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Posts posted by (TV)

  1. I am not one to usually complain about GW, but the trade regulation is different. Their utter belligerence to fix the price disparity between countries is unacceptable,m and NOW they've decided that they will FORCE it, not just keep letting it occur.

    That is too much. I run a gaming group in an area, like many of us, that has no GW hobby center. For us, we get all the same cost with non of the benefit, and that is only for those who don't hate the hobby centers as well (really depend son who's running it I find).

    I tried very hard last year to buildup a minis group at our university with OK results. In contrast, I didn't put any effort at all into Malifaux when I first suggested it, but it the community literally exploded in interest. GW is less and less competitive in our market and they have only themselves to blame.



  2. For what YOU will play, the best box is whoever you think is coolest, no question haha. check out the pullmyfinger wiki for better details on masters.

    As for a public demo crew, these match ups are good:

    Lady Justice vs Seamus

    Lilith vs Perdita

    Maybe Raputina vs Sonnia

    Maybe Ophelia vs Von Schill

    Or so I hear 8)



  3. Donna(Tate) was the best companion of the new series'

    Mostly because she was the first woman to show up who didn't want to drop her pants for the Doctor.

    Watched last Saturdays episode and really dug it. Can tell that Neil Gaiman was a fan of both the new and old series and got the Doctor. Was this the first time in the new series they mentioned that the Doctor stole the Tardis. Long time Who fans new it but I wonder how many New Who fans did.

    My friend just got to see a sold out show with Tate and Tennant. Some comedy thing. They're still really good together apparently XD

    Also, Dr who is awesome. Thank god Mr. Moffat is now the lead writer.



  4. Oooh so many questioons. Let me try as I have spent the last 2 months setting up noobs:


    1. What do I need to get started? Miniatures, rulebook and stat cards? I've heard a fate deck is the same as a normal playing card deck, is this true? I intend to get one (or several) anyway, but it's not crucial for a first few quick games? I have tape measures too.

    A1: There's a lot of ways to look at this. All you NEED is one of pretty much any of the crew boxes. Most of them play at least ok by themselves and can be easily fixed up to like best build by only 2 or 3 more blisters. The stat cards all come with their models, you do NOT need to buy them separately. As for the cards, yes, you can use any playing card deck, the conversions are relatively simple and are in the rulebook no less. The fate decks however have very very nice artwork and are just great to have handy wise. Not necessary though, and certainly not crucial. You plan for the decks is probably fine.

    Something a *lot* of people forget about is paint. Painted minis are not required to play, but painting really is a pretty core aspect of the hobby. Just to try the game out though I guess it does not have to be the first priority.


    2. Rulebook? I've seen the "rules manual", and the 216 page "rulebook". Which one is the current edition of the rules? or could someone explain the relationship between them, which one I'd need etc? I've seen rising powers, but I assume thats an expansion?
    A2: The first rulebook, which is the larger, is NOT up to date and I'm not even sure if many have it in stock. It is AMAZING to read, but I suspect it will be re-released in some fashion, or at least the parts that are relevant (cmon weird, I would seriously buy a little mini short story book with the fiction in it from book one, it's that good!)

    Rising powers is the new corebook. It is NOT required but very nice. For JUST the rules, all you need is the little 15 dollar book. In fact, you want it either way, because unlike the other books it is designed purely with the rules and handiness in mind and it the best to work through during a gaming session. It is fully up to date.

    You don't need to actually buy the mini book either. If you are really on a budget and want to skimp, a slightly less pretty (but more amusing) version of the bare bones rules are Downloadable *for free* from this very site.


    3. How do different fanctions play? is there a noticeable difference? I'm thinking of going with gremlins or ortenga, but like the guild aswell.

    A3: This is a really super huge question that is honestly best served by you reading through the forums more. In particular check out the wiki, as they have the lowdown on each master faction and minion. Keep in mind it is still under construction though:http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/

    I think one of the biggest things I usually explained to my new guys is that you will probably not be so much picking by faction, as my *master*. Factions usually share similarities in style but the master you use has a *much* larger impact. So I suggest looking specifically at each master. For aesthetics it's not actually a bad idea to just browse the box sets category on the wyrd store. Once you identify a few you like, then start reading up on the forums and the wiki and you will soon find a good idea of where you stand and what to grab.


    4. Finally, any other things I should be aware of? General points of interest, stuff like that.
    .. is not really a question haha

    A4: Read read and then read more. Secondly, look to where you live and post it up on the forums. Use the search function and find people whoa re in your area, specifically, if there is a "henchman" in your area, contact them. They are working with the company and other like minded individual to keep the game and community strong, and would probably happy to walk you through the game and show it off in person.

