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Cats Laughing

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Everything posted by Cats Laughing

  1. That explains the slow downs. Apply the whip more generously.
  2. Special order and hope your items come in by the end of February.
  3. Just being a bit of a smart ass with the Wyrd product question (also getting in practice for the Beta testing "but it doesn't say..."). As for the multiple receipts/stores questions, was curious as I do have multiple stores in driving distance with various levels and selection of product. I guess I'll be picking one to make a special order if nothing on hand adds up to $60.
  4. Clarity questions: 1) Does the $60 have to be all on one receipt or can it be spread over multiple purchases? 1a) If multiple purchases are ok, can it be spread across multiple stores? 2) (dumb question) Does the $60 need to be on Wyrd Miniatures products? (it's not specifically stated in the announcement and I know some rules lawyers...) 2a) Do out of production metals and terraclips count?
  5. So after an M hire or two, they'll move onto N? I should change my forum name, otherwise I'll have to wait for them to circle back around to the beginning of the alphabet...
  6. Wait, Mindshred's forum name didn't start with "L"... How did he get hired?
  7. There was also a proposal for a new upgrade, available only at 35pts or lower, that granted the bearer "Welcome to Malifaux" but also disallowed summoning friendly models. Does anyone besides me and the poster who originally posted the idea, think this route has merit? Perhaps the upgrade could even have an allowance to be purchased from a Leader's cache after list building, if the issue with this upgrade is that you might not know your opponent is taking a summoner when building your crew.
  8. Crown (replace R with L) also gets changed. It's a forum quirk.
  9. I like this idea: 0 soulstone upgrade Grants model welcome to malifaux ability to model with this upgrade. Also comes with ability that states friendly models may not be summoned while model carrying this upgrade is in play. Restricted to games 35 soulstones or smaller. Perhaps it should come with a "this model may discard a soulstone instead of this upgrade, if forced to discard this upgrade by an enemy action or ability" rule to protect it from Hans (not sure if needed) Another possibility is to have it work more like the "take back the night" upgrade, where models within X" and LoS gain the Welcome to Malifaux ability. But in that case I would consider charging soulstones for the upgrade and not including immunity to upgrade removal. The upgrade system is made for things like this.
  10. Given that there are quite a few different ways to summon (not all are TN based), it's hard to have some blanket rule in place. Additionally, I think some summons are important enough to a master where a blanket cuddle would unfairly hit that master. For instance, I think it would be reasonable to see a TN increase for Molly, Kirai, & Nicodem in small points games. A similar change might work for the Dreamer, but in his case I wonder if that TN increase should not apply to Daydream/Alp summoning. I feel that it might be most appropriate to do individual 'small game house rules' for each of the summoners.
  11. Hmmm, I have a fading memory of a story where this was mentioned about Pandora, is that what you might have been thinking of? Just a question, since as noted above, my memory on this is not clear.
  12. When I played last saturday, conditions like burning, poison, slow, paralyzed, etc... did not appear on the models when we attempted to add them. We ended up using labels to manually show these conditions. The mark as moved and cleared moved also appeared to be misfunctioning. At least we couldn't tell if they were working. I can check my version of the vassal engine at this time, and I'm using a Mac, so not sure if relevant to csonti's post.
  13. Cats Laughing's album of Malifaux (and other models) for my own personal monthly painting challenge. I'm planning to follow the old monthly painting challenge, wherein you aim to paint X stones worth of models each month. I'll probably be doing/posting more than just Malifaux here as I have long queues in other systems as well Challenge levels: Minion: 1 stone/month Enforcer: 6 stones/month Henchman: 11 stones/month Master: 16 stones/month
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