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Posts posted by bazinga

  1. Malifaux League Info, continued

    Scheduled games must be posted on the Whiz forums.

    Battle reports should be posted by the day after each game.


    Week 1 - Shared Treasure Hunt

    Week 2 - Shared Destroy The Evidence

    Week 3 - Shared Reconnoiter

    Week 4 - Shared Claim Jump

    Week 5 - Shared Slaughter

    Week 6 - Player's choice (off of Core Encounter Chart)

    Semi-finals - TBD

    Third Place Match - TBD

    Finals - TBD


    Players may choose schemes according to the size of their game. Players who elect to not take a scheme(s) may add 2 soulstones per scheme not taken to their soulstone pool, after hiring their crew. Players may not exceed the maximum soulstone pool with these extra soulstones (For example, if someone has 7 soulstones in their pool, and decides to take only one scheme in a scrap, then they may only add one soulstone to their pool, since the maximum soulstones for a scrap is 8.)


    Score sheets will be made available in the Whiz Store for each week.


    If disputes cannot be settled between the players, they may defer to Mr. Walsh, myself, or another impartial player for a ruling to be made in a timely manner.

    Questions or comments should be made to

    Ruth Toomey at rttoomey (at) gmail (dot) com or in a PM in the Whiz Store forums to rttoomey

  2. Malifaux League Info, continued

    League Rules

    For clarity of communication a round means a league week.

    All rulings are final but do not set precedent.

    Qualifiers Schedule will we drawn up and posted on the morning of the first day of the league.

    Models are NOT required to be painted, but should match their card.

    If you do not have the card for a model, printed from the Wyrd website or otherwise, you cannot use that model. If players have multiple iterations of a model, they may use one stat card for all the models, but must be able to discern between wounds and effects on each iteration.

    Proxies must be approved before the start of the league by the League Organizer

    Players may decide to not cut each other's decks, but if one player wishes to cut the decks, then the other must comply.

    The first offense of cheating will result in a forfeiture of the round. The second offense will result in expulsion from the league.

    It is up to the players to set the date for their game each round, and each game must be played within that round's time period. Special exceptions may be made with enough notice.

    Crew size will be determined by the players in a game, but must fall within the standards set by Wyrd in the rulebook. Players may choose to play either a scrap OR a brawl.

    Players must submit a list of up to 65 points of models, and up to 2 masters and/or henchmen who can play with each other, and post it on the forums. They are only allowed to hire models from this list for all league games.

  3. Malifaux Leage, Season 1


    This league is intended for Malifaux players of all skill levels, to increase the activity of the local Malifaux community as well as the enjoyment of the game.

    League Format

    League will consist of 6 weeks of qualifiers, followed by a week of semi-finals, followed by the final round.

    Winner is the person with the overall highest Victory Points total

    League Cost:


    League Scoring:

    2 VP for a win

    1 VP for a draw

    0 VP for a loss

    Game Scoring:

    VP is awarded according to strategies and schemes. The player with the highest VP from the game is the winner of the game.

    Sportsmanship points

    Players may earn up to 3 sportsmanship points each game, based upon their opponent's rating of them in their weekly game. These points are solely for the Sportsmanship Award. These points do not count towards VP.

    League Dates

    Qualifier Rounds - October 19, 2011 through November 22, 2011

    Semi-Final Round - November 30, 2011 through Decemer 6, 2011

    Final Round, and Third Place Play-off - December 7 2011 through December 13, 2011


    All entry fees will go into a pool or prize money which will be divided as follows:

    First Place (40% of Prize pool)

    Second Place (30%)

    Third Place (15%)

    Sportsmanship Award (15%)

    Prizes will be awarded in the form of Gift Certificates to the Whiz Store.

  4. When I got the special edition Dreamer and Lord Chompy Bits, I couldn't resist getting a few Teddys to bomb with until the rest of the nightmares came out. One caffeine-addled night, I finally got around to assembling and painting, and after 10 hours, this is what I ended up with:









    My hands were shaking from the caffeine, by the time i finished. Some night soon, I'll brew up another pot of coffee and get down to the fine details, and fix up the bases a little nicer.

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