    My last word of advice is not to isolate yourself and get complacent. If you just kind of sit there with 1 or 2 friends then you will probably get bored and drop it. Find new players, or old ones that are nearby. Get together!

    welcome to the awesome world of malifaux. I hope my answers were a bit useful, feel free pm any more questions, though I assure you there are more experienced dudes here who can offer more than little ol me 8).



  5. a very easy way to do it is to use something like google maps. Mark the general location of each henchman on the map, and sticky it somewhere. That allows folks to check a few things - relative concentrations of henchmen across the planet, and also how far exactly they are from one.

    you could also link this to an email database - allows folks to contact their local henchmen to set up a game via email, like support requests and stuff are processed by a lot of websites (i.e. via a browser applet).

    I was thinking the same thing, this is quite ideal as the visual element really help for some people.



  6. Here are my first theory lists for McM, I'm hoping some experienced dudes can weigh in. I guess most of the stuff is pretty standard. The more different things are:

    -Thinking about a Desperate mercenary instead of the 4th dog.

    -Thinking of Swapping Sebastian for Mortimer as Mort bags body parts faster, but only in combo with the dogs.

    -the 1 belle I think is a good all round choice. Early game I will try to use her to move sebastian or mortimer as they will be too busy gathering parts to move much XD

    I think I've calculated that there are many ways to grab 8 BP counters in first turn, so it seems at least in theory that if things go well, Rogue Necromancy first turn is quite feasible with the harvesting of the totem and 1 dog. I'd really like to get it out early because of the stalker rules and just generally being a good mobile unit. 2nd turn get into position and grab a few more parts, 3rd jump in hopefully, summoning a flesh construct once we're already up close to make up for his movement issues.


    Ressurectionists Crew - 25 - Scrap

    Dr. Douglas McMourning -- 7 Cache

    Zombie Chihuahua [1ss]

    Canine Remains [2ss]

    Canine Remains [2ss]

    Canine Remains [2ss]

    Canine Remains Or Desperate Mercenary? [2ss]

    Nurse [5ss]

    Rotten Belles [4ss]

    Sebastian, Morgue Assistant [6ss]

    ---List 2---

    Ressurectionists Crew - 25 - Scrap

    Dr. Douglas McMourning -- 7 Cache

    Zombie Chihuahua [1ss]

    Canine Remains [2ss]

    Canine Remains [2ss]

    Canine Remains [2ss]

    Canine Remains Or Desperate Mercenary? [2ss]

    Mortimer, Gravedigger[7ss]

    Nurse [5ss]

    Rotten Belles [4ss]


    Thank you in advance for all comments, criticisms and advice!



    *all crews made using ratty's excellent web app

  7. I just went through this experience with 14 new people. The answer is almost all of them. A better list I think is what lists could work *less* well (because they all work if we're talking a few blisters added on):

    McMourning (Needs 2 dog packs, and more summons)

    Nicodem (Summons. To really fill out he seems to use like every undead in the book. Vultures too.)

    Somer Teeth( Just needs a lot of models)

    Maybe Kirai (Seishin +)

    Maybe Lucius (could use lots of guild goons)

    I honestly can't think of much more. The above masters I mentioned are more like the ones that need the most stuff to get their right meta builds, and "meta" is really not even developed yet around here.

    So 1 master box and say 3 blisters? Yeah, you could run pretty much anyone... The summoners I think would push that limit the hardest if any.



  8. Awesome stuff Tuesday. A comic would be great too! I have always dreamed of one myself but I can only write, not draw. My stick figures would not do the fluff justice XD.

    Also, I'm glad to see Leveticus in there, but not his big head. I love Malifaux for the less heroic bobble head sculpts, but they just had to go and make up for it all with Leveticus XD. I am sad!



  9. For the immediate future I will have seamus and nicodem vs demo. doens't seem like the greatest matchup at first, but they really display 2 different play styles well. That being said I'm hoping to find a Lady Justice to work with seamus, it's too perfect and classic not to.



  10. I played and was on the organizing end for competition for WH, and was very observant of meta for both FOW and Warmachine, have stuff for all. I was one of those guys who played the 200+ man infantry empire block list in late 7th and usually had 3 massacres/tourney XD. Historical wargamer at heart, I guess.

    I have have little playign experience with this game yet but once I do I'll be sure to weigh in.



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