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Posts posted by Darguth

  1. Well, 2 things about your list that stand out to me to begin with. First Francois is not very shooty to be included in a Gunline list. He's by no means bad at it, but he's not of the caliber of Ophelia or Rami. Secondly, you probably don't need that large of a SS cache for Som'er as he'll hopefully not see too much combat. Ophelia can use it, but keeping her alive is not that high of a priority when she's not leading the crew.

    I'd likely take the soulstones from Francois and a couple from your cache and buy more bros to start with.

    The 2x skeeters is a good starting point. Swig one up to full or near-full health on Turn 1 and send it forward with your gunline to suck cards out of the opponent's hand. Then leave the other one to sit with Som'er and Larva more into life if you need them. With the high Cb values of Ophelia and Rami you shouldn't need the Alpha Stank tactic to successfully bring down tougher models like Lilith or Perdita.

    As for how the list plays there is one very important thing to always keep in mind: your Bayou Gremlins are 100% expendable and should be played as such. Don't fret about running them into a group of baddies after triggering Deliverance or using Y'all Watch This to take out a low Df big nasty, especially if Ophelia can give them Dumb and Lucky first. You can even use Aim High and Used To It (I think that's the name of it) from the Lacroixs to reduce the number of self-inflicted casualties you create too, but don't worry about it *too* much.

    Basically you'll want to use skeeters to draw cards from the opponent and then just overwhelm them with the sheer number of Strikes you perform so that eventually they start hitting home, and when they do they can do some very, very serious damage. Use Ophelia and Rami for high-threat targets. Meanwhile Som'er should just sit somewhere in relative safety churning out new bros and sending them forward as fully healed as possible.

    That's the list in a nutshell. I'm sure others can give more detailed advice.

  2. Perhaps this was asked and answered already in the thread here, but what alternate sculpt are you using for the Lost Love there (since Wyrd's obviously isn't out yet)?

    Also, absolutely beautiful models. I could say more but it all sums up to "beautiful" anyway, so I'll just leave it at that.

    You happen to do commissions? My gremlins aren't gonna paint themselves and I sure don't seem to have the motivation to do it :)

  3. In a 35 or 40ss scrap is there a point to working in Ophelia or any of the family? Or would that just water down the Somer team?

    Rami is an excellent edition most of the time simply because he can get up to Df:7 which shores up one glaring weakness of Som'er's crew: very low Cb ratings.

    Pere could work into an AOE-centric list using Taxidermist/Stuffed Piglets pretty well. Especially if using the Pigapult. If you *really* want to go nuts with it you can include him with Ophelia herself and use her ability to activate the Pigapult and Pere simultaneously so after he get's shot by the 'pult he can immediately start spewing fire.

    Ophelia is just a generally strong model, she's pretty much always worth considering even for her soulstone cost. She'll work best in a Gremlin Gunline though, so if you're thinking of bringing a lot of pigs/skeeters she's perhaps not your best choice because you'll lose out on the effectiveness of her (0) utility actions like Oooh a girl! and Dumb and Lucky (think I got those names right).

    Francois and Raphael are probably the least likely to be used with Som'er. They just don't really complement either any of his most common playstyles, in my opinion anyway. Those playstyles being the Gremlin Gunline, Piggy Corralling, or AOE-focused builds (alpha stank, stuffed piggies, etc).

    If anyone has some good tactics regarding the use of either Francois or Raphael with Som'er I'd be very interested though in hearing them, I really like their backstory more than Rami and Pere but they just seem to both be slightly weaker models overall and don't fit as well with Som'er's playstyles.

  4. Its my normal style, well, sort of. I like using rami and one other, and usually the slop hauler.

    What's target priority vs 'Dita in her usual builds?

    It really depends on a number of factors: opportunity, board position, victory conditions, etc. However, here are some general thoughts:

    If the opportunity presents itself to splash a Young Lacroix with the Slop Hauler such that you can cheat the damage flip to get the Blast and paint Perdita with it that should likely be your #1 opportunity at all times IMO. She is an absolutely devastating model and with Df:8 even your best Cb models like Rami and Ophelia will have problems with her. Not to mention she'll punish you for any bad draws against her with shooting. If you can get that combo off, preferably with some liberal use of Companion (Kin) so that Rami or someone can take shots at her immediately that's your best bet.

