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Cats Laughing

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Everything posted by Cats Laughing

  1. Why I am I suddenly picturing Captain America from the latest Avengers movie? Oh I know, "Language" ...
  2. Yes, Nathan does accept kidneys, but you may want to keep your second kidney, since I've already sold your first kidney (and both of mine, he runs a hard bargain) to him to fund Gencon '15.
  3. No permission to download and it shows 0 downloads as well, so I assume I'm not the only one (or even in a small minority)
  4. I've always done it after selecting deployment zones (thereby allowing all 4 corners/sides as valid deployment zones). I'll also put it out there that I don't really care what the rules as written say on this as this option is more interesting, more fun, more tactical, and less restrictive.
  5. Haven't checked on my phone, but on a full pc, there are short episode descriptions (Announcer, Story Reader, Background Music, Story Titles). Episode 5 just uploaded, but still has Episode 4's description Side note: My very first game of Malifaux was a demo game between Rasputina and Seamus with the Strategy Treasure Hunt (1.0) and therefore "Snow on a Tombstone - Rasputina & Seamus fight over the contents of a tomb" holds a special place in my heart (especially as I read it after playing the game)...
  6. I assume you mean beyond the story titles listed on the podcast website: http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com/ No Spoilers (at least I don't think they're spoilers) Episode 1: Snow on a Tombstone - Rasputina & Seamus fight over the contents of a tomb Into the Breach - Viktoria rides train to Malifaux and meets Leveticus & Alyce Episode 2: Secrets Within - Rasputina at Ridley Station reading Philip's Journal Staying Dead - Samael & Justice discuss the aftermath of the Snow on the Tombstone battle Episode 3: Lost and Found - Leveticus & Sonnia dicuss Viktoria's arrival in Malifaux Rude Awakening - Lilith attacks Rasputina in a forest Episode 4: Dead Man's Hand - McMourning & Seamus make a deal Luck of the Draw - Viktoria gets her fortune told by Zoraida The Union - Rasputina meets Ramos and the M&S Union Edit #1, new episode posted. Episode 5: Surprise - Seamus provides a distraction for McMourning Doppelganger - Viktoria meets Dora "not a hardy Explorer type" and a Doppelganger
  7. I also mean no offense, but did you read my post completely or did you stop after the first few sentences? I mean, you're a lot more wordy but basically say the same thing as I said: "My warning is more that a smaller meta will need to think about their player base and whether a non-standard format (especially one with a potentially NPE aspect) fits the meta." (should have said "their meta" but the essential meaning is the same)
  8. While I agree with this idea from a logical standpoint, I can see one potential problem with it at a local level and the availability of alternatives. As an example, my local meta is fairly small and tournaments are few and far between. If I skip a tournament due to not liking the format, I may not get another chance to play at a tournament for another 3-6 months (or possibly longer, depending on circumstances). Worse, if I as a TO, decide to use this format and my player base doesn't like it, there could be no tournament due to lack of participation and no chance for another for several months. This is not to say that I think the tournament format being proposed is a bad idea. My warning is more that a smaller meta will need to think about their player base and whether a non-standard format (especially one with a potentially NPE aspect) fits the meta. It's perfectly fine to have formats that people may not want to participate in if there are other options for them (imho, this format would be perfect as one of many events at something like Adepticon), but it would be good if there is consideration of what other options exist when deciding to use such a format. Personally I would have no problem playing in this kind of format, though I do see how it favors players with larger collections and more time to spread their practice between various masters, while hurting players with smaller collections and/or less time to practices with all of their options.
  9. There is an affiliated but separate facebook group called "A Wyrd Place Vassal League" that runs vassal leagues and primarily draws players from the A Wyrd Place group. The current league is a double elimination banhammer format, where you can do exactly what you suggest (ban a master from your opponent's faction). I'm not in it, as I have a hell of a time scheduling vassal games due to real life and my time zone (GMT-10), but it seems to be running well. I think it will be a few more weeks before that league/tourney ends, but perhaps someone in that league will be able to pop in with comments. One thought I have, is that the vassal format means that model selection is as open as a player wants. Newer players are likely still disadvantaged by lack of experience, but at the very least no one is hampered by the lack of models (there is the potential for not having the appropriate cards, but...), as opposed to a physical tournament where this format can be unbalanced by model availability.
