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Dancing last won the day on January 10 2023

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About Dancing

  • Birthday 11/17/1989

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  1. Hi, Long time fan of this IP, recently I've been wanting to play TTB again, but using Foundry. Is this even allowed? I know the IP has some strict rules, that makes Disney and Nintendo look like saints. Is this worth my time to develop or am I going to get a cease and desist message that makes me wanna end my life out of frustration? Because I am looking at just doing it, and dealing with the fall out. Cheers, An Angsty Fan.
  2. BOOM, I knew I saw a map somewhere,
  3. I know this isn't it, but I remember it being in this style, so I am looking through the Kickstarter...
  4. Okay, found my copy, and gave it the once over. Unfortunately it did not have a world map. I swear I've seen it. Could be a false memory, but I remember being surprised about the shape of the three kingdoms.
  5. I think the otherside has a world map, let me check... aaaaand I can't find my copy >.> It might be in storage, but I think it had a world map, but nothing labeled.
  6. I think my plans are going to be to create a comprehensive random tool generator for TTB that will give people tools to generate their own adventures quickly. If this has to be system agnostic tools, sure great, but I would like people to have tools for generating anything they need for a Malifaux adventure. My main inspirations would be Stars Without Numbers/World Without Numbers and how you can literally buy the books for the tables. The tools would be made in HTML5, similar to https://donjon.bin.sh/ or https://watabou.github.io/ just tools for people. Considering Wyrd's IP policy, I will most likely create them to be system agnostic, but they would heavily be influenced for use in Malifaux's RPG game. I am just tired of mashing together Deadland's, Call of Cthulhu, Victoriana, Etherscope, (other random RPG tables). It would be nice to just have a web tool that can generate something random if one needed it.
  7. I always wanted to create an unauthorized fan expansion, but I don't know if big Nathaniel would come in and smack it down. I literally would create a bestiary, armory, and pantry. As well as some DM tools similar to Stars without Number/Worlds without Number... But then again, like I said I don't know what the rules are on fan related content with this IP.
  8. So I am starting up my 3rd ever Through the Breach Campaign, and I was wondering, that after book X, what are the future plans for Through The Breach?
  9. I am not sure, I always wanted an Armory or Bestiary book, with a more detailed map of Malifaux. As someone who has played more TTB then Malifaux itself at this point, I would say that TTB has more than enough content. So beside an Armory/Pantry/Collection of items, and a Bestiary to help take the load off me having to invent things all the time.
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