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Posts posted by CrouchingMoose

  1. A model may not have more than 1 upgrade of the same name.

    The second is a trickier question.

    My reading of the ability says that Misaki may hire up to 4 last blossom models that are not in her faction. You have asked if she can hire 6 last blossom models that are not in her faction, so its a no.

    I don't think its game breaking either way.

    I think you may have misunderstood me, I was asking if the way that sharpobjects described it was valid. I was only hiring 4 models via the last blossom rule (4 last blossom out of faction for no cost increase) and then 2 more via the merc rule (any merc for +1 cost regardless of model characteristics)

    As for models only being able to take the same upgrade once, thank you, I was unaware that rule existed. Just FMI what page is that rule on for reference?

  2. I've got 2 more hiring rule nuances I think I've found and I'd like to check the viability of them. Both of these examples use Outcasts

    1) Outcasts have a generic upgrade called 'Oathkeeper' which is rare 3. Is there anything stopping a Master from taking all 3 copies?

    2) When playing Misaki as an outcast she can hire Orian in 2 different ways. She can hire 4 using the Infiltration(Last Blossom) rule for 5ss a piece and 2 more Orian for 6 a piece using the Mercenary rules. Is this correct?

  3. Other than specifying a specific Master that the totem can be taken with, is there anything that says Henchmen can't take a Totem when leading a crew.

    An example of this would be Myranda leading a crew and taking the Essence of Power? Is this legal hiring? Because I can't find anything in the book saying that they can't other than page 54 of the rulebook under the description of the Totem Hiring Characteristic.

  4. I like the 2nd list of the last 2 you posted the best. The only change I would make is drop Love thy Master on Mortimer. Something to remember is just because you can take upgrades on models doesn't mean you necessarily need to take any, let alone as many as possible.

  5. Thinking about it, here's a list I'm liking for Squatter's Rights:



    +Disguise/Stalking Bisento (to taste)




    +Smoke & Shadows





    The Idea here is that the Ronin move up towards the 2 Middle markers (0-X-0-X-0, like that)

    At the same time, Misaki and the Torakage try to Smoke and Shadows while Yamaziko either tries to bury as well or moves up to watch the center. After everyone on both sides has gone, torakage unbury on the far edge markers or where ever seems best to start claiming, while Misaki gets into position to start attacking and baiting models. Yamaziko moves to where she can do the most good, most likely picking off stragglers or defending.

    The idea is to either split your opponents focus and hold the outsides, or (since torakage and ronin are both decent combatants) hold their own while the others claim 1 side of the board and make a push to aid them.

  6. Okay, i've read through this and come to the decision that I don't want to be offensive to anybody with my models any more. That's why when I get home tonight, I'm pulling all of my models out, green-stuffing over the faces and revealing body parts so there are no facial features or overly exposed skin, file down anything that could be used to determine gender, and painting all still showing flesh to be the same unified grey color with little to no definition.

    There's nothing offensive left, right? RIGHT?

  7. I'm just wondering about people's opinions of playing Misaki as an Outcast rather than 10 Thunders, and also how you'd go about playing her.

    Right now, ;m under the impression that there are 2 ways of going about playing her.

    The first would be as an Outcast in name mostly. What I mean by this is taking a lot of her normal upgrades and all 4 Last Blossom models like you normally would, but fill in the holes with ronin, gunslingers, and other Mercs shes used to.

    The other way would be to circumvent Last Blossom all together and use more of a Viks or Von Schill type crew of Mercs, just with Misaki at the lead rather than one of the other 2.

  8. This came up the other day, so I'm looking for some confirmation.

    Incorporeal: This model ignores, and

    is ignored by, other models and terrain

    during any movement or push. Reduce all

    damage this model suffers from Sh and Ml

    Attack Actions by half.

    Now, if I'm not mistaken, there is nothing about LoS in that ability. This would also mean that Incorporeal models DO block LoS. The ignoring of models only pertains to movement and pushes, correct?

  9. Welcome, Atomic Empire will be hosting its first M2E tournament on October 12th, 2013. So if you're in the area, come on out and play.

    Atomic Empire

    3400 Westgate Dr

    Durham, NC 27707

    (919) 490-7900


    Registration 10:00 AM

    Game 1 - 11:30 AM

    Lunch - 1:00 PM

    Game 2 - 2:00 PM

    Game 3 - 3:30 PM

    The tournament will using 2nd Edition rules.

    At registration, players will select a single faction to use for the tournament.