  10. If we try the code after the 18th and it works can we get a freebie for finding a bug in the system?
  11. I should rephrase actually. I'm not actually sad about the podcast at all. What I wanted to say is that I would be really really happy if the Chronicles stories are also used for the podcast material, and it would have been really great for them to be in an order that I think it chronological, but thinking on it more, it doesn't really matter if the release is in chronological order (as I can always make my own playlist to reorder the stories if I'm going to binge listen), so really all I want is for those Chronicles stories to eventually be part of the podcast material. Please, pretty please, with a cherry-infused soulstone on top?
  12. I'm pretty sure they do "tentative" release schedules because there was a period in time where they did no release schedule at all and we the customer demanded it from them (even if it would be potentially inaccurate due to unforeseen delays). I do sometimes feel for Wyrd, cause it's impossible to please everyone all of the time, but they do seem to try to please as many people as possible as often as they can. On a personal point, I've bitched and moaned about their formerly restrictive shipping options (and I believe others have as well), and they finally started using additional shipping options, only for me to be too broke to actually take advantage of the changes. I'm hoping they keep those new shipping options for Gencon and that I manage to save up enough to show them my thanks cause it appears they do listen. It's funny and sad that the release schedule complaints can typically boil down to "Wyrd, I want to throw money at you but I can't because of delays, please help" while Wyrd is likely thinking "I wish these delays didn't happen so people could throw money at us..." while probably working on ways (behind the scenes) to make those delays happen less often.
  13. My only sadness with this podcast (and it's a truly minor sadness) is that the podcast started with Book 1 instead of Chronicles 1 No worries though. This is the only podcast I'm listening to that is not set to "delete after listening"... (ie: the only one I'm saving) If the podcast ever circles back to the older chronicles stories I'll simply make a manual playlist to reorder them.
  14. Three of their plastic boxes and a 4th master was available for a period of time (though I think he's gone off the shelves while waiting for his box set)
  15. Only 41 pieces across the entire crew box? I call shenanigans.
  16. Other people have mentioned this, but I'll add in a few thoughts. Part of the card flipping mechanic is the ability to influence both your flip and your opponent's flip and therefore affect the 'luck' of the respective players. Players with a lot of experience tend to do this much better than newer players which may be part of your initial 'bad luck'. A few ways you can influence your flip: -Focus -Soulstones -Model abilities adding +flips (either through an action to buff the model or nearby friendlies or through an innate ability like Three Headed) -"Cheating" from your Control Hand -Defensive Stance A few ways you can influence your opponent's flip: -Soulstones -Model abilities forcing -flips on the opponent (Hard to Wound, Stubborn, etc...) -Cover (against ranged attacks) -cheating from your control hand to alter the 'margin of victory' -> will at least influence the resulting damage flip There may be others that I have missed, but a few of those are generally not picked up on by newer players. I started off with Rasputina and it took me probably a half dozen games of "why is my nuke spell not as good as everyone says" before I started using Focus and then I realized why people can be scared of her spell casting. If you're just doing your actions with considering ways in which you can adjust your luck (while your opponent is forcing his luck adjustments on you), then the game can feel very frustrating and luck based. But really it's about the skill in using 'luck' adjustments. That takes time, practice, and occasionally a guiding hand.
