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Everything posted by Uncle

  1. Right now, it looks like my "standard" (IE, just putting things together here) would be something like this: Big Hat: Som'er, 2x Skeeters Lenny, Georgy and Olaf, Old Cranky, Banjonista, Good Ol' Boy, Big Brain Brin (7 Cache) Tri-Chi: Brewmaster w/12 Cups of Coffee, Wesley, Fingers, Cooper, Whiskey Golem, Whiskey Gamin, 2x Moon Shinobi (I know, Fermented River Monks are better) (5 cache) Kin: Ophelia w/Inferiority Complex, 3x Young, Sammy, Francois, Merris, Rami, Gautreaux Bokor, 2x Raider (3 cache) I know, I know, I'll need to swap things up for various schemes and whatnot, but this is just a sort of standard go-to. Although, I gotta be honest, I didn't change things up much if at all with Colette in the past.
  2. I started off playing Malifaux way back in 2nd when Colette came out and have pretty much only used her. I became pretty good with her locally, but then I had to move away from my FLGS and things sort of died down. Took at look when 3rd came out and I am really, really glad to see that the Bayou is now its own faction as opposed to being an offshoot of Outcasts. As such, I'm looking to get started up again, but this time with my favorite bunch of swap nutters. So, here's what I'm thinking about picking up along the way. Big Hat seems to be the creme de la swamp, more or less, plus Som'er has always had a smelly place in my heart. It seems like Lenny, Georgy, and Ol' Cranky are pretty much shoo-ins on any Big Hat list, plus maybe a Banjonista and a Crier. Outside of Skeeters, is there anything in particular I should be looking to add? I'm also a huge fan of the Brewmaster because I, well, brew. I know Tri-Chi isn't the best keyword out there, but it seems like one can make a semi-decent Tri-Chi list just from three boxes, which is kind of nice. Plus, let's be honest, the Whiskey Golem is too cool not to include. Also, I've always been a fan of the Kin, but I haven't seen a lot of discussion about them. It seems like you basically just want Ophelia with as many of the named Kin as possible, Merris for objective running, and the Young because of course you want young. Any particular advice there? I have to admit, I'm not a huge fan of Wong, Ulix, or Zipp (just an appearance thing) and Mah I can take or leave, but she would come at a much later date. So basically, any advice for someone getting back into the game and just getting into the Bayou?
  3. Do you still have LCB and Miss Pack for sale, and if so, how much are you looking for each?

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