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Posts posted by Korrova

  1. I did realize after I posted this that I cannot include both Ryle and Collodi in the same list. The Special Forces limits prevents them from being used together.

    That does leave about 11 points open, minus the number of soulstones you might want. Anyone have any suggestions of what to use for the last points in this list?

  2. I was looking through the two books as I'm beginning to delve into the possibilities involving Leveticus. I've played both Ressers and Neverborn and am looking to start this crew.

    I read through the different tactics articles and rules questions involving Levi, and it often seems that mobility is an issue with him.

    I was wondering if anyone had looked into running Collodi and Marionettes with him. Collodi gives you a very resilient, mobile henchmen to run around and work on strategies and schemes while Levi moves headlong into your opponent's crew and causes destruction.

    A possible sample crew:


    Rusty Alyce - 8

    Ryle - 8

    Collodi - 8

    Marionette - 2

    Marionette - 2

    Marionette - 2

    Marionette - 2

    Soulstone Cache - 3

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?

  3. Alondir -

    I've played that list a few times and it's been quite successful.

    One thing of note: Don't be afraid to use Coppelius to stab the Lelu and take an eye. You can usually get an eye or two with his trigger on turn one, and between the Lelu's regen and Liitu's healing he comes out barely scathed.

    This allows you to either summon an alp, or to go into the fights on turn two with an eye counter ready to heal.

    One lone alp can still be useful for scenario interacts and such. I've sent a daydream off to the far corner of a board, unburied a lone alp. Use the alp to interact, and then have the Daydream bury them both on the next turn. You can get to a far objective without having to travel back.

    Just a couple thoughts...

  4. I have a friend who's been running Collodi and Co. with Zoraida and the Dopple. He uses the doll group for object grabbing, and for a Killjoy delivery system. He's been able to drop a Killjoy on a mostly activated crew and do immense damage before much can be done to him.

  5. I'd suggest bringing at least two daydreams, as they are integral to The Dreamer's strategy. That makes:

    Dreamer / LCB

    Daydream (1) - 2

    Daydream (2) - 2

    Teddy (1) - 9

    Teddy (2) - 9

    Stitched Together - 5

    Total: 27

    You have the five nightmares for the five soulstones.

    With only eight points left, you could only bring two alps, and I find them more effective when you have at least three, and Coppelius is a good addition to them. Also this doesn't leave you with enough points for the Lelu / Lilitu combo. This leaves another Stitched, or Insidious Madness.

    The Stitched would leave you at 32 points, and you would then have the full eight stones.

    You could go with two Insidious Madness and be at an even 35 points. You'd be shorter on stones, but have two other models that are both very maneuverable and with PE they are very useful.

    Much of this final decision comes down to how much you feel you need the stones vs. an extra model. In my experience LCB is a huge target, and the bonus stones usually come in very handy.

  6. Those were exactly the questions that I was looking for answers to.

    I like to be able to send one daydream and something inconsequential (like one lone alp) to interact with objectives. Then I bury them both and The Dreamer brings them back to where the fight is happening.

    Also, the "buffs" not dropping off if your in the closing phase makes every daydreams and alps always have a -1 Willpower bubble from the first turn onward. Pretty strong...

  7. Couple questions regarding LCB and the burying tricks:

    1. If you use an ability with no described end time then it ends during the closing phase. If you use one of these abilities and then bury the user, is the ability still active since he never experienced a closing phase?

    2. Can a Daydream use magical extension to bury any nnumber of nightmares within 6" of himself and include himself?

  8. I'm currently playing in a league at my FLGS and I'm running The Dreamer as my master. So far I've put in about 10 or so games with him, and I've tried two different lists. (League is 35 pts.)

    List 1

    The Dreamer / LCB

    Daydream x2

    Teddy x2

    Stitched Together x2

    Stones x8

    List 2

    The Dreamer / LCB

    Daydream x2



    Alp x4

    Stones x6

    Both lists have worked quite well, and some of the insight from Karn's tactica article has served me well. I've played against a wide variety of masters and through many different strategies. In my opinion LCB is actually rather balanced.

    I usually have to do my best to hide The Dreamer each game, and if I fail to do that he dies very easily. The Stones are almost always used defensively, either to boost defensive flips or to prevent damage. If the dreamer dies, then the list reverts to a few slightly over-costed models with no tricks. Glass cannons with no tricks don't last too long.

    In my opinion Wyrd did a good job designing this master and the accompanying nightmares. He can be quite effective with different list styles, and to me this is a mark of good design. I'd much rather have something that can be effective doing it's job in different ways with different builds than something that is purely overpowered if you take the one specific "tourney list." The ability to accomplish this in one book with an entirely new set of models is quite commendable.

    Anyway, in many games the "glass cannon" style army is often seen as broken early on, as it tends to protect itself with a variety of tricks that the opponent isn't used to seeing. Once more people get used to the way that the Dreamer plays and figure out where the weak points are, then it will take some true finesse to really be good with him.

  9. I've played LCB in half a dozen games and he's been good but not the powerhouse that you are speaking of. I've won more than I've lost, but there has often been a pivotal point in the game that brought me victory. Once more people get used to him I feel that his power will diminish somewhat.

    As an aside, I find it funny that the first knee-jerk reaction thread that I've seen on these forums came from someone who's sig reads:

    Dear Wyrd,

    Rock is broken cuddle please!!!!

    Paper is balanced just fine.



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