and Kaeris lists, and can be hired by both even though it's a non M&SU Arcanist unit.

    Slate Ridge Mauler-

    7ss, Rare 1...and it's a big a$$ bear! Gains a santiago like Enrage ability when wounded and has melee expert and a number of triggers that can make it's already impressive damage range pretty brutal. It has Ornery, but luckily Marcus' avatar can ignore that...right?

    Union Miner-

    4ss M&SU Asset. They get better when near each other, boosting their rather weak melee attacks, but their weapons prevent defensive triggers. They can also bury themselves and unbury at the end of the turn near a friendly M&SU member. Can take a ++ dg flip for a (2).

    Arcane Effigy-

    4ss, like all other effigies, can be hired by neverborn masters as well. Aetheric Connection, magic resistance and some decent offensive spells. Also has an awesome ability that can give a friendly leader +1AP that can only be used for casting.

  4. As promised, here is a brief summary of the Guild Minions in book 3, anyone else with the book feel free to add on.


    A Rare 2 Death Marshal with two magical weapons. He makes life hell for non-living models, and has some nasy abilities like a 6" pulse that makes non-living models not be able to declare triggers. Kinda squishy, but with H2W 1 and S2D, he's not going down too fast. Costs 6ss.

    Latigo Pistolero-

    A cheap, 3ss Family member. He can't companion, but he can give Family that haven't activated yet a boost to df.

    Pale Rider-

    Same basic thing as the other riders, but with a 12" gun instead of a melee weapon. He does have gunfighter, and his "cycle" revolves around how many models died during the turn before he activates. Update, He cannot be used with Hamelin despite being soulless, he is still a construct. 9ss.


    5ss Guardsman/Construct. Think an offensive form of the Guardian. Gives a cheap melee grunt to Hoffman and Lucius, and has some decent triggers including one that gives Paralyze.

    Witchling Handler-

    7ss Rare 1 model. Magical Greatsword, and lots of anti-magic fun. She can also give buffs to Witchlings and Dispel Magic.

    Brutal Effigy-

    4ss. Like the rest of the effigys for each faction, this effigy embodies it's faction. Effigies replace totems. Magical melee weapon with crit and a decent slow trigger off of his gun. All effigies are also Dolls and can be hired by Collodi, or any Neverborn.

  5. My point, as I said before, is that I feel the decision to limit his hiring within the faction is completely unnecessary. How would the neverborn community feel if the a new doll came out that couldn't be used by Collodi, a Woe that couldn't be used by pandora, or a new Ortega for Guild not being able to be used with Perdita. Sure I'm a bit biased due to enjoying the model and my disappointment, but I don't think my opinion is unreasonable or coming out of left field in any way.

    The point is that the Outcasts faction is already extremely divided, and the separate masters' minions don't really work together...unlike the majority of models in other factions. IMO making the already divided faction even more divided, IMO, isn't the way to go...did I mention this was my opinion already?

    I'll just back off this thread , as it's obvious everyone is too gaga over the "Johnny Cash" themed model to take any sort of criticism. "OMG, someone said something negative about a book 3 model....attack attack attack!!!!!" Hahahaha.

  6. So because I used a censored curse word I'm "worked up", haha, no. Trying to explain away the issue by saying "oh but you get x, y, and z things that you didn't want/need" isn't exactly going to bring a big 'ol smile to my face either...it's the response not the issue at hand.

    Sure it's IMO extremely unnecessary to put those kinds of limitations in, but if "everyone" in the Outcasts community is cool with it, then I guess that's how it'll roll. I just personally don't enjoy our limited faction being more limited.

  7. How often do you think you'll see Sue over a Convict, Von Schill and a Librarian...well, outside of the first couple weeks after the model is released. I don't personally give a s**t about the "variety" and "making choices", I can find enough other ways to do that without being forced into it. He's a Merc, and should be able to be used as such, bottom line, and that statement is purely your opinion. What's the point of making him an outcast if you can't use him with their best models. He is NOT worth the value of the 3+ other models with ruthless.

  8. Yeah, uh...can we get a fix on his card for this one? "Hey, lets make a Merc that can't be used with the other good Mercs, good idea!" Absolutely retarded. I can see having to choose between him and a Convict...but choosing between him and Von Schill/Librarian...well, not a choice at all really. Why is he even an outcast model? The only group in Outcasts that can use him in faction is the Mercs...and he can't be used with Von Schill or the convict...who make it into a LOT (I'll even say most...hell 90% even) of Merc lists.

    I really think they need to drop that damn ability...or have it read "More than one" and not "One or More"...that way he could be used with Schill, but you'd have to make the choice between Sue or a Convict/Specialist(? I think they have it too?), but might still prevent him from being taken in specific out of faction crews; or make an exception saying he can always be hired by crews containing Viks or something to override his restrictions via von schill.

    I read this today, and it literally almost single handedly ruined my day...close, but then I realized it's a game...still very disappointed with this one.

  9. /blush

    Nah, I just know how I'd feel if someone had the book before me...I'd be bugging the living crap out of them for info...so I figure I'll give people something to distract them until their books arive...least I can do since I was lucky to get to go to gencon this year and I know a lot of folks couldn't make it, especially those overseas.

  10. He is named Sue, and He's basically a more expensive convict gunslinger with a flaming 6 string on his back...yeah I'll be getting him. He also has cool stuff like shrug off and can hand out burning counters, so will likely find his way as a merc in some Kaeris lists.

    Tread the Line- makes friendly models immune to being controlled by any means in an 8" Aura.

    Circle of Fire- 2" Aura that does dg to those entering it and gives a burning counter...with a trigger Rising Higher that increases it's dg.

    Nice little references there, haha.

  11. One of the biggest changes to McM in avatar form in the lack of organ donor - so yes, he's a little harder to hit and kills even quicker but he has much fewer ways to heal back up. Having said that the Simulacrum 29 just keeps coming back provided McM has sufficient body parts, and he should do given how hard he cuts thing up.

    This is true, but his efforts seem to support 29...he's the support/buff/healer/secondary dg dealer, and 29 just pounds face.

  12. So after seeing the blurry pics of Sonnia's card, I was wondering this: What really changed when Sonnia goes avatar? Most of the others have a change in focus (Seamus goes from ranged control to melee moral), but she just seems like more of the same. So why would you want to manifest, or why not?

    Well, she's becomes much more powerful in her Avatar form, I guess one of the things they didn't really want to happen, but that's not to say she's broken at all. She is a pure caster now, and everything revolves around burning everything to the ground. She's also a bit more resilient physically, and is much better as a counter-caster...she will be a tough nut to crack if you let her get avatar...which doesn't look like it's going to too hard for her to achieve.

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