    Players will play 3 rounds of 40ss games. Strategies and Schemes will be announced before the start of each round. Players will be paired using Swiss pairings, with ties determined by accumulated VP and VP Differential.

    There is no registration fee, but plenty of prize support will still be provided.

    Only Wave 1 models will be allowed in this tournament. Fully painted models are preferred, but not required. Proxies and conversions are allowed as long as the model doesn't cause confusion over what it represents.

  10. I seem to remember some people around here being pretty upset by the concept of "If you don't like it then leave" not too long ago.

    I believe you missunderstood me. I don't mean leave here. I meant don't listen to the podcast or read his blog if your just going to attack or other agreeing with him.

  11. Bill has all the right in the world to say what he thinks and feels, specially in his own channels (his blog and podcast). He did the episode by popular demand afterall. On the other side, there is quite a bit of hostility in there, I fail to see how others haven't noticed this. His hostility doesn't seem so much based on the rules themselves as much as how his current relations stand with Wyrd. I have no idea what happened, so I won't even pretend to guess who is "in the right" on that front, but it makes every ounce of sense to me that it taints his vision of everything, specially with all the passion he has poured into the game. It's not like a big number of us here haven't gone into a big hate diatribe about Games Workshop for example.

    While I personally disagree with a lot of what Bill and Spencer talked about, I certainly found it interesting to finally hear both of their opinions fully expressed. And while I did notice a certain amount of disdain for Wyrd coming from Bill, I'm glad that he would stop himself before he started down the road of bashing either Wyrd or any of it's employees.

    As for everybody snapping at each other, it's time to stop. As Razhem said, Bill's blog and podcast are his little corner of the internet. Don't like the opinion or get upset by it, then just leave because snapping and attacking others for their opinions never ends well, for either side that might be doing it.

  12. But you can get witchling stalkers in blisters? Some special cases you can get them separate to add more :)

    Unfortunately I think Gorbad is deadon. As much as I would like to see certain models that will probably be in boxes also be made available as individual sets, It's probably not going to happen. What I would like to see wyrd do potentially is give the option to order individual sprues. That way a person can order just the witchling stalker sprue they want or a sprue for just 1 model in the box set.

  13. Just got mine! It's awesome!! No more arguing with noobs and its schmantzy! Great price too!! :D

    So obviously these have all come in and I'm working on putting them together. It's not fast work and with other family duties they will take time, but I will update when I've got enough to warrent putting them up for everyone to buy.

  14. I think making Pandora's crew into the 'spooky kid crew' would work. Nobody takes her with Kade or Iggy, even though you're supposed to fluff-wise, and even Candy is an unpopular choice. She's like Marcus in that her best options come from other people's armies. So yeah, balance the abilities on the kids to compliment Pandora better. Also, when making her new sculpt, give the poor woman some pants. She is supposed to be infiltrating Malifaux, not standing out because she's the one in a loincloth. Maybe go for an evil Mary Poppins look? A sinister looking governess and her trio of spooky kids...there's a bad thing waiting to happen, if ever there was one.

    I'm actually want to see how good a Dreamer crew could do this in 2.0. Just take all little kids and their toys.

  15. it'll be easy to tell once they've come out. Look for a burst of threads and posts on the matter, followed by more threads praising the update, others lamenting the update, others lamenting the people lamenting the update, rage quits, bursts of simply ecstatic joy and love... basically when the forums lose their collective minds in the span of about twenty minutes.

    I'm getting the popcorn ready and waiting for this to all unfold. No matter what the rules are, I expect a good show at the least.

  16. Also as a word of caution...If your opponents don't want to play against Nico or Yan Lo for being OP, then playing Leveticus will most certainly make them rage quit. There are many times that I've had Leveticus essentially take on the entire enemy crew alone and still come out on top.

  17. I've only ordered red lasers at this time, but I can place an order for greens and 1 blue (all the manufacturer has at this time) Prices on those are $30 (+S&H). I also need to know if your getting one soon so that I can get the laser ordered.

  18. OK so update time, and I'll put this on the OP as well, but I've ordered all the parts. I'm being told that I should have the cases by the 17th of May and the Lasers by the 17th of June. I'm planning on prepping all of the cases in advance so that when the lasers get in I can make them quickly and get them sent out. When they are ready I'm going to update here and put them up on an etsy.com account for people to purchase them. As for price, each of these will cost about $10 (+S&H), since there was enough desire to warrant buying the parts in bulk.

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