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Posts posted by CrouchingMoose

  1. Don't have the book but I think that crew would have less soul stones...rogue necro cost 12ss not 10 which gives a total cache of 5

    Also is there a way you could make lost love be able to cast easier...such as giving him a crow for his ca?

  2. 1. Toss up between Tenant and Smith (but leaning torwards fish fingers and custard

    2. Amy/ Donna (cause they don't take crap from people, even the dr.)

    3.Weeping angels by far (daleks and cybermen just don't seem to have much life to them and just sound annoying)

    4. DR's Wife followed by Blink

  3. Do we know if and when these will be coming out? I have heard about some changes to cards that I don't really remember and won't be able to ensure until these come out. (ie. I remember something about Jack daws abilities not being able to be hexed off but I Could be completly off base with that)

  4. I'm probably the only one that has this problem but I just can't seem to get kirai near enough to what's being killed to get the extra seishens to keep sacrificing for summoning...and the seishen I do have just don't seem to get used for summoning because nothing I want to kill seems to die but kirai is just taking damage from everything else...this could also be due to the fact that I've only ever gotten to take kirai against lilith and some mature nephilim

  5. Failing that convert up some zombies from other MX models, zombie ronin, zombie gremlins, zombie silurids etc. Bit of green stuff and you're good.

    This actually gave me a good idea to paint some stolen as zombies and use those (zombie kids)...I think I'm going to use living impaired from wyrds twisted line before expanding to other models that allready have a purpose for malifaux.

    And yes I do have the original 3 MZs, this is just cause I'm wanting more and the game that inspired this had nicodem trying to pump things out as fast as he could.(summoned Rogue Necro twice in a row cause lilith smacked it down before it could activate the first time.

  6. I have a question about both sonnia and kaeris flame wall spell.

    It says that the spell can only be cast once per turn...what exactly does the wording on it mean...I understand ice pillars is once per crew, but is flame wall a once per turn for both crews or once per model or what?

  7. Is it permissible to use another Wyrd model that has been "converted"? Currently thinking the Living Impaired from the Twisted line for mindless zombies or Imps from that same line for terror totos as examples. Unless major conversion is done using other Malifaux models could cause some confusion, but the Twisted line has no rules associated and therefore are easily seen as proxy types.

    Seconded. This would be great in my case since it would give a lot more options with Living impaired, plus those seem like they could be converted much more easily than normal mZ

  8. I know that wyrd really prefers all of the models being used in an official tournament be officially released models, but what should a player do when they have a swarm model that could show up in large numbers (ie. Gaki, mindless zombies) and wyrd has only released a few sculpts for those models. I know most people on here don't like having duplicate sculpts on the table if possible so they don't look like cookie cutter models.

    Is wyrd ok with using proxies in an instance where you allready have 4 gaki ( official sculpts) on the table and you now need to use a 5th similar looking model from another model line?

  9. I was actually drawn to nico long before seamus...actually...i still dont like him...theres just something about his model that irks me and he feels the least resser of the 4. I mean McM builds monsters from dead bodyparts, Kirai summons spirits of the dead, and Nico is the zombie master...Seamus only leads undead hookers which only gets you so far.

  10. As a player who does both arcanists and ressers, I will say that yes it is true that you opponents will hate how much harder it is to keep your stuff down...however against lady j that your friend plays...picking kirai or seamus is a much smarter choice than mcmourning or nico( so that's a plus) since those 2 use corpse counters a lot less if at all. Personally I like both against lady j (when my other option is nicodem?) but seamus will stand up to her much better than kiari will.

  11. So this is partially a request for models that would make good proxys for my MZs since I got the pack allready, there ar no alternate sculpts and the conversion options on those 3 seems fairly limited (If some one has a good suggestion for conversions on those 3 then please let me know.

    I allready found these which I kinda like:http://wargamesfoundry.com/historical_ranges/single_packs/old_west/cowboys/zombie_gunfighters!_ow010/

    My other part to this is a question about using these proxies in tournaments...I know that as long as the players are okay with it then there is no problem...i also understand not allowing unreleased models to be proxied in a tournamentas well as allowing only wyrds official sculpts in official tournaments. But what are you supposed to do if during an official tournament, your playing nicodem and you arise 7 corpse counters and you only have 1 of each official MZ, would it be okay if you used a nonWyrd proxy during an official tournament for that circumstance.I understand not allowing proxies for pieces that might only ever need 1 or 2 of during an official game, but what about for some of these resser pieces that can show up in mass (ie. MZs)?

    I ask because once I've gotten better at the game I would like to be able to play any of my crews to its fullest extent with out (a lot ) of duplicate models that are just painted different (espically since this game is character driven and I like that all the models don't look like clones of each other as they do with 40k)

  12. Both can function just fine out of the box...to an extent.

    They both do need some added bonuses to really shine.

    Both need a totem (Essence of Power for Raspy, Mobile Toolkit for Ramos).

    Raspy could use a silent one at the least and some faster models(most prefer cerberus, hoarcat pride X2, or mechanical rider once its out)

    Ramos defenitly needs more Steampunk arachnids, unless you magnetize the bases so you can swap them from 50mm to 30mm.

    I would also consider adding some more speed to both of them with something like corphyees just because the duet is fast and powerful.

    All of that aside, yes they can function REASONABLY out of the box, but don't be surprised to find your self wishing for more to help fix the crews weaknesses.

  13. My gf is toying with the idea of learning to play malifaux so she can play with me and she's having a bit of trouble picking a starting crew... she's looking at the 3 guild ladys and the viks.

    I'm leaning torwards the viks for for her only because she and I would have a better model selection between the 2 of us, because the only guild model I have right now is peacekeeper.

    I play raspy, ramos, levi, nico, and kirai. We would also like to find a crew for her that is easy to pick up never having played wargames like this before and could easily do well against my crews.

    What are your suggestions?

  14. If someone can come up with the logic behind the crew maker (looking at you ratty)...I could program both the iOS app as well as an android one...however I would need someone elses help to style the apps to look good :)...

    The only adendum to this is I would require permission from wyrd to work on apps such as these since they do own all intellectual property that would be involved with the app.

  15. I know that nicodem can draw line of sight through vultures when he is casting spells. I just want to get a grasp on the limits to this ability. Can he only do this with spells like rigor mortis and decay, or could he use this trick for spells such as reanimator or bolster undead. Also could he use this for an ability like arise, or is it limited to only spells (don't have the cards handy to check).

  16. So I'm having trouble getting the crooked men to be useful for me...the shafted markers they place rarely hit anything...what am I missing, should I be droping the shafts after the one I want to target has activated? Or should I just use it as a deterrent to keep people from moving through lanes I don't like?

    Also at the end when the shafts are counted, can a single model be hit with multiple shafted markers? (Could I put 3 on 1 guy and spike the damage on him?

  17. I will say that if you get Kirai, jack daw is a must. But I'm finding a lot of uses for him in most crews. Anytime I need some kind of delivery vehicle or deterrent, he fits in the spot. Only time he hasn't helped is when I need to deal damage to something.

    The reason I like him for targetting with the blasts is the same reason I've been told to target my golem or gamin, only he doesn't explode and deal more damage.

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