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Posts posted by CrouchingMoose

  1. I really like all of these suggesstions, but i allready have jack and the hanged and i dont really play neverborn. All i really play right now is nico, ramos, levi, kirai and raspy and im really big on expanding where my synergy is...my current thought are...i could proxy all of collodi and but similar wrapping vines on all the puppets, or i could paint him to look diseased a bit and do hamelin...could also probably pull off a marcus. Any other suggestions?

  2. I was looking at some suggesstions for my hanging tree model, and i came across some people recommending this from Privateer Press as a great option.http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/circle-orboros/warlocks/cassius-the-oathkeeper-wurmwood-tree-of-fate

    After looking around at prices because all i really want is the tree, i came to the realization that i could buy the box set cheaper than the tree on its own from the parts store.

    This leaves me with the problem of having the extra model for cassius that i would like to get on the table...i was wondering what people thought i could use cassius as a proxy for?

  3. I looked at the shelf I keep all of my models on and started to notice something that made me think to do this. With all of the newer and more 'competetive' models being released, there seem to be quite a few models that are falling by the wayside because they're 'useless'. I would like to put a thread together that lists these minions and the circumstances under which they could still be useful to take.

    To start it off, I'm going to take on an old classic, the Ice Golem.

    Now, no one would believe that he is an offensive model by any means, but lets take a look at using him as a minion in a defensive stratgies. With his statue ability, he works great at absorbing hits while also keeping your formation (unable to be pushed). Plus your opponent does not want to be standing near him when he finally gets taken down. All of this makes him much more survivable minion for defensive strategies. He also comes with frozen heart on his own...this is great for the ice mirror ability since Rasputina can be kept further back from him while still casting through him. While its only a couple of inches at best, that can still be the difference of being hit in the face with a powerful charge and being just far enough away to continue nuking.

    So for Ice Golem:

    Autoinclude? Definantly not

    Use Competetively? Most likely not

    Usually take? Probably not under most situations

    Take under greatly beneficial circumstances? Will consider

  4. Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap

    7 Pool

    Essence of Power [2ss]

    • Hoarcat Pride

    • Hoarcat Pride

    • Hoarcat Pride

    • Hoarcat Pride

    • Hoarcat Pride

    • Hoarcat Pride

    It's not gonna be super competetive unless your playing against somer, where you can "effectively" eat all of your opponents models (doesn't seem to work so well against Hamelin)

  5. OK trying to use the Croligans has a objective denial/blocker instead.

    If you've got Molly you can give the first Crooligan a 9" walk, followed by Mist. 2nd crooligan Curiosity calls and positions itself infront of the 1st crolligan (total 10" so far) then moves 4" for a total 15" move with the 2nd Crooligan, should be just about right :)

    Actually, iirc for the first crooligan to have a wk of 9, you would have to use the mist before moving. Then after the second, uses curiosity calls, its in a friendly mist and gets +2 wk...putting it closer to 17" (9 for first crool, ~1 for curiosity calls, 6 for second walk)

  6. Calmdown, can you go into (in as much detail is possible) how you go about modularizing your crew creation. As it is for me, I'm just sort of thinking of stuff that works well together but I usually end up either to low on ss or have enough ss and end up cutting something that could have compeletly changed the game. I'm just kinda looking for as much general information from people who are more competetive pros since most people I play against have lots of experience from a bunch of other games.

  7. I would personally look into some crooked men since they deal out blasts. I've noticed that pandora doesn't handle blasts targetted at any surrounding sorrows all that well. And if she's all alone, she is typically much less of a threat than if shes got decent backup. Basically, look for something that can put lots of blasts out there and try and target things around pandora, that way she can't use maryter to move a hit on her to something else, plus you don't have to worry about beating her WP duel she uses for defense.

    P.S. I would also consider Sue (just came out) he can boost every friendly's WP by 2 within 4in. and is generally a great counter to Pandora and Zorida.

  8. So im finally getting a close to caught up on models ive wanted from books 2 and 3 and i finally got to these gold mines...I finally got them into a game against Leveticus and we decided to call the game after the first activation of round 2 when the duet killed both Leveticus and his waif in 1 activation.

    The one question i have from the experience is, i said where i was moving to(straight line), stopped part way to attack and got the trigger to push. At this point i get fuzzy on what happens...do i push, the continue walking and if so, does the walk have to be towards the spot i was allready declared as walking to or can i continue walking in a new direction?

  9. One of Ramos requirements seems a tad unclear to me

    It says to summon electrical creation or construct spider twice.

    Which one does it mean:

    1. (Summon Electrical Creation) or (Construct spider X 2)

    2. (Summon electrical creation or Construct Spider) X 2

    I assume it is the second because the first one is just to easy imo.

  10. It makes perfect sense you use the first action and apply the bonus...once that is resolved...you check the distance. If it is within 4in, you then cast seduction as a free but seperate action. This is because the bonus says it applies to the listed actions, so no other actions apply the bonus regardless of the amount of ap used.

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