    After that you're going to want to target probably Papa Loco because you'll have a high number of models and his AOE will hurt you much more than Som'er since you can't re-summon lost bros. Santiago has similarly destructive AOE capabilities, so don't underestimate that. He's also harder to take down so don't forget about Hard to Kill or you might find yourself eating lead that you thought you had time to prevent.

    Nino is a very powerful model but probably not that high of a priority since you have the ranged firepower to answer his bite. You'll probably lose several models to him while you take down the more immediate threats, just try to mitigate that by making sure they are your cheap and expendable models. Nino also has very little in the way of protection so if you can get a Bayou Gremlin in range you might consider trying to pop him in one shot with Y'all Watch This!.

    Francisco and the Nephilim will probably be your lowest priorities. Francisco seems best suited for taking out large, high Wd models...of which you have none. And the Nephilim's only real threat is Obey but if you can take Perdita out he'll lose that.

  5. Update #2 - Minefield : In first post!

    I've been on a roll, two terrain pieces in two nights. Not too shabby considering I'm a full-time software professional too (I think my work is driving me to do something fun with my time :D)!

    Anyway, I've been wanting to make these minefields for quite awhile so I'm glad to have one finished. I was going to make these for W40k originally, but I think they'll be even more interesting in Malifaux where there are so many Push effects ::evil grin::

    So, I'm debating if I want to add the fallen leaf cover to this piece like I did for the swamp and forest pieces. I'm just not sure if you'd find too many leaves in an open field. Opinions?

  6. Honestly I don't know that much about the Freikorps, so I can only really speak about the gremlins. If you choose the gremlins you will either love them or hate them I feel. They are challenging to play well, but if you're just in it for laughs they have a lot of flavor to the army. They also offer a decent variety of group compositions, but you may find yourself pigeon-holed into taking certain choices depending on your opponent because just have very few answers to certain types of threats.

    I was disheartened when I first grabbed the Gremlins and started playing them, but once you get look in the nooks and crannies for your different options they're not so bad. And as I've said they have a lot of flavor to them :)

    If you're new I might suggest starting with Ophelia Lacroix's "Kin" crew instead of Som'er Teeth Jones to start with, she's just a bit more stronger and easier to start with I think. Once you get a hang of some of the Gremlin antics you could then build up Som'er and start include piggies and skeeters to your collection :)

  7. If you ask for the main LaCrox then I can't tell. They were done really bright and when I varnished them I did something wrong (not shaking enough I guess) and they all went frosty white. I was nearly crying. To rescue situation I gave them liberal, heavy devlan mud wash. Twice I think. Pere and regular Gremlins are just Devlan muded twice on top of normal colours. I'm no artist and this is just tabletop painting. I really wanted to have them ready for next week tournament.

    PS. This is how they look. I adjusted brightnes a bit in Photoshop, but only for the true colours. :) I'm happy you like it.

    Heh, that's funny that the muted colors were a mistake even though I came in and thought they looked fantastic that way. Gave them a real "dusty, windswept, Western" feel to the models.

    Regardless, they look good :)

  8. Sounds pretty fun, glad to see success for the greenskinned good ol' boys :)

    Two questions:

    1.) Why not have just replaced on of the bland Bayou Gremlins for the 3rd Young Lacroix, for the same cost they seem almost universally superior?

    2.) How did Raphael do for you in such a shooty dominant list? What were your specific goals for him?

  9. Just wanted to say for a self-proclaimed painting-newb that your first minis turned out quite well. Just keep working at it and they'll only get better. Advanced techniques aside (i.e. using washes, highlighting, shading etc.) I think that one thing you could focus on to improve your painting without changing your overall techniques yet would be to thin out your paints a bit before applying them.

    This is a pretty typical mistake by first-time painters, they just don't get their paint to the right consistency before applying it to the model which can sometimes make it look blotchy or congealed. Multiple, thinner coats will get you a smoother look.

    I'm by no means a painting expert, but I know I made this mistake myself when I first started out. But, as I said to start, this minis are really good for a first attempt.

  10. Though in seriousness, was a lot of fun, glad I was able to make it out, even if I didn't win a game (even though I *thought* I won the last one), still had a blast, and thought the Tourny setup was awesome. Looking forward to any other events you guys have up your sleeves for the future.