  17. Mine is on a 50 (though admittedly I didn't assemble or base her as I bought her off a friend).
  18. Avatar Rasputina is on a 50mm. You might be thinking alternate-pose Rasputina, who is on a 30mm.
  19. I'm not capable of writing a full battle report at this time, but for starters I finally played a Realfaux game for the first time this year (and possibly for the first time in nearly a year). It was 50ss Squatter's Rights, Standard Deployment with the following Schemes: ALitS Assassinate Protect Territory Vendetta Make Them Suffer My list was a version of the Crazy Cat Lady Rasputina list (though I forgot my Hoarcats at home and needed to sub in some non-cat models): Rasputina -Armor of December -Child of December -Seize the Day Wendigo Myranda -Imbued Energies -Pack Leader Sabertooth -Imbued Energies Sabertooth -Imbued Energies December Acolyte Silent One 4 SS Cache I took Vendetta (Myranda on Samael) and Assassinate as my schemes, both hidden, of course. My Opponent took: Sonnia 3 upgrades, not sure which Samael Hopkins 2 upgrades, not sure which 6 Witchling Stalkers 7 SS Cache We were playing on a ruined city themed board (Mordheim cardboard buildings) with some short firing lanes and lots of Hard Cover (we counted building corners, doorways, and ruined walls as hard cover). Not able to do a blow by blow, but turn 1 involved a bunch of double walks forward, followed by Sonnia making the big mistake of walking forward twice into the open and taking a pot shot at the Acolyte, which did 3 wounds after the burning resolved in the upkeep phase. Raspy threw December's Touch on a Sabertooth, turning it into an Ice Mirror, then tossed a focused December's Curse at a Witchling Stalker, but the cover bonus kept him alive. Turn 2 I won initiative (as I did all game, thanks to Seize the Day), and the Acolyte focused and shot back at Sonnia, giving her slow and having the trigger to pull her 6" closer. Slow Sonnia then killed the Acolyte and summoned a Witchling Stalker. Unfortunately for Sonnia, this left her well within 14" of a Sabertooth and I had a pair of mid Masks in hand. That Sabertooth discarded the upgrade for Fast, Leapt with his (0), then charged Sonnia in a way that put him in 1" of Samael as well. My first attack did some damage, but also triggered Maul allowing a second free attack. This free attack managed to get to a straight flip thanks to Three Heads so I cheated in the Red Joker in my hand, killing Sonnia, despite a soulstone spent on damage prevention. This scored me 3 vp for Assassinate. He lost his second charge attack, but fast allowed him a strike at Samael, doing a bit of damage. I think I mauled a second time as Samael dropped to 1-2 wounds. In return, he killed that Sabertooth and put some damage on Myranda and the Silent One. Myranda pushed up towards Samael, since he had already activated, but got tied up by a Witchling Stalker. My other Sabertooth and the Wendigo moved up their flank, to flip two squat markers, while the second Sabertooth leapt over towards Samael's flank. Raspy spent this turn advancing 3 times via Armor of December, as no mirrors were available. Turn 2 ended with me up 4-1 (Sonnia claimed a Make Them Suffer point on the Acolyte) Turn 3 I won initiative again, but with Myranda engaged I needed to free her up to kill Samael. I had another mid Mask in hand so the second Sabertooth discarded his upgrade for fast, Leapt towards Myranda and the Witchling Stalker, then charged the Witchling Stalker in a manner that got a second Witchling Stalker in melee as well. As with the first Sabertooth, Three Heads resulted in lots of hits, damage, Maul triggers, and between the Charge and fast, both Witchling Stalkers died. Unfortunately their explosions left Myranda on 1 or 2 wounds remaining. This is where luck went straight down the tube for my opponent. Samael discarded an ace to rapid fire at Myranda and managed to miss all 3 times. Myranda then discarded her Imbued Energies upgrade for fast, Charged Samael and finished him off, scoring 3vp from Vendetta. This put me on 7 vp, with a probable 8th VP from the Squat Markers. My opponent could no longer score Make Them Suffer points and his Vendetta target (the Silent One) was hiding in my backfield, so he called the game in my favor at this point. Not much I can say about this game, except that Saberteeth with Imbued Energies are gross.
  20. I can't recall actually using this (I always forget that I've applied the condition, as I use the action for free pushes and misery damage), but I imagine I would have played it as A, though reading the various wording arguments and such, B looks to be more correct ruleswise.
  21. They can work together. Fluffwise, Joss might not want to, but he'll do what Ramos tells him to do...
  22. Its been on the twitter and facebook feeds, so I will spoil it for others... j/k Anyway, tomorrow is the 7th in the US, so with the sale running to the 8th, one can pretty safely presume the sale will continue through tomorrow.
  23. I would guess it's actually intentional on Wyrd's part. Enticing higher usage with freebies and limited items, to test out system.
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