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Mr. Bigglesworth

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Posts posted by Mr. Bigglesworth

  1. I thought this is for fun :P. I am probably one of the better players in my area, but I don't think vassal is the best measurement of skill. I just look forward to when I can travel to take on the so called champs at adepticon or gencon (probably get my butt handed to me ;). Not seeing a trip to outside US anytime soon. I'm in it to have fun and meet you guys. Plus I would rather play against what people normally take.

    Also are rounds going to predetermined strategies or flip it? Shared only or mixed? I'm getting excited.

  2. Can we have achievement league andante favorite opponent for fun?

    Also possible rule can only play with painted models... Meaning if you don't own it and it ain't painted can play it. Just a weird thought. You can post pic of crew in game thread.

    I want to say this now I know it's a copout but my vassals do not accurately measure my game skills. I found the system quite clunky, but look forward to some fun games.

  3. Mr Nybbles I think it is harsh to call book 1 a marketing ploy for models sale. It is a legitimate game system. I wouldn't even call it a beta. It need a lot of fixes for competitive gamers but for the average gamer they worked fine. Seriously gw has put out more broken releases than malifaux book 1.

    As for book 2 I doubt we are that close. I imagine ten thunder avatars and a second set of henchman are due before next edition. I think developers have a v2 idea board from release but aren't as hasty to do reboot. Not surprising you would hear talk about it.

  4. A lot of good advice so far. Kaeris is a very formidable master but is quite fragile.

    Miners help a lot for one they can heal Kaeris by the pulse but can heal that wound back. This works amazing, but miners requiring a living centric crew or m&su crew for them to pop back. With new gaining ground rules they are even more valuable as they can pop back in the right sections just before scoring. File claim is amazing. You can dump then on top of target an alpha strike most anything to death with little fear of retaliation. Again to utilize then you need a living crew so they have someone to pop back to. They are card heavy needing a card each to bury.

    That is why I love Kang tough as nail great beat stick and hard to remove. Willie is another great option. I am not a fan of rail workers as miners are far better.

    Just want to promote miners a bit as they haven't got much mention in previous posts.

  5. The two models I see complaints on most in this thread is not being able to take more than 2 miners, and about LSA.

    The miners I understand are great models and to me 2 work but 3 are where I like them. I say this at the 35 level anything less 2 is perfect. That said which masters do they rock with: Ramos, KAERIS, & Mei Fieng. All other masters have better choice or need more points for crew synergy models. Mei Fieng like lots of activations to time with but I would take arachnid swarms instead and to LSA. Plent of constructs. The other 2 named masters ignore rule so yay!

    LSA rare 2. Can't take more then 2 no matter master. LSA again are more for the previously named masters.

    Now only Kaeris and Ramos can mix the 2 so yay. I am not seeing where the faction as a whole suffers. Only master I see suffers from it is Mei Feng.

  6. The armor is 10ss it should be badass, no one can argue its not. I just think he is a bit overhyped. Again great model I will run him in my resser crews. I see your point that you can bring cheap or summon cheap objective grabbers. Those cheap need to last a round to have slow fall off. Only two masters can summon with any kind of effectiveness, though he fits well with both. To me he is best utilized in a Nico crew linked with grave spirit. Keep in bolster range and this guy will take essentially ten hits to kill, trying to overcome def 7.

    Correct he is probably resser's best kill protege denial. Great you are denying one scheme. Second though his 3" range allows him to be very flexible at engaging multiple models to deny objective based strategies.

    Compared to dead rider at same cost. I will take rider more often because he is bit more flexible at earning vp the key to winning.

    Again he is to me a great model tied for best new resser with yin, but belle takes the cake for best pound for pound resser model ;)

  7. I am not saying he is bad nor am I saying he mediocre. I think he is a great model.

    You can get support models that can get him in quicker:

    Soul porter best and probably most reliable

    Dead rider decent choice

    Mortimer not always easy to cast with mask requirement

    Kirai uber fast if you can get 1 of 4 cards to flip or in hand not very reliable

    All of these deliver systems offer no ability to simultaneous activate. This to me is a big deal I can drop you but I can't follow it up with the kill, without giving an opportunity to your opponent to strike (i know ressers can usually up the activation count high enough to preven this). This is what I mean by minimal systems. 11" without support is about average.

    Again great model just a bit one sided. He kills like the best of them and is very hard to put down. I need a crew that scores me vp and does just Killy. Rail golem a comparable model can do a lot more to get vp than izamu.

  8. You just ignore izamu. With an effective 11" threat and minimum amount of delivery systems he is easy to ignore. Great option very scary and extremely hard to kill. Mitigated by the fact he is slow. Executioner is far better for cheaper.

    My list per faction is:

    Guild hound dogs cheap effective vp earners. They are also decent in combat at cb 5. 5 as for a model I can almost always count on betting 2 vp yes please.

    Belles just great models in every way.

    Metal gamin hard to kill fast and great at keep other models alive.

    Stitched just too good.

    Student of conflict add an ap to almost ANY model amazing. Makes those slow powerful beat sticks scary... Imagine the sexecutioner with 3ap & Melee expert, threat range went from 8" to 14".

    Kang/yin both amazing models.

  9. Dead rider has i2i too so can't target dead rider with decay :(. Fun idea but not seeing it overly competitive. You have two models who are good at killing but where is your vp generators? Keep in mind killing power doesn't always equal win. This is a very strong combo that can kill almost anything but for 20 as I would hope so.

  10. Since Ramos ignores assest rule, only master in arcanist that I see wanting more than 2 asset is Mei Feng. I am just really struggling to understand most of the arguments in this thread. Maybe if I saw a couple list that ignores the sf rule would help me understand.

    The point on effigy. The effigy is nice but yeah I struggle to fit it in when one asset would be better. All factions face this issue who have good effigies. Plus with arcanist I would take student any since ap boost can go to any model.

  11. Witching brings maybe not direct crew synergy but lump him with witching handler and you have a speedy cheap model.

    Death marshal has finish the job bumping up other death marshal including judge DMg output. Mind you not very useful.

    Guild guard with Lucius enough said.

    Rifleman with Lucius and other rifleman huge synergy.

    Now all models listed above are 4ss and all but one have 6 wounds and most have some defensive boost, (ie h2w, armor, death burst).

    Fran has 6 wounds and can companion for other family, high CBs average def 5, stubborn. Great stuff he is average speed but he is 5ss compared to above I think a weak selection without family.

    Guild has quite a lot of synergies but those synergies do not need to be a major focus for our guild crews to work.

    Not saying Fran is bad but he is easily mitigated and quite weak compared to what a witch long stalker can bring or guild guard in a Lucius crew. Or 2 dogs for same cost for that matter. Fran is a good model compared to other factions but in guild he is overshadowed by better cheaper minions. My comments on directed by this thread being about competitive play. Fran doesn't meet the cut for me. That is also because I rank perdita low on competitive list.

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