    I have to say, I'm very curious as to how you thought you won but hadn't? What's the story there? :D

  11. the pigapult is perfect for taking out both waifs in a single turn, one piglet gets you 3 shots with the pigapult that ignore LOS.

    It really helps prevent Levi killing himself each turn as you can out-activate him and drop the waifs after his whole crew has gone.

    Great suggestion with that, I really like that idea. It's also a great way to punish the SPA's early movement before they can all activate their "immune to ranged" ability (the name of which escapes me). And it works well in concert with Som'er and a Taxidermist sittin' in the back summoning stuff.

  12. Any general advice on taking out Leveticus' crew? I'll likely be facing him sooner rather than later and wouldn't mind any foresight on how to tackle him. The anti-shooting on SPA really shuts down Bayou Gremlin gunlines in terms of shutting down the Desolation Engine summoning quickly.

    My general idea was to use Taxidermist/Stuffed Piglets and hopefully blast the SPA's apart with their pulse damage when the quad-SPA team gets too close. Also, the Taxidermist means that I can try to abuse some of the counters that might get left on the board and deprive Lev of them.

    Additionally, I'm thinking more often than not I need to try to sacrifice my own guys with Bacon Bomb and Y'all Watch This to try and prevent too many counters hitting the table. Which is a reason I like the Stuffed Piglet AOE approach over the skeeters, as the skeeters can be killed and leave corpses.

    Also, use Reckless often to keep my guys low on wounds, since the DE and SPA's heal off the number of wounds inflicted rather than their total damage output.

    I feel there are 3 main things to deal with against Lev:

    a.) Disrupting the SPA's early to stall the Engine getting out.

    b.) Dealing with the Engine once it's summoned and in your face.

    c.) Killing Lev and his Waifs all in the same turn.

    I think Som'er can deal with (a) and (B) alright, in the ways I described above, but what's the best way of taking Lev himself out?

  13. If Mortimer is allowed to cheat Exhume, why can't we cheat Bacon Bomb?

    Because Exhume specifically was Errata'd to be cheatable. Otherwise you're only ever allowed to cheat something in 3 scenarios:

    1.) During a Duel where you don't have a negative twist.

    2.) For a Damage Flip where you don't have a negative twist.

    3.) When a flip specifically states it can be cheated.

    Since Bacon Bomb's flip is neither for a duel or a damage flip it can't be cheated unless it says it can specifically. Which it doesn't, unfortunately.

  14. Is someone from New Orleans' date=' Darguth?[/quote']

    No, I'm from the Detroit-Metro area. My girlfriend of nearly 4 years has spent the last several years living and working in New Orleans though, so I've made dozens of trips to the area. I'm also Catholic, so the Voodoo connection to my faith in that area of the world is interesting and I've looked into it a bit just to see what it's about.

  15. They worship Gods called Loa (such as Baron Samedi) i belive Loa was mentioned in book 2 by one of the gemlins and there was some sort of ritual sacrifise as well

    Loa are actually spirits, not really gods necessarily. Though some loa are more powerful than others and have greater spheres of influence. Also, each subset of Voodooism has it's own set of (quite malleable) beliefs. Louisiana Voodooism for instance was highly influenced by French and Spanish Catholicism. For the most part they believe in a single high God (such as the Father of the Holy Trinity) and that Saints such as St. Peter etc. are one-and-the-same with more traditional voodoo loa (St. Peter taking the place of the African Vudu's "Legba" for instance).

    Taken straight from wikipedia:

    "The core beliefs of Louisiana Voodoo include the recognition of one God who does not interfere in people's daily lives and spirits that preside over daily life. Spiritual forces, which can be kind or mischievous, shape daily life through and intercede in the lives of their followers. Connection with these spirits can be achieved through dance, music, singing, and the use of snakes, which represent Legba, Voodoo's "main spirit conduit to all others."[2] Unlike the Judeo-Christian image, the Voodoo serpent represents "healing knowledge and the connection between Heaven and Earth."[2] Deceased ancestors can also intercede in the lives of Voodoo followers.[2]"

    But, the simple fact that Wyrd has included Zoraida as a voodoo practitioner means that the game *does* have a religious minister/leader/practitioner present in the game.

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